Character Sheet for Anubis (Dimentime is covered by Copter's character sheet)
Character Description
A jackal with black & brown features who has power over fire. He is also a necromancer, and can summon mummies wrapped in black cloth.
He is very dire and ruthless. He cares for little other than power.
The Covenant of Despair was once a royal army of jackals. When Howler emerged on the scene as the Darkseeker, however, he took over the group, keeping Anubis and any loyal followers on, but banishing the remnants, who came to be known as "Jackal Squad," a mercenary band.
Anubis worked under the Darkseeker until his defeat, and then he squabbled with the remaining agents of Despair in a bid to regain control. Eventually, one of his old allies returned as "Infinite," and conquered the world with Eggman, enslaving Anubis in the process.
Anubis finally regained control of Despair in the time since, betraying his old comrade Fera to take over.
Though he has fallen to his supposed death more than once, Anubis keeps coming back for more...though now he's a bit worse for wear, one of his ears being a bit mangled.
Jackal Squad (former team, related?)
Due to Infinite being added to Sonic canon, Anubis should be redesigned accordingly. I don't think I'll get around to it, just figure he should look more like a Sonic-style jackal.
Typically wears a Covenant of Despair uniform.