To Antifa, anyone who opposes them on the streets is inherently a Nazi.
This is not hyperbole: they say it of anyone who does so in any way. Police are called Nazis for restraining or arresting them, whether or not Antifa committed violence beforehand. Bystanders are called Nazis if they question the masks, the chants or the violence. Reporters who film the events are attacked, and also called Nazis, for filming Antifa members.
So it does not matter who actually is standing upon the defeated Antifa member here. They could be a local veteran. They could be a reporter's security staff. They could be a police officer.
To the Antifa member, disarmed and defeated, whomever it is will always be a Nazi.
To Antifa, anyone who opposes them on the streets is inherently a Nazi. This is not hyperbole: they
I've even seen someone quietly standing to the side holding a free speech is important sign being run up to and screamed at before assaulted, getting called a nazi.
Though, there are many who are a part of antifa who are actively trying to do the right thing. It just seems like they are getting lead astray and used as a protection for the ones who want to be violent.
I've even seen someone quietly standing to the side holding a free speech is important sign being ru
By design, Antifa operates top-down in much the manner of a zebra herd. Most of it exists to provide cover for the relatively few violent activists to slip into, spot a target, approach, attack, and then slip away into the sea of masked faces and black-clad bodies.
Any given Antifa rally exists with the intent that violence will be committed if the opportunity and a target of sufficient interest appears. The march's organizers are the ones who make the call regarding whether or not an attack will commence, and they will tell their strike teams what sort of people are to be attacked. Commonly, individual Antifa members will conduct their own attacks without direction, and will still almost universally be allowed to slip back into the crowd if they can.
Joining Antifa is on par with joining the Ku Klux Klan in the 1950s: violence was to be expected, it was endorsed, and it was believed by the members to be justified on any of a variety of purportedly moral grounds. The same is true of Antifa. They may all believe that their end goals are noble and righteous, but so did the Nazis, and it is the actions they take which we judge rather than their intended effects.
By design, Antifa operates top-down in much the manner of a zebra herd. Most of it exists to provide
Hope he enjoys the scum squirming under him before stomping the cat to death then maybe idk shrinking antifa protests and stomping them all barefoot with his Nazi buds X3
Hope he enjoys the scum squirming under him before stomping the cat to death then maybe idk shrinkin