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TOTGM - Madam Aoi - After Story Bio
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ModestImmorality's Gallery (406)

Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 145

TOTGM - World of LAW Ark - Pokemon Attorney
Keywords male 1197488, female 1087978, pokemon 192213, rabbit 139529, bunny 112713, human 108569, girl 93656, boy 81032, horse 59612, males 43312, woman 29240, females 24935, christmas 21834, man 19067, snake 18503, the 16950, humanoid 15752, story 14005, stallion 12520, snow 11610, boys 11353, girls 9816, city 7220, of 6291, lopunny 4822, series 4641, master 4355, men 3899, gardevoir 3538, snivy 2793, women 2740, serpent 2393, kirlia 1317, serperior 1224, buneary 1188, nun 1104, guardian 1082, tale 875, ralts 540, chapter 502, servine 448, rapidash 409, tale of the guardian master 304, totgm 258
Chapter 145 - A Tree For Two

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Heading Out
Rcommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"It really is quite a story you have..." Holly point out as she and the group made their way along the grounds of the Yule House, surrounded by her agents. "We've had up's and down's but, in the end, I think we've turned out pretty well." Chris smirked, looking at the girls. "We prove we not do anything, why you not go away?" Serenity scowled, looking at the security around them and motioning them to leave in agitation. "Sorry..." Holly apologized with a nervous laugh, the Pokemon grumbling with her arm locked within Chris's as they walked. "Back on topic... You know, they have entire books written about Ninetales and the ways they can curse people, though most are based on legends... I've seen tales of people vanishing, possibly out of existence, while other stories say it can send you to other worlds, other realities entirely..." the Mayor explained. "Some even say they can turn you into things, be it a tree in the forest or even a Pokemon... I've never seen anything written about a Ninetales giving the person they curse their own power though... Usually the point of a curse is to hurt someone or be a detriment... To control them and such... It doesn't make much sense when it comes right down to it. Why bother cursing somebody at all if you're just going to help them?" she asked. "Well..." Chris paused, looking down as he thought over his response. "It's hard to explain... And I'm sure I'll catch heat for it later, but..." he looked up, glancing at his forehead. "I think... She's guilty about it..." he affirmed, the girls looking at him as curiously as Holly. "See, over time I kind of imprinted on her in my own way. Growing up without my real folks, after I started talking to her I kinda viewed Ninetales as another mother... A guardian kinda thing..." he explained.

"So the guardian HAS a guardian." Holly giggled. "I suppose it would make someone feel pretty low, planting a curse on a fella only to have that person think of you so highly... The pedestal you place her on is pretty hard to ignore." the Mayor nodded. "I'd like to think that, even before I was aware of her as much as I am now, in my own way maybe she imprinted on me too. Looking after me through all those years... Kinda makes me feel good thinking she thought of me like her kid after all that time." Chris grinned. "Through all the things I went through as a kid, I was never seriously hurt... I'd fall out of trees and it was like I landed on a cushion... I'd get scratched by some pretty big Pokemon and it'd only leave nicks. The more I've thought about it, the more I believe it was her doing, looking out for me." he went on. "One must admit, she'd have to in order to get any use out of a klutz like you." Alicia smirked with her head up in a haughty manner. "Oh ha ha." Chris scowled. "Anyways... That's just how I feel. I think along the way, deep down we've started feeling the same toward each other. I don't give her any complaints or trouble because I enjoy what I do, helping folks and all. I really couldn't see my life being put to a better use, so I'm happy to have all these chances to do the things I've done... I'm living an incredible life, doing incredible things..." he paused again, looking at the girls. "Meeting incredible people... And putting together my own incredible family." he grinned, Rose and Serenity letting out a collective "aw" of affection while Alicia showed a silent smirk of her own. "It's not an easy life, maybe, but it's a worthwhile life. I'm not going to complain about what I go through when so many people have a better future because of it." Chris nodded.

