Commission #27
For Micman4202
“Uh… Hi Chi-Chi. L-Long time no see eh? Haha… ha…” Goku stood before his wife, rubbing the back of his head with a nervous giggle.
Chi-Chi stood at the door with her arms crossed and leering down at Goku. She looked really unamused. She wasn’t sad or crying in hysterics upon seeing her husband return to her after all these years in the body of a child. Not only did this feel like business as usual but it was business that she was over with.
“F-Funny story! I… uh… was training with Uub on the Lookout when the Pilaf gang came back and accidentally wished me as a kid ag-!” Goku began before Chi-Chi grabbed his arm and dragged him inside the house.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Chi-Chi grumbled before smiling as she began thinking over her brand-new way of coping with this.
The idea was that she wasn’t going to. She was done. She had no interest in having a tiny husband. No. What was the point? All he ever did was run off and do whatever he wanted, never once helping with money or finances. Not only that but all of their children were grown up and Pan was getting along fine learning from her dad and her much more affective, second Grandfather, Mr. Satan.
So, she was going to make this work for her. She’s always wanted a daughter after all…
“Uh… Chi-Chi…? W-Where are we going?” Goku asked before she finally stopped before the couch and sat down. Goku blinked in confusion before she reached down and lifted him up by his armpits, sitting him down onto her lap and placing her hand on his head.
Goku blinked and looked up at her, feeling himself blush a bit. She was kind of comfy and warm, though it was in a different way than he was used to. Before he could ask her what she was doing, he caught a wicked smile on her face as her fingers started to move about. She then reached down and began tickling Goku’s tiny body up and down his sides and under his armpits!
Goku’s eyes bugged out and he scrunched up his face. He lasted about a second before he burst out laughing and screaming, instant tears flowing from his eyes and down his cheeks.
“CHI-CHA! CHAHAHAHA! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA~!” Goku loudly began to laugh and flail about over her lap. She went from zero to sixty in such a quick manner that he hadn’t been prepared, though, it wouldn’t have mattered if he was. Goku was already rather ticklish in his adult form but his extremely sensitive skin was far more subjective to it as a child. Not only that, but all the struggling wasn’t helping much. His body was going limp with submissiveness due to the massive tickle torture weakening his childish hide. He couldn’t get away. It was like his kryptonite!
“Aww~! Such a cutie~!” Chi-Chi smirked. “You’ll make a fine baby girl, Goku.”
“BA-ABAHA?! AHAGGGAHHH~!” Goku tried to speak but his eyes rolled up as drool and tears spewed everywhere. He stopped struggling but felt his body splay out over her lap as she kept pouring the tickles on. Eventually though, he gathered enough muscle strength to pour every last bit of energy he had into begging! “N-NO! P-PWEASE! ST-STAHP! C-CAN’T! M-MERCYYYYYY~!”
Nope. No mercy for the weak. She kept going and eventually the wasted energy Goku had was spent reduced him back to babbling nonsense. However, it got even worse! Goku’s eyes started to cross into one another and his giggly mound started to jerk and twitch about. He wasn’t struggling anymore. His body had already submitted, but the look on his face suggested that his mind was too.
Chi-Chi raised a brow at this. She could tell this was out of the ordinary. No normal child would react to being tickled quite like this.
A “POP” sound went off in Goku’s brain. He snapped as he drooled and babbled like a baby. Chi-Chi saw this state and decided that now was the time to stop. She let go of him and watched him slump against her body.
He was such a cute little giggly dumb-dumb. His eyes were swirling with tears and drool saturating his face and body. He had a tiny bladder malfunction too, but not enough to be noticeable. Just a tiny squirt into his underwear and nothing much else. Still, he didn’t seem to care. When he tried to speak, all that came out was “Agabagaba… gabagoo…”
Chi-Chi scratched her head with a giggle. His mind was lost right now. What a strange phenomenon. Either way, that wasn’t exactly supposed to be the punishment. That was the bonding moment.
She lifted up the drooling monkey boy and laid him over her lap, tugging down his pants and briefs before taking several swats at his exposed butt. She was surprised that the first whap made his buns heat up. She grinned and kept it going, looking stern but happy as his bottom wiggled with each hit.
Goku jerked up and down with each hard smack, his bottom sizzling and turning a bright red as the spanking went on. However, his reaction remained the same. “Buuuah. Baaaaah…” came out of his mouth over and over. He just kept babbling away. Neither of them realized it but Goku’s younger body wasn’t able to handle intense tickling or baby treatment. He wasn’t used to being treated like this nor was he used to this body. As a result, his mind strained itself to function when he was being stricken with something that so easily made his body submit. It reduced him to a giggling, swirly eyed, dummy.
“Eighteen, nineteen, and twenty!” Chi-Chi shouted and landed the final smack on his bottom. Goku’s body lurched up then flopped back down, limp over her lap. He wasn’t even gurgling now, merely drooling as he blacked out. It didn’t take much at all…
“…Oogh… wh… what the…?” Goku muttered as his eyes slowly cracked open. Everything was hazy and muffled. He thought he could make out some voices but couldn’t place it.
“Come on Twilight, open up. We’re here to have a party~!” A loud shrill voice was heard echoing in Goku’s ears.
“T-Twilight… who’s that…?” Goku groaned, forcing his eyes open a bit more. His vision cleared and he saw what looked like a pink pony bouncing up and down, screaming something about a party at a purple one. “P-Ponies…?”
With his vision back, he could tell that they weren’t physically there. They were images being played on the TV. Okay. So, he was just watching TV… and for some reason this TV was suspended over him, attached to the ceiling. Wait. What happened after he was being tickled by Chi-Chi? Where was she and where was he?
