Definitely my favorite generation EVAR. Anyone who knows even the slightest bit about me knows that. I've explained why about ten million times, so I might as well not start yet another speech here.
Why Bloodstone instead of Gem and Sky instead of Drika, you might ask?
The answer's kind of painfully obvious... They'll be on the meme that includes all generations, so rather than using them twice, I used other OCs of the same specie.
Sorry, Chalky. I like Bloodstone just a tad more. And by a "tad" I mean a very BIG "tad." but hey-- I am working on a very cute mini comic that will have Chalky and Paschel in it :3
By the way, anyone remember that one Grovyle named Pine I drew that one time like 3 years ago? Since he's a deleted Oc who literally never had anything other than a design, a specie, and a name, I decided I can do whatever the Hell I wanted with him. He's shiny nao.