I should be sleeping now but I haven't really done anything art related in 3 weeks and it's killing me. As can easily be guessed, this image is about isolation and probably anger...yeah..lots of anger.
*Hug my li'l bunny bro* Yeah... I know what you mean and what you feel... Me to sometime I go throught these kind of periods and I have the impression to be an pression cooker... Sometime I just would like to kick God ass... Héhé crazy isn't it ?
*Hug my li'l bunny bro* Yeah... I know what you mean and what you feel... Me to sometime I go throug
Nnnooooo... How about this, intead: Reliable proximal contact with like-minded sufferers might ease pain and even possibly produce solutions to whatever root problem. "Everyone fits in somewhere. The trick is finding out where." --The Batman Being online with you and all the other acquaintences I've made, has alleviated my own lonliness and anger that stem from being such a solitary furry, for example. Oh, but there's so much more anger, and from such deeper roots, to deal with.
Nnnooooo... How about this, intead: Reliable proximal contact with like-minded sufferers might ease
Ah...now you hit the nail on the head. I've had a couple of extreme differences with people when it comes to contact. Some talk for hours on end, with their radio going, their tv going, and doing a zillion things at once and the conversation is usually very superficial....and draining. On the other hand, I've attempted to talk to another online and was told that I talk too much...lol! It was the first time in my life that anybody's ever told me that!!! So there's like this "too much" / "not enough" thing going on. Then again, 5 years ago I was always visible online and would chat with 4 people at once with varying degrees of depth. It's much easier with one or two ppl at a time though which is why i stay invisible.
Yes, there's always that anger. Not so much from the isolation but what caused it to begin in the first place. It's difficult to work through sometimes.
Ah...now you hit the nail on the head. I've had a couple of extreme differences with people when it
I truly wish I could offer you some level of conversational comfort, but alas, my interpersonal skills never were anything, and as I age they decline even further. The engine of my anger is also unavoidable. I will just say that I feel you, brother, and prevent adding any fuel to the fire the makes the Red Rabbit burn.
I truly wish I could offer you some level of conversational comfort, but alas, my interpersonal skil
Oh my *gives the rabbit in the cage-like thingy a cookie and plops his head inside* I dunno about angry but if you're lonely I'm up for helping out with that. Although I reckon it's not online lonliness you're talking about
Oh my *gives the rabbit in the cage-like thingy a cookie and plops his head inside* I dunno about an
You're right about that. I really should push myself to get out more but then I barely have any reasons for going places. *hugs* Thanks for the helping out, I'll chat with you some time.
You're right about that. I really should push myself to get out more but then I barely have any reas
I'm really impressed with this... Any serious emotion can bring out impressive altered visuals. I'm not glad to hear about your isolation and anger, but if you can turn a low point into a positive, you're onto something good.
I'm really impressed with this... Any serious emotion can bring out impressive altered visuals. I'
Thanks. I like being able to do this when I need to at least. Trouble is the types of emotions that force me to dig around inside are often only the painful ones. But at least they teach you very slowly to accept whatever is really there.
Thanks. I like being able to do this when I need to at least. Trouble is the types of emotions that
A friend of mine used to say, "If it didn't hurt, you didn't learn anything." I've found that to be true for the most part. The main thing is to learn from experiences and grow from them. If you don't then you got hurt for nothing...
A friend of mine used to say, "If it didn't hurt, you didn't learn anything." I've found that to be