Not nearly as many shinies on this one, but I did use a few of BehindtG's OCs (would've used Danny in Gen III if it weren't for the much-needed Bloodstone smexiness), so it's all gewd |3
Oh Arceus I hope she doesn't mind me using her OCs on another meme again ._.;
As for Xanthe (only drawn him twice before this), other than his eyes being a bit too far apart, I'm particularly happy with how he turned out. Yeah, HE. As in, THAT ROSERADE OC IS A MALE, PEOPLE. ASDFLOLWTF
Overall, this one could've been better (Giratina and Shezmu look like complete crap) but a few of these (Cranidos, Skorupi, Darkrai, Merry and Magnezone) I'm VERY happy with, so it's alright I guess.