Making their way toward the entrance, the gates opened allowing the group to proceed, looking down the sidewalk where Rapidash stood before the carriage with his head slumped in a deep slumber. "Like that there... My friends gave me that carriage and the Pokemon to help make our time here easier, more comfortable. They didn't have to, but because I helped them out, they helped me. It's a huge help with how far we had to travel and the way the path was getting here. When you can spend your life doing great things for folks, and getting surprises like that in turn... Surprises like the girls by my side and all the friends I've made..." he smirked before looking at Holly and showing a wide grin. "How could I be upset over a curse like this? It's a blessing no matter how I look at it!" he affirmed, repeating the same thing he'd said some time ago making the girls jolt while the Mayor's eyes widened in surprise. "So it's a tough life... There's too much good in it to let a few struggles along the way get me down. No matter what happens, I'll always have my family, Ninetales included, and plenty of friends to help me through it. Plus, there's always a new place to see and new people to meet tomorrow no matter what happens today... As long as I've got that, I've got no complaints." he assured, the Mayor looking at him for a moment before smiling with her hand out. Blinking at it, Chris reached out and took it before Holly responded with "Welcome to Yulema City" in a soft voice, a warmth in her tone and smile that caused him to blush and stutter while Serenity and Alicia looked between the two and showed a scowl of jealousy, Rose showing a silent smile and nodding at the scene.

"I know I've said it "officially" before, but this time, that one's from the heart, Mr. Nakazaki." she nodded, leaving him in all the worse of a shy state as their hands pulled away. Rubbing his head, Chris let out a nervous "g-gosh..." in response, nodding back with a somewhat goofy looking smile as the Mayor giggled once more. "Alright you, snap out of it." Alicia lectured, slithering up with a scowl causing him to jolt. "You get that way too easy!" Serenity added, locking her arm in his once more. "H-Huh? Wh-What way?" Chris asked, a puzzled look on his face. "Oh dear, seems I crossed a little line there. I'm sorry." Holly apologized, waving her hand with a nervous smile. "Don't worry, they're always like that." Rose assured. "Quiet you!" Serenity and Alicia snapped. "Ha ha, glad to know I'm not a special case then." the Mayor laughed as the two continued scowling, Serenity poking Chris's cheek as he let out a whiny and drawn out "wha--at?!" in response to their behavior. "Well then, I'll be in touch about the details so keep a look-out on your Pokedex, alright?" Holly reminded. "W-Will do ma'am." Chris assured. With an agent coming up and whispering in her ear, the Mayor let out a sigh, responding with a "very well" and waving the man away. "Time to get back to the office, a few calls coming in again and they've managed to push a few more documents my way last minute." she explained while looking at the Capitol building across the plaza with a scowl. "Thanks!" she added in agitation, her behavior making the agents around them sweat slightly. "You know, you're kinda different than I'd expect from a Mayor." Chris point out with a nervous smile of his own. Looking at him with an "eh" in response, Holly rubbed the back of her head with an embarrassed laugh.

"Well, lets put it this way, a woman doesn't win office by being your typical candidate. If you don't have personality, you blur into the background." she explained. "A lot of men running for office try to stand out with promises of this and that... Mostly things they never deliver on and they seem so monotone. Or perhaps a little one-dimensional... Kind of repetitive..." the Mayor explained, one of the agents clearing her throat as a reminder for Holly not to say too much about her political rivals. "A-Anyway... I stood out through a combination of being realistic and adding some spunk those other old fogies didn't have. In short, I vowed on what I knew I could deliver that was in-line with what the people of this city wanted, and I offered the real me, right there on the stage." she winked. "You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish with the bare minimum." Holly added, her statement making Chris smirk. "I could vouch for that." he agreed. "They say people in politics are all frauds, so I spent my entire campaign assuring the people I was the opposite. I wasn't some miracle worker. I couldn't solve every problem plaguing the world. I was just a fellow human being who wanted better for the people she served and swore to put the power I'd be given to use doing just that. Improving the conditions of the poorer locales, giving a bit more funding to food drives and the like, adding new places for recreation, reinforcing various bits and pieces of the city..." she count on her fingers. "Sometimes it's the smaller things that mean the most, and the more little things you do, they add up over-time and become huge things to the people. Deeds you promised on and delivered. The people will remember that, and they'll appreciate it. Hold it close to their hearts." the Mayor smiled.

