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I don't intend to talk about the alt-right as much as I have about communism and postmodernism, simply because I don't consider the alt-right to have a chance in hell of achieving anything. Nevertheless, it ought to be pointed out from time to time just how utterly stupid the ideas behind it are. So here we go XP.

male 1,194,534, cartoon 23,510, kangaroo 15,662, silly 7,729, rubbish 26, alt-right 5
Type: Sketch
Published: 7 years ago
Rating: General

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7 years ago
I never knew kangaroo balls were upside down.
7 years ago
They are indeed
7 years ago
Technically, they're not. They're an evolutionary hold-over from when all mammals had that set-up. WE'RE the oddballs with upside-down junk, as we evolved them over time. :P
7 years ago
I prefer to think of it as progress lol
7 years ago
Progress puts our testicles in a position of greater pain? :P
7 years ago
From nw direction of attack yes but unless im wrong dangle berries areban evaluation that improves sperm production....could be wrong though....i do know this much i dont want my balls on top lol.
7 years ago
External genitals are, themselves, better for sperm production. Roo nuts only hug against the torso during mating or fighting, otherwise they hang really low. XD Our balls don't retract for safety from attacks like 'roos.
7 years ago
" LancerBuck wrote:
External genitals are, themselves, better for sperm production. Roo nuts only hug against the torso during mating or fighting, otherwise they hang really low. XD Our balls don't retract for safety from attacks like 'roos.

Actually during events of trauma or cold our testicles actually do pull up to protect themselves in some cases even going as far as to pull up to inside our abdomen. The Scrotum then bunches up. Live in a cold climate like Tasmania and you find the latter out pretty fast. For the former, a swift kick tends to do the trick for demonstration purposes.
7 years ago
Ours retract in RESPONSE to being kicked. A roo's retract PRIOR, in order to AVOID being damaged.
6 years, 9 months ago
Late reply but that may be due to the fact our feet do not have enough kicking force to shatter them, or claws long enough to disembowel a human.

Their response has to be predetermined as any direct hit = neutering for them so of course they draw up ahead of combat.
7 years ago
The furry fandom calls its 'eggs over sausage'. And because it's the furry fandom, it's a point of needless artistic contention (see: 'real penises' vs. 'human penises'; anatomical correctness).
7 years ago
I'm glad my phrase of eggs-over-sausage has become popular. XD
7 years ago
Are you the one that started that? Well, it's not incorrect...
7 years ago
As far as I'm aware. If anyone was using it prior to me, I didn't know about it, and I know I was the first to use it as a tag on here.
7 years ago
It's kind of silly for people to have a problem with furry characters having human-like penises, but don't mind the fact that they stand upright and have opposable thumbs. It all boils down to personal taste.

As for "taur" characters, however, how does their internal anatomy work? ;)
7 years ago
It's not just silly, it's thoroughly stupid. But what the Internet has done in bring out millions of developmentally challenged introverts into transglobal, anonymous forums where all their abject absurdity, ignorance and social retardation can be on full display... safe behind faceless Anonymous or callsigns or monikers or nicknames or whatever you might call them. All the boards on 4Chan are full of these kinds of people, so it's not just the furries. But the furries are right in there kicking!
Just browse through the threads on U18Chan. But be sure to bathe afterwards.
7 years ago
Oh, I'm aware of that and agree 100%
6 years, 9 months ago
I know what you mean.  I somewhat solve the opposable thumb and human-like reproductive organs by having my "furries" to be created by combining human and animal DNA, especially in a story I'm currently working on.  (I know supposedly impossible but I write sci-fi and in sci-fi almost anything can be possible.)
7 years ago
suck on my upside down kangaroo balls XD hahahha DEAD haha
7 years ago
So I suppose you feel phrenology is also quackery pseudo science.
7 years ago
i've seen Django Unchained sir! that is TOTTALY REAL science =p
7 years ago
Aren't the Scandinavian countries, well even all Nordic countries, quite similar?
7 years ago
So would that make them... Alt-Wrong?  
7 years ago
Preeeettttyyy much.
7 years ago
see this is going to confuse people who were like "but??? i thought roarey hated the left?" when it turns out you don't care about either side and decided to instead make your own beliefs and stick to them strongly rather than follow a herd like an idiot
7 years ago
"Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social and political significance to a man's genetic lineage-- the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry."
-- Ayn Rand
7 years ago
How do you explain the significant difference in iq between different races?
7 years ago
1. Prove those differences exist.
2. Prove that those exist because of race.
3. Come back and talk.
7 years ago
It's been proven. Go do your own research, nobody owes you anything.

