This weekend, Tobi was visiting his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. Tobi's parents packed a backpack and dropped him off for a fun weekend. He was so excited and played with his older cousin Ricky most of the day. Ricky had to go do some homework so Tobi played with the twins Ava and Sarah for a little bit too. They all sat down for a movie in the early afternoon and both girls well asleep within minutes since it was close to their naptimes. Their mother, Pam, decided that it was naptime for all the toddlers and paused the movie for later. Tobi was not pleased and wanted to stay up and watch the movie. His Aunt denied his request and laid him down to change his diaper and carried him to Ava'a and Sarah's room. Pam said he could take a nap in their bed since they were already out on the couch. Tobi was mad and refused to take a nap. In his anger, he grabbed some crayons and scribbled all over the room. Pam came in to check on him a little later and found the room trashed and Tobi sitting there with a scowl on his face. He thought that since his mommy and daddy weren't there that he couldn't get in trouble. He was very wrong because his Aunt quickly picked him up, laid him over her lap, pulled down his diaper, and spanked his bare bottom red. After the spanking he was put down for a nap again. After the nap, he spent the rest of the afternoon helping Pam clean the girl's room with a sore butt and while everyone else played. Tobi sure learned his lesson!