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I debate, argue and discuss things a lot, more than most I'd say, but now and then ya get a bit sick of reading the same old shite over and over again.

male 1,196,745, raccoon 36,792, cartoon 23,601, politics 482
Type: Sketch
Published: 6 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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6 years, 9 months ago
I can definately understand that feeling
6 years, 9 months ago
same here.
and then some.
6 years, 9 months ago
Wait Christianity is back to being not evil?
6 years, 9 months ago
6 years, 9 months ago
Top half has a blurb in the bottom right saying “embrace Christianity again!” But I thought this new major movement was against religion, minus the ones that can benifit the movement.
6 years, 9 months ago
I suspect that the misc quotes weren't exclusively "SJW" notions from the left. Both sides of the political spectrum have a cringe fringe, and I imagine this particular one came from religious conservatives. If I'm not mistaken
is a gay atheist, so of course he's not going to be a fan of fervent fundamentalism.
Personally, I wouldn't use "evil" to describe Christianity, but rather irrational, unsubstantiated, and arbitrary. To call it "evil" would be giving it too much credit.
6 years, 9 months ago
Basically,  if you're a follower of Conservative  Twitter,  everything turns into Christian SJWism.
6 years, 9 months ago
I tend to avoid twitter in general, but yeah it's a shame that the conservative side tends to be dominated by the superstitious and scientifically illiterate.
6 years, 9 months ago
TBH, Twitter is a good platform to follow and support artists. Especially Japanese artists since they like to post their content on Twitter a  lot.
6 years, 9 months ago
Twitter and Tumblr the land of brain wash violent children
6 years, 9 months ago
Good thing you don't live in England, in which case this would most likely would count as Disturbing Her Majesty The Queen's* Peace and give you months if not years in prison.

*Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. :D
6 years, 9 months ago
I am British and I live in England.
6 years, 9 months ago
o.o You're doomed.
6 years, 9 months ago
I had a feeling you were British when I saw the hand signs in the second panel.
6 years, 9 months ago
Someone gets it finally.
Also, in what world could the argument be made that color-blindness is racist?
6 years, 9 months ago
It's twisted nonsense. The argument is that by stating you don't see colour, as in you don't care about race, the fact that you're saying it means you're attempting to cover up your racism and you're denying the significance of people of colour, their history and cultural heritage or some such bollocks.

Essentially it is an attempt to keep the constant discussion about race going, because if the far left adopted the position that race doesn't matter they'd not have anything to throw at the majority of society which has accepted that very concept.
6 years, 9 months ago
I've been watching 'from across the pond' here, and i've got to ask...
you must 'Love' the way they are "revising" your historic personages to make them more "Diverse" and "Colorful"
i think one of my faves is the recent claim thar "ramadan has always been a british holiday celebrated for centurys here in the british isles"
deconstructionests can only take things so far before the people rise up and revolt or roll over and die....which do YOU think it will be?
and mass imigration into irland?
i have a feeling "the troubles" will be starting up all over again
6 years, 9 months ago
the problem will sort itself in about 20 generations anyway, average estimates state within the next 100-130 years humans will become so homognized that race as we understand it will cease to exist.
the idiots will have to find something else to throw hissies over then.

they will as they always do, but at least that door will be closed to them
6 years, 9 months ago
People like to use perceived victimhood as a sort of social status, so they see the notion of "colorblindness" as robbing them of that along with the sense of entitlement that comes with their "privileged vs. disadvantaged" game.
6 years, 9 months ago
I mean in a way, I think  "color blindness" can be both helpful and hurtful.

the issue I have when people are being racist/whatever-ism is that they do so to treat people other than those that are like them as lesser beings.

"Color-blindness" becomes a problem i think  when you think  everybody  is treated the same (which everyone should be treated with the same fairness and idk why the hell people keep insisting they shouldn't) In this case i think it's more or less the naivete that's the problem. Well, at least that's how I rationalize it.

From what  I see from other scenarios,  People tend to be offended by "color-blindness" when people use it to "deflect" that they're not racist. Kinda like how someone says "i'm not racist! I have X number of friends of X color/heritage  to deflect their statement to make them seem less racist, as if people will say, "see? this person has PoC friends! Surely they aren't racist!"