The right thing to realize is that just because a lot of people are disadvantaged, insane, stupid, hostile, or whatever, doesn't mean ALL the people are. You've got to judge people as individuals, for their individual actions, and never make assumptions based on any particular group they happen to be categorized with.
7 years ago
" smblion wrote:
It's been proven. Go do your own research, nobody owes you anything.

Not how that works.

" smblion wrote:

The right thing to realize is that just because a lot of people are disadvantaged, insane, stupid, hostile, or whatever, doesn't mean ALL the people are. You've got to judge people as individuals, for their individual actions, and never make assumptions based on any particular group they happen to be categorized with.

I 100% agree.
7 years ago
" LeoStarpaw wrote:
Not how that works.

On the contrary, that's exactly how it works. This is not a formal debate and nobody is required to provide evidence or proof of anything. You aren't entitled to be educated on any subjects. Nobody here is responsible for your education. Typically people who educate you about anything including this topic, are either your parents or they are being paid to do it. So unless you're gonna pony up some cash then you should cool it on the "prove it" demands.

People typically have legitimate reasons for expressing the opinions they have, and you'd be better served by taking the time to understand them instead of saying they're wrong and they must prove themselves to your satisfaction.
7 years ago
" smblion wrote:
" LeoStarpaw wrote:
Not how that works.

On the contrary, that's exactly how it works. This is not a formal debate and nobody is required to provide evidence or proof of anything. You aren't entitled to be educated on any subjects. Nobody here is responsible for your education. Typically people who educate you about anything including this topic, are either your parents or they are being paid to do it. So unless you're gonna pony up some cash then you should cool it on the "prove it" demands.

People typically have legitimate reasons for expressing the opinions they have, and you'd be better served by taking the time to understand them instead of saying they're wrong and they must prove themselves to your satisfaction.

What are you talking about? The dude asked about the discrepancies between different races and their IQ. This was stated under the assumption that the statement is true. You can't just state something exists without evidence. I can't just ask you "what do you think about the use of horse meat in fast-food chains" and expect an honest answer from you without my providing of evidence this exists.

Even if the guy didn't want a formal debate, I wanted a discussion. I can't discuss a statement with no substance.
I'm honestly trying to see everyone's sides, but if a person makes a hollow statement, I can't do anything with it.
7 years ago
Sorry, I'm letting my frustrations show. I hate when people suggest, in informal debates, especially on the internet, that there's a burden of proof on anyone. Web searches make it so easy to look things up. I think people make "burden of proof" claims because they know it's a huge waste of everyone's time because it's an informal debate, to them it's like a little victory. But discussion isn't about making victories, it's about expanding one's perspective and sharing knowledge. So that shit drives me bonkers. I had to walk away from the PC for a few minutes so I'd stop posting.
7 years ago
Here is a pastebin list of articles regarding the subjects of race-mixing, racial iq, genetics and a lot more.
I find that studies on minority children adopted by white families can be quite telling, because it takes away the cultural factor in determining the difference in intelligence.
This pdf outlines one of the studies done.
What makes you think there is not a bilogical difference in iq between people of different races?
7 years ago
" Magzol wrote:

What makes you think there is not a bilogical difference in iq between people of different races?

I didn't say that. It's just that you were the one to make the claim, you need to provide the evidence. Burden of proof lies on the one making the claim.
7 years ago
ok I did.
7 years ago
IQ tests were found like 30 years ago to be racially biased. When they re-wrote the tests to ask different sets of questions what they found was that they could get the opposite results, white children would score lower than minority children.