Goku sat up and tried to jerk himself up. He rubbed his head in confusion before his eyes widened at the sound of a loud crinkle radiating throughout his ears.
Goku looked down and then all around him. He recognized these items. This was a crib! The thing around his waist was big, poofy, and white which meant he was wearing a diaper!?
“Wh-Why am I all dressed up like a baby?!” Goku gasped before finally noticing the pink shirt he had on. It had a Hello Kitty print and hearts on it. He actually felt himself blush a little bit. He’d never really been subjected to anything this embarrassing before. Even he had his limits as far as resistance to humility.
Looking around the room he noticed it was all pink. It looked familiar though. He squinted his eyes a bit and realized it was Gohan’s old room. What in the world?
At that moment, his granddaughter Pan, walked into the room, humming happily to herself.
Goku looked up at her with wide, surprised eyes and watched her lower the side of the crib. “Hello Baby~!” She said happily and without so much as a question, reached into Goku’s diaper to check if it was wet.
Goku’s eyes bugged out and his face flushed even redder with surprise! Why was his granddaughter…?! HOLD ON!
Goku swatted her hand away and leered at her. “Pan? Is that you? What are you doing here? What is this? What’s going on?”
Pan sighed. “Sheesh. Well, that’s annoying.” She pressed a button on a remote she brought with her and in an instant, the crib shot out hefty, metal hand cuffs that wrapped around Goku’s arms, restraining him against the crib!
“WAH?! PAN?!” Goku yelped and tugged against them. For some reason, he couldn’t break free.
“This is the most coherent you’ve been since waking up so I doubt you remember.” Pan said. “I’ve been your assigned babysitter while Grandma Chi-Chi is out. For a few days now actually.”
“DAYS?!” Goku snapped, gasping with shock.
“Yup,” Pan smiled. “She told me you passed out after your spanking a couple of days ago. Since then, we got this crib set up and this room made especially for you. You’ve woken up once or twice before but all you did was babble and drool and then fall asleep again.”
“…P-Pan…! Th-This is silly! L-Let me go!” Goku began to sweat.
“We have a theory that you’re very easily subjected to tickling. You’ll recover your mind eventually but because of how easy it is to get you to submit, that shouldn’t be a problem.” Pan giggled and pressed another button. The robo-crib suddenly extracted mechanical arms from the opposite end and began tickling Goku’s feet!
Goku’s eyes bugged out and in less than a half-second, he began blasting out a round of high octave laughter. “BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA~!” Goku’s already weak body submitted superfast. Tears spewed from his eyes and he began to drool once more. He kicked his feet about as the robot proficiently tickled up and down the soles of his feet.
“Wow. Your body is so sensitive.” Pan chuckled. “That’s cute.”
“PA-PAAAN! PANABBBA! ABABAAA~!” Goku tried to appeal to her but he began babbling again. He wanted to talk about being her grandfather but it had been so long since they had last seen each other, him coming back like this might as well have been an excuse to revamp her impression of him. As far as Pan was concerned, she had only one Grandpa and a new little baby girl to take care of.
“No getting out of this.” Pan wagged her finger. “I’m going to tickle you until you SNAP again!”
No. Goku didn’t want to snap again! He’d revert to baby talk and start acting like a mindless, drooling dumb dumb again! If he’d been like that for days then it’d take forever to snap out of the baby brained state too!
He was determined not to submit… but then he felt it! His bowels began to churn!
NO! He had to make a dookie! He wasn’t even able to hold himself back long enough before he felt it about to explode! Why was his body submitting so fast?!
‘N-No! I-I can’t use this diaper! I-I gotta… h-hold it…! W-Wha…? It’s so warm in the front…? D-Did I just pee…? No… I was already wet… I felt the wetness before… but I’m… wetting even more…! I’m peeing?! N-No! I… I can’t be… w-wait… m-my butt! I can’t hold it back! I gotta go number 2! St-Stop tickling me! STOP! I’M GONNA-!’
Goku lost the fight not but 30 seconds into the tickle torture. His tear-ridden, drooling face, went cross-eyed as his bowels voided themselves into his big poofy diaper!
The force of expulsion did the trick.
That was the sound of Goku’s mind going again as a result of going to the bathroom on himself and a combination of the feet tickling.
“Daaaaaaahh~!” Goku was drooling all over himself again, swirly-eyed, cross-eyed, or both depending on the way you looked at his dumb little eyes. He was a giggling, girly little dumb dumb now, after all.
Goku’s eyes caught wind of the show playing before him. His mind relented. He remembered now. He’d been watching this show for days in his dopey, drooling little girl state.
He LOVED this show!
“Gabba Gabba GOOO! Bwagah. Bababa Bababa…bagooo gah…!” Goku did his drooly baby babble as he sat in his crib with the robot tickling the soles of his feet.
“Oh man. Chi-Chi’s gonna be so proud of you little girl.” Pan smiled, pressing the button and putting the robotic arms away. “I think I’ll let you marinate in that full diaper of yours as punishment for swatting me earlier though.”
Goku didn’t have a response to that though. He couldn’t. He was too absorbed in his silly baby haze.
He was the Sissy from the Grand Tour.
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messy diaper
wet diaper
dragon ball
tickle torture
swirly eyes
eyes rolling
seeing stars
eyes crossed
wet himself
dragon ball gt
crossed eyes
son goku
see stars
peed himself
dragonball gt
eyes rolled
eyes crossing
swirly eyed
6 years, 8 months ago
03 Jul 2018 00:18 CEST
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