On the previous drawings, everything was scaled as such that would make a hemisphere not even the size of the State of Texas.
On this one, the scale puts it more like Planet Lyreen (planet in this posting) being roughly a size comparable to Planet Earth.
In pic #2, the interchange of the two bridges spreads across the water over a mile and a half...This is to maintain broad curves, avoiding small radius turns, so traffic speeds exceeding 160 kph (100 mph) can be maintained on the interchange, like it is on the bridges and highways...By each ramp being approximately 3/4 of a mile long, exiting the bridge tunnel onto the westbound bridge, and vice-versa, can be negotiated at speeds well over 100 mph without having to slow down. Even the tunnels are designated to accommodate high speeds. The highways and bridges, pretty much throughout the planet, are designed to accommodate high speed travel.