It been five years since Spartan Alex-116 had been on Reach, or what remained of it after the Covenant had Glass most of it back in August of 2552, A bitter memory for most that survived it, Alex made his way to what had been the barracks, now just rusted warped metal, and cracked and charred glass. "Not much left" he said as he looked around. Another Spartan walked up behind him placing a hand on his right shoulder, "be thankful they didn't glass the whole planet back then Chief". Alex turned and looked to see one of his fellow Spartan team mates from his team Solomon-069, "but why didn't they?, they had the fire power and numbers just why?" Alex asked Soloman. "you've read Dr. Halsey's & John's report on why they may have hadn't fully glassed the planet haven't you?" Solomon asked Alex, "I have" he replied "but still it just doesn't make sense to me" he continued "Well is there any reason to keep asking the same question now?" Solomon said. "No" Alex replied "not really" he added and then sighed. "Come on Chief the others are gonna be waiting on us, and trust me I don't want another Ass chewing from ONI brass just cause we were reminiscing the old days" Solomon said. "Yeah alright fine lets go Solomon" Alex replied as he started back for their warthog.
A hour later at the UNSC's make shift HQ on Reach, Alex walked into the briefing room came to attention and saluted though, "Spartan 116 reporting as ordered" he said, he could barely make out any faces in the darken briefing room he knew he'd walked into a lions den, silver and gold gleamed off officer ranks on the figures uniforms from what little light there was in the room, he'd been through this kind of thing many of times before hand during the war with the covenant and today was no different he felt. One of the officers finally noticed him and returned his Salute "At ease Chief" the figure said from the dark. Alex dropped his Salute and stood at ease, though for any other Solider that would've been the last thing they would want to do when in the presences of a bunch of ONI Spooks and UNSC Highcom Brass, Alex however remained calm almost bored infact, he knew what was coming it was time to be given new orders, to keep him and his team busy. something he normally didn't mind, but lately he and his team had a lot more down time than he liked in his mind he'd actually been praying for a new set orders for a while now, he wasn't one to take being idle for so long lightly, were as the rest of his team seemed to enjoy finally getting much needed down time though he couldn't fault them he knew they needed it more than he did, what with well over 1000 plus missions over the years against the covenant and at least 100 missions against insurrectionists forces during the insurrection a year or 2 before the war with the covenant, his teams mission records rivaled that of Blue Team's, his team had earned their down time, he on the other hand preferred staying busy. and if his service record was anything to go by it showed it, and now with new sent of orders finally going to be given to him and his team he felt much more at ease know he could finally get back to doing something.
One of the officers finally spoke, "Green team here are your new orders, Spartan's 079, 069 and 028 will be transferred to the Spartan IV program abroad the UNSC infinity as instructors for the next class of Spartan IV's, Spartan 116 will be sent on a Solo op to the former Colony world of Mobius to help them adjust back into the UEG as they wish to become a Colony world again". silence drifted over the room the four Spartan's had never been split apart before, especially not Spartan-028 Merdya, and Spartan-116 Alex, considering they'd been dating in secret for a number of years now, something considered Taboo among Spartan II's since most of them saw each other as brothers and sisters raised and trained together since the age of 6, Merdya looked like she was about to protest the orders, but Alex looked to her and shook his head his way of saying no don't, Merdya looked down a little, Alex knew how upset she was cause he felt the same. Mobius a former colony world had gained it's indepenance from the UEG back 2526 through legal means not a easy feat at the time but successful, ironically leaving the UEG and UNSC and being indepenant saved them from being caught up in the war with the covenant as well as being so far off the beaten path, but in the end the nations on the former Colony world of Mobius determined they couldn't afford to stay indepenant forever, and decided to reach out to the UNSC and UEG, and made a request to rejoin the Colonies, a request that was gladly received and welcomed by the UEG, but the process to help Mobius rejoin the Colonies wasn't going to be easy and take a few years at the most, and Alex knew it but he couldn't help but wonder why would Mobius want to rejoin the UEG and the colonies now?, yeah sure been four years since the war ended but now of all times? Alex knew something was off but he didn't know what. Little did anyone in the UEG or UNSC know that since Mobius had last contacted them that things had taken a turn for the worst and the former Colony was almost under complete control of a total tyrant and mad man scientist and a former CMA Lt Col. Ivo Robotnik or known as Dr. Eggman by the locals. a well known Insurrectionist leader second only to Col. Robert Watts himself, and he had no intention of letting Mobius rejoin the UEG and UNSC, not without a fight.
(I'll admit this is just a concept run of a worlds collide kind of story, and see what kind of responses I get before I decide if i'm gonna put chapter 2 on here.)
(I've also posted this on my Fur Affinity account)
7 years ago
11 Mar 2018 00:11 CET
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