an advice.. do not print it in the position that appears. for example the head should be printed upside down, so there will not supports on the hair or face... position is always important, try to put the pointy parts pointing up always.. like the fingers :)
an advice.. do not print it in the position that appears. for example the head should be printed
Yeah, I set the arms so the fingers are up and shouldn't need supports, and I tried to minimize supports in general. Though I couldn't really find a good angle for the ponytail, so I'll have to see how that comes out.
I'm printing each part individually, so if one doesn't come out I can adjust it and try again, rather than 'print everything that fits on the plate'. Partly because the way my luck has been running, I get 40 hours into a 60 hour high-res print and my power goes out.
I'm using a Monoprice Maker Select Plus. It's reliable and remarkably low on 'pain in the neck adjustments' but it's not fast.
Yeah, I set the arms so the fingers are up and shouldn't need supports, and I tried to minimize supp
the Monoprice Maker Select Plus looks like a prusa 3 clone.. a good budget price printer...
another advice.. after printing, you must use sandpaper to reduce the thickness of the pegs to make fit the parts ^^ specially on the head parts (horns and ponytail)
the Monoprice Maker Select Plus looks like a prusa 3 clone.. a good budget price printer... anothe
I'm having some sort of really bizarre problem with these prints. I think I must have had something set wrong in Cura when I sliced the parts. I'm going to have to recheck my settings and try again when I have some time later this week.
I'm having some sort of really bizarre problem with these prints. I think I must have had something
I did some testing and appeared to be having a slight underfeed problem with the printer, which I've fixed, but that wouldn't explain all the issues I had. Before I make another go at it, I wanted to ask, what infill percentage do you use?
I did some testing and appeared to be having a slight underfeed problem with the printer, which I've
Thank you so much for releasing this! A few of my friends have become mad Bowsette fans, so I may have to print this for a couple of them! It looks really great!
Thank you so much for releasing this! A few of my friends have become mad Bowsette fans, so I may ha