Character Sheet for Toffee
Character Description
occupation: adventurer & explorer
abilities: moderate speed, climbing, above average jumping height, digging.
Toffee is a travelling explorer and self proclaimed adventurer. She has no real moral compass, everything she does she does for her own amusement and goals. She can’t be bought or reasoned with because all she cares about is finding the next interest. Most of her exploits result in catostrophic events, and she rarely sticks around to fix it. She has a signature cackle and indifference to her own faults. Toffee is a true loner and doesn’t care how her actions effect anyone, more than anything she relishes in it. She can only get convinced to be involved in any world-saving or world-destroying events if it’s particullarly dangerous.
Chaotic neutral, anti hero, mildly villainous, Inquisitive, uncaring, selfish, self-centred, thrill sneaking, dangerous