I don't see a lot of furry art that makes me think, "Damn that'd look amazing as a poster or framed painting hanging on my wall for all to see." But this piece certainly could work that way. :3
Truth be told, most furry art actually makes me think, "That's adorable!... Buuuut I can't let anyone else see it or my life is ruined!" XD
I don't see a lot of furry art that makes me think, "Damn that'd look amazing as a poster or framed
Reminds me of my childhood, sitting on a tree's branch, out in the nature with many leaves on them, so nobody could see me while I was... hmm... "can't remember what I was doing." :3c Probably just enjoying the fresh air? x3
Reminds me of my childhood, sitting on a tree's branch, out in the nature with many leaves on them,