I was rather frustrated at the time I drew this, some weeks back, so I think it would be prudent to add a little explanation of this here. Diversity is something that is brought up all the time these days, always referred to positively, as if it were a goal at which we should aim. This is not critically questioned, unfortunately. Diversity kicks ass if we're talking about diversity of experience, thought, ideas, perspectives. When people come together with a shared aim, having a wealth of experience is, naturally, very important. However, this is not the meaning of diversity in its present, most widespread usage. Diversity, and we can assess this from the goals of those implementing it, instead refers to race, gender and sexuality.
Now, obviously people of any race, gender or sexuality should not face discrimination for those reasons, because we would be discriminating based on inherent traits of people, traits for which no person can be held responsible and, in any event, are superficial. Take one example, I'm a gay, white man. Are gay people similar to eachother in any way, even generally, that isn't purely their sexuality? What about white people, are they all similar, to the point of general significance, in any way beyond race? Apply the same to men. The point is that if you take anybody from any of these categories you cannot infer, from no other information, what they believe, how they think, what they have experienced, what their personality is, their skills etc. Because of this, isolating these shallow traits tells you nothing about the individual, which renders the individual irrelevant if we choose to care more about these traits than others.
Put simply, if we set out to enforce an outcome of demographics based on traits that have almost nothing to do with individual characteristics, then we are setting up a system whereby people are judged by these traits. If we are to be judged based on race, sexuality, gender, things we can't change and things which do not determine who we are as individuals, then we have a system which inevitably destroys the individual. Merit is what should matter, if we care about people being able to do the things they are most suited and most interested in doing. Seeing people of multiple races, genders and sexualities in a particular industry or company might make good optics and feel nice enough, but in even trying for it we are making these things the most important features of a person. We can't do that unless we want to be collectivists, unless we don't want to be considered as individual people. There's no two ways about it, the current diversity drive is bigotry by another name. It is diseased, ignorant nonsense and it ought to be thrown out like the garbage it is.
7 years ago
14 Feb 2018 05:03 CET
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