well.. after I fangirled screamed for about 1 hour when they kissed and the Cute moments are now over. It's going know to the hot smexy action :P form here now... . It's funny how now when their doing it LOL Squidward the now new perv.... will be watching them. Hm.... never thought I see the day when a Squid is watching other people business >:P. OH by the way Mims is that ok is I call you that um I really love how you make your comic soo emotional sometimes... I can't believe I am saying this cause I not that wimpy.... Sometimes they make me cry (In a good way don't worry) lol. Cause of how their so wonderfully done ;D. I guess that makes me a wimp :P but you can't blame a girl for trying to be motionless lol. That wouldn't be fun now would it ;D. One more thing Squidward's face is soo cute and funny on panel 4.
well.. after I fangirled screamed for about 1 hour when they kissed and the Cute moments are now o
ajajaja ni yo lo hubiera dicho mejor! xD pero que KUKIIII!!!!!! x3 jajajaja me siento como el calamar!! x3 que ya me he hecho fan de el! xD 4ever! Yoe oye! este momento no puede ser mas sweet sweet!! x3 te a quedado perefecto!!!! x3 es demasiado romantico..... NO! nunca es demasiado romantico!! ayy!! por q me haces eso? ahora voy a estar kuki toda la tarde! xD
ajajaja ni yo lo hubiera dicho mejor! xD pero que KUKIIII!!!!!! x3 jajajaja me siento como el calama