"I swore to the residents of Yulema City that I'd be someone who couldn't deliver paradise, perhaps, but I could offer them happiness to the best of my ability... I could put food on their tables, jobs on the market, money in their pockets and give them new places to find peace after a stressful day, all while making sure the city they love remains pristine and strong like the day it was built..." she went on, looking around. "...I think that's what it means to be a leader. A society cannot thrive under someone who wears a mask and offers everything, only to wind up giving nothing... Be real, offer what you know is feasible. Be one of the people, prove yourself no different than a fellow neighbor seeking something better, not someone just aiming to be in the spotlight. Prove you've got the heart to care and the fist to protect. That's all it takes, if you ask me." she nodded before showing a grin. "I did win after all, so that proves something, right?" she asked, getting another nod of approval from Chris. "And uh... Of course being the YOUNGEST to ever hold the position helps. This lady doesn't drag her feet like the rest!" she added with a proud flick of her hair before shouting "take that fogies!" at the Capitol building, almost like a rebellious daughter of sorts, her agents sweating once more. "I've delivered on every vow I've made so far and I don't intend to stop. With any luck I'll have another term ahead of me." the Mayor smirked. Suddenly getting a tap from the same agent that had whispered to her, Holly slumped and nodded. "Alright, alright... I'm on my way." she assured. "Sorry for holding you up. Thanks for seeing us." Chris waved with a nervous smile. "Oh, no. For getting me out of that blistering chair, I'm the one who should thank you." the Mayor affirmed.

Taking a moment to bid their farewells, Holly wished the group a fun time in the city before returning to the grounds before them, the guards shutting the gates behind her while the agents saw her back to the Yule House itself. "...I like her methods, but given her personality, that way of living is total torture..." Chris muttered, giving a final wave to the Mayor. "In a way... I think she's kinda like you somewhere deep down." Rose point out. "Eh...? Me?" he replied, blinking at the rabbit before looking at the area around them. "...Folks in suits stalking me every second, surrounded by fences and can't even get a visitor without body pats and escorts? No thanks." he objected with his hand up and face turned. "I'm not into that kind of lifestyle. I like helping people the way I do now... I couldn't handle being restricted so much. In that regard I'd say she's miles better than I am... I couldn't cope with all that at ALL..." Chris affirmed. "Well, surely the lavish lifestyle would be worth..." Alicia began to ask, looking at him as he raised an eyebrow. "...Right, that's not exactly YOU, is it?" she slumped. "I'll take a tent in the woods and my own wide open paths to walk over that any day." he affirmed, causing the snake to sigh. "Hey, you trying to say something?" he asked with a scowl. "N-No no. It's alright." she assured, shaking her head. "I know we're not spending every day walking across plush carpets, but our lifestyle is still pretty good too you know." Chris affirmed. "Hotels, cruises, bath houses, high class carriages... A cabin..." he reminded before crossing his arms. "Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I've actually been overdoing it... Maybe we should be even simpler from now on?" he asked, causing Alicia to jolt and panic.

Showing a smirk, Chris gave her a "gotcha" remark, the snake showing slight sweat on her face and apologizing. "Forget about it. I'm just teasing... You have to admit though, not being able to do what you want, when you want would be a drag compared to how we live now... Always swarmed by folks in suits to boot... I could never relax in that kind of position. You gotta have WAY more nerves and patience than I do for that kind of mess." he affirmed before leading the group toward the carriage. Opening the door for Alicia, the snake slithered inside before he helped Serenity and Rose climb up, letting the girls settle in while the rabbit took his staff. "Alright... Hey buddy! Time to go!" he called out, giving Rapidash a pat on the side causing the stallion to let out a groan of sorts, wearily opening his eyes and letting out a yawn before turning his head and glancing at Chris with a raised eyebrow. "We finished up here... Took a little longer than I thought." Chris explained, Rapidash facing forward and letting out another yawn before shaking the grogginess off. "Won't be much longer until the sun's gone again... We spent a good bit of the day in there actually..." he muttered, looking at the time on his device before tucking it away and joining the girls. "Alright, so we've got that out of the way... Now we go find us a tree, then freshen up back at the cabin, then it's off to the Temple for the big kick-off!" he grinned while taking the reins. "So... What kinda stuff do you think they'll have from around the world?" Rose asked curiously. "Mm... Not sure really... Anything you wanna get though, just lemme know and we'll see." Chris offered with a smile, the rabbit nodding as he rubbed her on the head. "You know, you were a good girl in there. I'm proud of you! Being around all those folks in suits, you really impressed me." he praised, pointing out how she can be in crowded places.

