wow Mimy this is just amazing O.O. I can't stop staring at it. I never in my life ever seen a sexy orca like this before ;D. I just now the Orca is bringing sexy back ;D.
Justin: I’m bringing sexy back Them Shadow don’t know how to act I think you're special, what's behind your back? So turn around and I'll pick up the slack.
Take 'em to the bridge
Dirty babe You see the shackles Baby I’m your slave I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave It’s just that no one makes me feel this way
Take 'em to the chorus
Justin: WELL TOO BAD I AM WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY MORE SEXY THAN YOU. >:D Everyone shall love me >:D. Including you perious Sonikkuu MAWHahahahahaha
Shadow:Never you shall NEVER get my lover .*Runs over to Sonic which was eating a chili dog* Sonic: Shadow?! what's wrong?? Shadow; hurry an ocra to steal you Sonic: don't worry Shads? we'll fight him together. He shall NEVER get me. Shadow: oh... ok.... fine... *waits for the Orca thing* Sonic: god this guy taking FOREVER. Shadow: wel.. Sonic you need to remember hes not hedgehog ;D and hes not us the fastest thing alive. Sonic: -sigh- why don't we go over there just asshole's ass already. Shadow: cause we're lazy that' way. Justin;IM HERE MWAHAHAHAHAHA Shadow: HEY LOOK IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER THAT WHALE Justin: I'm not that loser grrrr XD I'm too sexy to be him. Anyways Sonic:*was looking how sexy Shadow is and turns around to see the orca* (has heart eyes* OMG HES SOO SEXY *GOES UP TO him and hugs) Justin: HA he choose me over you MWAHAHAHA *takes him and leave Shadow alone* Shadow: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo he took my love DX *runs after them* I going to KICK HES F*CKEN ASS
wow Mimy this is just amazing O.O. I can't stop staring at it. I never in my life ever seen a sexy o
Este es raro pero con mayusculas! O.O!! jajaja nunca me imagine un chico orcaa asi xD Pero mola, mola muchisiimoooo! :D Se va a ahogar fuera del agua!!
Este es raro pero con mayusculas! O.O!! jajaja nunca me imagine un chico orcaa asi xD Pero mola, mol