A quick jaunt to the coast is a luxury, when one considers work to be the best thing in the world. But an indulgent and adoring husband will lavish any luxury on his wife, and the hard-working, well-respected Cecil Seedsworth of Little Rodentia gives it out plenty. Being of a mismatched size, this Outsider couple are extremely open about their relationship with the taboo broken. No Division Family for them. Their (at this point) triplet daughters will grow up with married parents unashamed of their love.
Here, Gerhilde Seedsworth, nee Howlmeyer, gives her husband a nice, squishy-paw-pad massage, appariate for the beach. He works hard, and deserves it. Her stro g paws, her dangerous, killing-capable paws turn soft as eider and smooth as silk for him. And he dons a European-style bathing suit because she loves his body and he's sensitive to her desires and delights.
Cecil comes across as an impassive, hard mammal, because he makes hard decisions, no matter how it hurts because his will knows that it will make things better. He is guided by certainty and plagued with doubts that his love assuages and helps to soothe. He's a caring mammal, one who wishes the prosperity he enjoyed could be available to all willing to work and support the system that made it possible.
Gerhilde was, once upon a time, just a mercenary. More properly, she was only a private security guard working as an elite in her brother Steiner's company. One day, they got a big contract, protection for important mammals. Gerhilde was a assigned to Cecil. And he fell for her in his own way. He stood in her paw, and told her she had powerful muscles, soft pawpads and beautiful eyes. He talked to her about everything, asked for her input, respected her insights, and called her Gerhilde. Not guard, wolf, pred or Fraulein Howlmeyer. He adores her, the mother of his children. So of course after she gives him a massage, he gives her a very fancy, spa-style back-walking massage. His paws press down her spine, soothing the aches of her own day. Training or active duty, she still works hard. He's sensitive to her needs. And as her bikini reveals, she is sure sensitive to his.