So yes, cultural upbringing plays a huge role, and IQ tests are bullshit.
7 years ago
I wouldn't say they're completely worthless. As someone who's grown up studying psychology, I know that IQ tests are not the "be-all-end-all" some people make them out to be. But they do provide a basis. Like, this person got this IQ score. Let's see why that's the case.
7 years ago
Well they're supposed to test not how intelligent you are, but how intelligent you can be. I imagine they've been improved over the years given the evidence they found of racial bias, but I can't speak to the quality of the modern tests.

Aptitude for learning is a varied subject and different people have different aptitudes for different areas of knowledge. People who are especially creative for example are sometimes found to lack in mathematics.. That's a very generic example and obviously won't be true all of the time, but the trick is to figure out what a person really excels at and encourage them to learn those areas. That's what the society is trying to do. It's not trying to suggest that some groups of people are smarter or dumber than others, because science knows that isn't the case.
7 years ago
Exactly. I see nothing wrong with this.
7 years ago
Cultural upbringing plays a role but does not account for the entire difference. The reason old iq tests were considered unreliable was because they also tested verbal iq which depends strongly on language, so yes they were biased. However newer tests that only test cognitive function and pattern recognition still show similar results. If you think that iq tests are etirely bullshit, then what else would you use to determine a race's intelligence? Perhaps artistic and scientific achievement? I don't think sub Saharan Africans and aboriginal Australians would pass that test either.
7 years ago
You first have to prove there is a significant biological difference between races. Once that is established, then you can study the effects these differences create. You also have to have a flexible test that allows for cultural, language, and common knowledge differences.
7 years ago
That's called "white privilege". White people are the lawmakers, they govern the distribution of funds. In the 1970s and before they rigged city districts to be racially divided. Minorities got less money for schools and so on. Poverty was engineered and with poverty comes higher social decay, drug addiction and so on.

In the 1980s and 1990s the effort to clean this mess up began, but it's so bad it's going to take a long time and many generations of families to fix. You can see the results tho, it has improved dramatically.
7 years ago
I agree, the drug war in this country is ludicrous and worthless.
7 years ago
Irrelevant. Whatever differences there may be, if there are any, does not alter the basic fact that race does not determine culture. Making the case that there are biological differences between races contributes precisely nothing whatsoever to the idea that those differences are cultural determinants. The fact is, no race of people is homogenous in beliefs, cultural values, ideas, religion or anything ideological whatsoever. There is more genetic variation between members of the same race than there is to be found between races and none of it results in predetermined, fixed cultural outcomes. So fuck IQ.
7 years ago
" RoareyRaccoon wrote:
Irrelevant. Whatever differences there may be, if there are any, does not alter the basic fact that race does not determine culture. Making the case that there are biological differences between races contributes precisely nothing whatsoever to the idea that those differences are cultural determinants. The fact is, no race of people is homogenous in beliefs, cultural values, ideas, religion or anything ideological whatsoever. There is more genetic variation between members of the same race than there is to be found between races and none of it results in predetermined, fixed cultural outcomes. So fuck IQ.

I agree. Except for the fuck IQ thing. But that's my own "personal bias." :P
7 years ago
No race of people is homogeneous in beliefs because people's culture varies based on the culture of other people around them. It is quite obvious that people generally adopt the culture of other people around them that are of the same race. The rhetorical question in your image 'Is there no integration at all when racial minorities immigrate to other cultures?' Doesn't make sense to me. I have met many Mexican immigrants who barely speak English despite having lived here for years. Perhaps it is because they choose to live around and adopt the culture of other Mexicans. What about Syrian refugees who move you Europe? I do not see how thousands of years of cultural programming will just go away once people move.

Also "There is more genetic variation between members of the same race than there is to be found between races" is wrong.
7 years ago
If people choose to isolate themselves from the wider culture they are in, they will not integrate. People are indeed influenced by those around them but you added "of the same race" to the end there, which is rather sly. People divide on racial lines if they make it a point to do so, if they are part of a community that has such segregationist social beliefs. When people drop such backward bullshit they get along just fine.

