Technically she could always do that but all the excess fur on them made them a bit/slighly heavy and annoying,here she's a bit older and her ears are shaved and her patterns changed a bit ^^
Technically she could always do that but all the excess fur on them made them a bit/slighly heavy an
she needs more floof on those ears! x3 heh i like her more as a lop, she looks a little odd with her ears up x3 still cute though. heh i wonder what ikari will get her upright ears caught on (or who will catch them from above) xD
she needs more floof on those ears! x3 heh i like her more as a lop, she looks a little odd with her
Well technically 2 of my other characters had already recieved redesigns tho it wouldn't be out of the question/weird if one day you saw a zara or neon redesign as well. Or atleast a more recent drawing. :P
Tho idk for now the only one who might get a change would be zara (my white dragoness)
Well technically 2 of my other characters had already recieved redesigns tho it wouldn't be out of t