To that,  I really don't see any point in trying to convince people who already hold a strong opinion about you. But I also believe in a time and place to say certain things, and holding yourself to the same standards if you don't like others using the same word.

And tbh, do I think race/heritage matters? I do, in a way,  when you consider factors like genetics and whatnot. Take blood donors for example. (and the controversy  the Red Cross had about  them needing more black donors for a certain  blood protein they had in abundance)
6 years, 9 months ago
finally? Where've you been? :)
6 years, 9 months ago
That was one of the most hilarious pics you've made to date, but I understand your situation. That's why I've moved on to Gab, Minds, and Steemit.
6 years, 9 months ago
This is a perfect example of Why i consider "Social Media" to be a "Social Disease"
i will have Nothing to do with Any of it when "facebook" launched i  saw it as the massive spying platform it has been revealed to be NTY seeing the way people willingly place all their personal information that the  alphabet agencies would need federal search and wiretap warrents for a few years ago, they can now freely collect by simply clicking 'follow' or 'like' or whatever those platforms use to allow your every move to be digitized, tracked and recorded uploaded and processed analyzed and monitized  lets not forget  all those naughty or spicy or stupid drunk texts or tweets you Know those will be stored away in a special file for later use when the thought police make such ideas against the law they can trot them out and take you away to prison.

Roarey! you see this stuff first hand! Look what they did to Tommy!
they are already arresting little old ladys in merry old england for voicing opinions and tweeting or posting   "wrongthink"
6 years, 9 months ago
I was expecting a middle finger!  This is great though :3
6 years, 9 months ago
Well he IS British so the "V" is their "Bird".  :D
6 years, 9 months ago
Actually, it's the V with the back of the hand facing you.  If the palm is facing you, it's the V for victory.
6 years, 9 months ago
So where does that leave the "Peace" sign. Showing it sideways? :) Not that anyone uses it anymore...
6 years, 9 months ago
I'm not absolutely certain but, I believe that the "peace" sign was the hippy way of co-opting victory sign back in the 60s as a way of protesting American involvement in Vietnam.
6 years, 9 months ago
I feel ya, I'm debating alot myself and they always try to shut you down by calling you everything they can find in the dictionary :/
6 years, 9 months ago
Pretty much this all the fucking time!
Stay safe dude, you're at Ground Zero right now!
6 years, 9 months ago
the good old 2 finger salute.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04SqRgzeRrw (ever notice how it's all the fault of gays?) yes I know that's a joke song XP

butt speaking of people who like to blame gays for everything, saw a vid the other day about what supposedly born again Christians think about the human spirit. apparently, every one is born completely dark and empty and only AFTER they are born again, can they have love, light and the presence of god in them. convenient how that gives them a monopoly on salvation. Also. wtf. how dark and enslaved is that spiritual view eh? people are obviously a mixture of good and bad from the start but isn't that what free will is supposed to be about? if there are any born agains around, please tell me this is a farce. >.>;
6 years, 9 months ago
This is why I don't go on Twitter or Tumblr anymore because there are some REALLY stupid motherfuckers on there. lol