Anyway, we are straying somewhat here, you are looking for every example you can to confirm your own bias. Including anecdote. It doesn't matter if you find examples of different racial groups in certain areas isolating themselves to different cultures and social rules, because the point here is about capacity. If race determines culture, people of a particular race must therefore be restricted to particular cultures. Families and communities pass down cultural heritage but they aren't bloody born with a culture inside them, nor is cultural aptitude restricted by race. If it were, the world would not be the way that it is.

Also, variation within racial groups being higher than between racial groups actually is true, not that it matters. You're still wrong if you want to assert that race is culturally determinant. You've started with a belief and then looked for any evidence you can to confirm your assumptions, which is the opposite of clear thinking and the scientific method.
7 years ago
Do you have any evidence for that? The fact that they segregate themselves in general based on race would imply that there is a culture driven by race.

You in return deny every example that fails to agree with you. Also of course the mind can be preprogramed from birth to act a certain way, That's the how instincts work.

I am curious, do you also think that race and IQ are unrelated?
7 years ago
The fact that communities can self-segregate doesn't mean it is because they are doing it due to race, since the segregated communities share cultural origin, they come from the same place and want to preserve the culture they left behind when they immigrated. Also, when there is a widespread belief in a particular society that the culture there is racist, and people are taught this from childhood, those taught it are going to be suspicious of people outside their racial group, people who dont believe america is a deeply racist shithole, for example, arent going to be nervous around people based on skin colour. I'm not the one ignoring examples, I just don't look for everything that appears to confirm my bias and accept that it does without thinking of other reasons why those examples may have happened. With the alt-right they start with their conclusion and work backwards, which is why they are completely wrong. I also didn't say race and IQ are unrelated, I said that IQ is irrelevant to the subject of discussion. Evidence for biological differences between races is only evidence of those differences and NOT automatically evidence that certain races produce particular cultures. It is a non sequitur.
7 years ago
You want to know what keeps racism alive? Go to any major city's "ghetto" districts. You'll see trash on the ground literally everywhere, you'll see people with their pants down standing on street corners, you'll see every racial stereotype you've heard of, acted out right there in front of you.

Does that mean everyone with a certain skin tone is that way? Of course not, but those things exist and in such numbers that it keeps the rage of racial tension fueled.

Just the other day I was just walking down the street minding my own business, and this SUV drives by and this dark skinned youth sticks his head out and starts screaming hostilities at me. The SUV stopped at a traffic light about 400 feet ahead of me and this dude was screaming his head off the entire time they were at that light, as if he'd completely lost his fucking mind. In the back of the SUV or possibly driving it was some girl, also screaming, except hers were screams of raw terror because she thought he was going to start a gunfight, since that seemed to be what he was trying to do. I felt bad for her.

You want to know how many "white" people I've seen behave in that fashion in 39 years? I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with Nero.
7 years ago
And your anecdotal evidence proves...? I agree that this disparity keeps fueling the fire, but just because you haven't seen any white people do that, doesn't mean they don't.
7 years ago
I gave you one example, I have others but I am sparing you the time it takes to go through them all. Black people are more prone to being hostile for no good god damned reason, period. White people get crazy too but they usually require some kind of provokation and even then it's typically only "white trash".

If it were statistically balanced then you'd see the same psychotic behavior from whites because they are supposedly the majority. Don't talk to me about this, unless you have something to contribute. Your blind SJW comments aren't helpful or insightful.

I've had fat white bitches flip out at me, happened once at walmart, some bitch was screaming she was going to kill me, and in front of her two young children. It's people like that, white or black or purple or whatever, which are the reason I now carry a sidearm everywhere, and openly. Nobody fucks with you carrying a gun, except that crazy dude in the SUV that I mentioned already.
7 years ago
Whelp. Don't know what to say. Considering you instantly jumped to the conclusion that I'm an SJW solely for disagreeing with you, I realize nothing I'll say is going to change your mind. So I won't. I'll just say you're an idiot, and anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything.
7 years ago
Okay you can "say" whatever you like, it's your voice to use, but I'm no idiot. You probably won't believe me, which is your loss frankly.
7 years ago
" smblion wrote:
Okay you can "say" whatever you like, it's your voice to use, but I'm no idiot. You probably won't believe me, which is your loss frankly.

