Yada yada, high road, I just don't like Amy and the feeling seems to be mutual. She is attractive, but she always rubs me wrong like a "what about me" type of person.
This was a funny idea I had a while ago. This also gave me a chance to give Titus a simple canon outfit. The developing continues! Titus is typically a quiet, noticeably happy fella, however I think we all have a few things or people that can ruin that. And even though Titus would never admit it, give him a few drinks and he probably would give Amy the grudge fucking of a lifetime! xD That feeling may also be mutual, who knows...
! He managed to paint this picture so similar but so much better than I could picture it! All the little details he added really make this beach setting. Thanks for doing this for me homie! I'll be back!
I think Amy's pretty good in Archie and honestly Boom Amy's alright. But this would be the Hate Fuck of the century and few would survive I can tell. XD.
I think Amy's pretty good in Archie and honestly Boom Amy's alright. But this would be the Hate Fuck