also, what? Colourblindness is racist? So the fact that I can't see shades of red or green automatically makes me racist, alrighty then. >w>;
6 years, 9 months ago
IMHO, by saying only white people are racist, and consequently have to be color blind, is a racist statement.  Right?
6 years, 9 months ago
No, in this sense, "color-blindness" is a term that refers to the person not seeing people as black, white, asian, hispanic, purple polkadot zognoids, etc. Race isn't a factor in your life. The backlash is that people who say this are "obviously" trying to cover up their racism and not seeing the importance of race.
6 years, 9 months ago
It's basically a catch 22 dilemma: if you include race as a factor in irrational BS (but not their way, aka saying anything other than "being non-white makes you superior"), you're racist. If you acknowledge race to be just that, race (nationality / culture are NOT the same for anyone of the same "race", whether it's a black Moroccan vs black Sudan or a white Irish vs a white Italian; ironically, they're racist for making those assumptions based on race alone.), then you are a racist for denying their "culture" (I bet you half, of not more of those retards would not know what to answer if you asked them what said culture is, or just reply "generic" stuff that may not even apply to that person they're defending; bonus points if said person had never stepped a foot to begin with in those "foreign, exotic" places they speak of. Also, "slavery" by itself isn't a cultural thing, except if you're really stretching it an "evil white" cultural concept that says blacks are an inferior race - if talking about afro-american history, since slavery existed in WAY many more forms. But let's suppose it really is a "black cultural thing" in that context, if this culture is such a beautiful thing to be celebrated, then why not bring segregation / that form of slavery back? After all, that's what most claim is the "culture" you're denying in their constant victim / guilt complex. Also, remember: should a non-colored person try to be diverse and embrace something from this "superior, exotic" culture (like food, or clothing), there's always a chance they'll get accused of CULTURAL APPROPRIATION for being "too diverse." Nevermind the "exclusively white" (could be italian, english, french, whatev...) stuff that their precious victims are enjoying while "stealing" from other "cultures" the same way.
6 years, 9 months ago
Hmm.  You've got a point.  That means I shouldn't enjoy watermelon peanuts, banjo music or anything else that originally from Africa or Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Philippine, or any other foods that are distinctly non-European.
6 years, 9 months ago
Now you're getting it! NOW WALLOW IN MORE IRRATIONAL SELF-GUILT! The SJW construct is sustained purely by such BS, and not facts or logic. =) (It's a joke of course)
6 years, 9 months ago
Oh, yeah.  I understand that kind of humor.  Irony.
6 years, 9 months ago
I believe he was being sarcastic.  
6 years, 9 months ago
This is exactly why I don't Twitter...
6 years, 9 months ago
and why I'm considering limiting Twitter to accessing porn...
6 years, 9 months ago
At last some rationality on these issues...
6 years, 9 months ago
Listen and believe! This is one of my favorite rant pieces of yours :) I wish I could fave with all the stars.
6 years, 9 months ago
the bait comments are real
6 years, 9 months ago
People need to stop living on social media like twatter
6 years, 9 months ago
I feel like you might appreciate this:
6 years, 9 months ago
Thank you.  My thoughts exactly this week...had enough of it!
6 years, 9 months ago
I can't stand Twitter. Tumblr, too, for much the same reason. Such an awful format for a real discussion, no way in hell the best argument ever makes it to the top or gets seen/interacted with by those who need to see it. And you're just constantly bombarded by people parading around their stupid opinions and virtue signaling, sharing often totally fabricated crap just because it fits their political agenda. It's all the worst kinds of social interaction drained of any substance and thrown at you in random order, mixed in with just enough dopamine hits to keep you forgetting why you hate this garbage every time you open it.

I do not Twitter. I do not Reddit. I never Facebook'd and sure won't start. There is so little positive to be gleaned from those sites, I just can't be bothered. And I wish more people would wise up and realize - especially with Twitter - it's almost purposely designed to be the social noose by which you hang yourself. And yet people keep coming back.

I should probably slam Reddit too. They have their own problems, but at least on there the cream sometimes rises to the top. At least occasionally the circlejerk gets broken up and some legitimate opposing viewpoints get to mingle and shine. At least the relative anonymity lets people be themselves instead of constantly posturing for pole position in some pointless social hierarchy. At least they separate the topics into their own "forums" and let people administrate and set the rules they want themselves.
6 years, 9 months ago
=^^"= *LOL*
6 years, 9 months ago
I kinda get that feeling but it turns more into a "enough internet for today"-thing and I turn it off. ;)
6 years, 9 months ago
And you wonder why i deleted social media?... this is why.
6 years, 9 months ago
Roarey your so adorable when you Thhbbppppppppp!
6 years, 9 months ago
Don't bother trying to fix society or you'll become one of them.
6 years, 9 months ago
maybe more rational minds OUGHT to be the ones changing society instead of all you mad motherfuckers out there~
6 years, 9 months ago
why even give them the attention? they're sub human garbage that aren't even worth wasting your time over. it's like arguing with any other conspiracy theorists. just tune em out lol
6 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, because not confronting anybody and ignoring insanity has worked so well.
6 years, 9 months ago
fair point, but it's like trying to give flat earthers attention. they just simply don't matter enough
6 years, 9 months ago
6 years, 9 months ago
We're certainly getting a bit sick of reading the same thing over and over again at this point.
6 years, 9 months ago
Please suck my dick, Roarey. Libertarians make my cock ROCK hard! <3
3 years, 3 months ago
I unironically hold "Embrace Christianity again."
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