Okay, I'm so confused. What are you saying. All I said was your anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything, and you immediately called me an SJW. Taking that into account, I assumed that nothing I say will change your mind.

What is it that I won't believe?

I'm 100% open to discussion and having my mind changed. But right now it sounds like you and I are on two completely different trains of thought. Partially my fault I admit.
7 years ago
" LeoStarpaw wrote:
What is it that I won't believe?

I'm 100% open to discussion and having my mind changed. But right now it sounds like you and I are on two completely different trains of thought. Partially my fault I admit.

That I'm not an idiot, and my opinion might be worth a few seconds of your time. as for you not believing me, I've been wrong plenty in the past, maybe I'm wrong about that.
7 years ago
Okay, I jumped the gun by calling you an idiot, but that was in response to you jumping the gun and calling me an SJW.

I propose we start over. Hi, I'm Leo. I'm not an SJW, I can't stand them. I'm 100% open and encourage discussion. I want to see all sides of the argument. I will refrain from calling you an idiot again.
7 years ago
Fair enough, my comment was probably out of line. I was aggravated at the time, having just woken up from a bad dream, and it probably influenced my responses.
7 years ago
It's called poverty, not race. You get the same destructive behaviour in poor communities regardless of the race of people involved. And that's assuming all the people in these ghettos act and think the same, which by virtue of them being individual people, they fucking don't.
7 years ago
I want to agree with you, and I did for a long time, but these days I think there is a skewing along racial lines.

One should not take that to mean I think skin color has anything to do with it, on the contrary, I think it's an engineered problem which needs to be un-engineered, but if we don't acknowledge the issue then it'll never be fixed. We saw this in America during the 1980s and Ronald Reagan.
7 years ago
You can make the case that there is a significant difference in the amount of people of one race, and their economic status. There are a significantly disproportionate amount of black people in ghettos and poverty. However, there really is no case for it being race other than it being a holdover from slavery. There are several other factors that determine this and to claim such a nuanced situation is solely because of one factor is absurd.
7 years ago
A good thing to look at is the history of Chicago and it's "red line" which is where city leaders created districts intended for blacks to live in, and they were not allowed to buy or own property north of the red lines they'd draw on the maps. This went on for years and created a lot of the apparently racially biased problems they experience to this day, such as the disproportionate violence of the south side ghettos.

The point is, racism is bullshit, until racists enter the picture and start fucking with the culture in racist ways, then you see differences emerge along racial lines and the racists then point to that and say "See racism isn't bullshit!"

This kind of shit is why I hate humans.
7 years ago
That is an interesting case. Here in my hometown, there actually is a section of the city that was also sanctioned off for black people. I don't think it was ever legally enforced, but it was definitely socially enforced. It's now to the point that the people in this section of the city have accents more in common to people in Kentucky where they came from, than from Michigan where they now are. It's a sad scenario that's created a really interesting result. To think that all you have to do is cross town, and you essentially are in another state.
7 years ago
The Jewish family ordering Chinese takeout stereotype has an interesting basis in history. Orthodox Jews don't cook on the Sabbath, and the first Chinese migrants didn't recognize Christian holidays, so during the Sabbath and certain holidays, Jews would go eat at Chinese restaurants, which were open on days when most other places weren't. Coincidentally, Chinese cuisine is highly compatible with Jewish theology, as the Chinese don't use dairy products in their cooking (in the Old Testament, it says that you can't mix meat and dairy together, to the point that you have to have completely separate bowls and utensils), and it's quite easy to avoid pork and shellfish on a menu (also a Jewish custom, not just Muslims). Thus the stereotype was born.

It's a stupid belief that racists have that cultures can't mix or intermingle or exchange in any way. It's an extension of the "keep the bloodline pure" belief that ruined the Royal Families in Europe with their excessive inbreeding. It's a pathetic attempt to isolate themselves and not be exposed to something new or different; a type of willful ignorance.
7 years ago
Exactly. Look at the Swahili culture. It was literally a culture born from the mixing of European and African cultures.

And I can confirm, coming from a Jewish family, I love me some Chinese food.
7 years ago
Not even counting that; you can barely find anything that wasn't lifted from some previous culture, most of whom died hundreds of years ago. Language is usually the first exchange; English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch among many other European languages have their roots in Latin. Christianity is derived from Judaism and originated in the Middle East before it was brought up to Europe.

Honestly, it's more difficult to figure out a point where the various cultures in the world WEREN'T mingling.
7 years ago
Nice to meet Jew :3 ✡️
7 years ago
Yes yes. Don't go creating a chutzpah. Now come here and let me wipe that shmutz off your face. XD
7 years ago
This post earns you one (1) 3-star vote and one (1) watch.  

7 years ago
Please never stop being yourself <3
7 years ago
I don't think I have much of a choice, but all the same, I appreciate the comment XP.
7 years ago
Very nice indeed.
7 years ago
It's almost like people can look different, but be the same? *Gasp!*
7 years ago
It's like human beings can have things in common beyond superficial features!
7 years ago
I'm guessing this is for people that explicitly self-identify as alt-right, like Richard Spencer and the like. The label alt-right is often slapped onto various people that do not subscribe to any of these ideas, though. To the point that at least to me, it seems like a rather muddled term.

It seems there are quite a few people that want it to be an either-or situation, you're either completely on board with social justice stuff, or if you're not, well, we're just going to have to lump you in with "the scary nazi fascist alt-right" people. I'm perfectly happy with taking a bit more reasonable positions, though. I don't think limitless immigration is a great idea, for example. Nor am I a fan of how Islam treats minorities, and women.

For that, people get called alt-right, a nazi, whatever. Me, too. No doubt you have, too. Yet I'm not a "race realist", nor am I advocating for an ethnostate, or any such nonsense. Heck, even Jordan Peterson gets called an alt-righter now and then, or is claimed to "fuel the alt-right", or other weak, vague claims like that, despite actually offering a what amounts to a very strong case against extremist alt-right ideas, from what I can tell.

Stupid muddled labels, alt-right, alt-lite, altfurry, whatever. Those aren't what should be attacked imo. There's plenty of reasonable people amongst those that get those labels slapped on them. Scary ideas like founding an ethnostate in a currently multiethnic society, should be attacked. And I don't mean that those ideas should be censored and allowed to fester on the dark web or whatever, they should be challenged with reason. That's how you change minds.
7 years ago
The alt-right label refers to ethno nationalists, mainly. But yes, like Nazi it is a term employed by the far left to earmark people as undesirable unjustifiably. The alt-right is just as full of shit as the ctrl-left, so it is best to tell the both of them to fuck off. The vast majority of society is somewhere between, with reasonable views that don't involve taking a sledgehammer to society and its values to satisfy some ideological wet dream.
7 years ago
The fu...? I'm not going to bother googling what alt-right is. or ctrl left. or shift right. shift left? caps lock left? enter right? labels. all of them, labels.
7 years ago
I respectfully disagree.
7 years ago
You sure know how to stir a pot. The thing that irritates me the most is the fact that the alt-right is in fact alt-right. Why couldn't they have stayed with the party that started the KKK and left us limited government enthusiasts to our own devices?
7 years ago
Hrmm. I don't think you're representing their argument correctly, tbh - they believe that cultures are, at least in part, determined by the genetic trends in a society. And as far as that goes, there does seem to be some evidence for this - though the jury's out on exactly how much of a role it does play, and how much is determined by environment.

They also do have a point when they say racial groups coming into the country tend to cluster together and form little communities of their own rather than integrating with the culture and society as a whole; you can see this in any place with high immigration. Indeed, it takes many generations and interbreeding with the native population before they really adopt the culture and values, and this is hampered by such insular communities. In this, I can agree with strictly limiting and controlling immigration, as I would preserve our American culture.

None of the above - ie, thinking that differences between races may account for some of the differences in culture, and strictly limiting immigration to preserve one's culture, infringe on anyone's rights. I can find some agreement with the alt-right on those things.

Where we diverge is when it comes to lawful citizens already here. Even if the Alt-Right is absolutely correct about the nature of race and how certain races are less capable than others, that doesn't justify mass-exile of lawful citizens. Nor does it justify the use of taxation to pay such people to leave the country, as the less extreme ones wish.

2¢ =p
7 years ago
I think I'm being very charitable, actually XP. The alt right want an ethnostate, so they believe that race is so significant that a society of multiple races is a fools errand and should be done away with. This isn't just seeing the minor biological differences between races and being realistic about them. It is true that some immigrant groups self-segregate from the host culture when they move, but I'd argue that this is to do with preserving the culture they left and not their racial composition. If it was mainly about race then they would adopt the host culture but remain racially segregated regardless. The problem with the alt-right beliefs is that they begin from a foregone conclusion and then look for anything and everything that appears to confirm it. When they do find something that appears to do so on the surface they parade it around and fail to look for alternative explanations. So biological differences between races simply confirms their bias, instead of them having the reasoning to realise that evidence of biological differences can only ever be evidence of those specific differences, you don't get to go from them to then make up whatever connections one likes. So they find some differences and then jump from those to aha! There! Race does impact culture! Without showing anything of how that actually bloody works. It is true that all human cultures are naturally flowing from our biological natures, this is true of every culture we create, but going from that to race being significant enough to play a deterministic role in possible cultures? Nah, that is horse shit.
7 years ago
" It is true that all human cultures are naturally flowing from our biological natures, this is true of every culture we create, but going from that to race being significant enough to play a deterministic role in possible cultures? Nah, that is horse shit.

...How do you know it's horseshit, though? I can't claim to know one way or another if it is, because there is evidence going both ways. On the one hand, Africa has remained a shit-hole throughout its history, regardless of cultural changes, regardless of all the opportunities to get better. When Zimbabwe kicked out white farmers, they began starving - and now they're begging for the white farmers to come back. South Africa is following the same route, and even though I'm an ardent libertarian I can only look at it and think, "Shoot, life was better for everyone when white people ran that country, now the economy sucks and crime is way up". On the other hand, there are ethnically African individuals who love and cherish Western values, and advocate for them. So, the Alt-Right people who say that no minorities are capable of integrating and upholding Western values are obviously incorrect, I agree - and it's hypocritical for them to say 'genetics cause the race as a whole to do more poorly' and then insist these individuals must still have the bad genes because they're of the same race. But, when they say that minorities in the US do not uphold Western values, they are correct - you need only see how they vote. And when they say that this is at least in-part caused by genetics, I cannot say whether or not they are correct.

Which is why I suggest we put this to the test*, to see if their ideas hold water, and allow them to form their own whites-only communities (and other ____-only communities, if other groups wish to try it) in a non-coercive manner. For those who think they're just vile, hateful racists, well, think of it as a quarantine ;)

*note that I suggest commies do the same, and make their own communities, before advocating for nationwide communism.
7 years ago
The alt right claim the ethno state is desirable and that race determines culture, that is for them to prove. Considering they haven't and people of all races are capable of adapting to other cultures, their claims are obviously bullshit. If you contest they are not, it is down to you to demonstrate it. You being the royal you, not you personally. I don't see any reason to take racists who want an ethno state seriously. As for Africa, it is lack of education that leads to cultural stagnation, so you can find people just as backward anywhere in the world. There's certainly no shortage of people who believe absolute bollocks over here either, but places like Africa have fallen prey to totalitarianism, religious orthodoxy and appalling levels of corruption. Which isn't limited to that continent or 'race' either.
7 years ago
Let's play "Spot the Racist" X3
7 years ago
I am Racist.
7 years ago
I'm not convinced XD
7 years ago
This series keeps getting better :3
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