Blushing from the compliment, Rose fidget with a wide smile on her face. "...I do good job too..." Serenity muttered with her arms crossed and cheeks slightly puffed. "Aww, you want pwaise too?" Chris asked in a babying manner, reaching toward her head only for the Pokemon to snatch his wrist. "Not touch! And not talk that way either!" she snapped in agitation. Laughing from her behavior, Chris gave Serenity a playful nudge and nodded. "I'm proud of you too, don't worry. That's why it's my treat tonight." he assured. "You did good, thanks." he affirmed, making her settle down and show a small smile. "You carried yourself pretty good as well back there!" he added, looking back at Alicia through the window of the carriage. "Naturally, when don't I?" she smirked with her nose up proudly. Facing forward, Chris took a breath of air and let out a long sigh of relief. "This is much better... Alright buddy, lets go get us a tree!" he grinned. Giving the reins a light snap, the girls relaxed at his sides while Rapidash began to step forward. However, as soon as the stallion began to pull, an awkward rumbling echoed through his stomach, causing him to pause wide eyed with a "wuh oh..." expression. Letting out an "eh?" from the noise, Chris and the girls looked at the horse curiously, his face twisting before gas like that of an eruption burst from his rear, catching the group by surprise as it made the stallions tail flow in the wind, the fire shooting over their heads while the wind blew their hair back. Nearby, the guards at the gates looked at the group wide eyed, surprised by the sudden burst themselves. Sitting silently for a moment, Chris and the girls mouths were agape in shock, their eyes wide and bodies leaning back as though they'd hit a wall.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - ...Excuse Me...?
Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Letting out an extraordinary sigh of relief, it was as though all the torment Rapidash had endured left his body in that instant, his stomach now back to normal and a look of satisfaction and peace in his expression while the girls let out an ear piercing scream, Serenity and Rose leaping from the seat and running off to the sides of the carriage as they frantically wiped off their faces. "...Fucking SERIOUSLY dude?!!" Chris snapped, wiping his own face off while the guards nearby fought with all their might to hold in their reaction, collectively snickering only to burst out in resounding laughter. Within the carriage, Alicia was snickering as well, giving an "I no longer have issue with taking the back seat" comment, having avoided the blast from the stallion while watching the others dance and flail about in disgust. "S-Sorry girls!!" Chris apologized, looking at Serenity and Rose as the two continued screaming and expressing their disgust. Despite their reactions, all Rapidash could do was show a euphoric look from the release, his head in the clouds while the girls wished theirs were in the ground, the two letting out random urks. Heading for the door of the carriage, Serenity let out a furious "move over!!" comment, climbing in and sitting roughly on the seat within while Rose let out a "nasty!!" comment and joined them, the two placing themselves inside and slamming the door shut. "H-Hey!! Easy on the carriage!!" Chris reminded. "That SICK!!" Serenity snapped back. "It's not my fau...!!" he tried to say, only to remember he gave Rapidash the bag of carrots and medicine combined. "...Aw hell." he muttered, facing forward with an agitated scowl. "Man, come on." he lectured as Rapidash took in a deep breath of satisfaction. "Must you bring your stench in here?" Alicia asked.

Looking at the snake, Serenity gave an agitated "quiet" remark in response. "That was gross, my mouth was open!!" Rose whined, wiping off her tongue and groaning in disgust. "Y-You're still gonna sit with me though, right?" Chris asked, looking back at the group through the window. "You stay by self!!" Serenity lectured, pointing out the gassy stallion being his fault. "I-I'm good for a while..." Rose added in a sulky manner, not wanting to endure a second wind. Facing forward, Chris slumped in a guilty manner, muttering "thanks a lot..." to the stallion as he held his nose up proudly. Letting out a sigh, Chris warily snapped the reins again and winced as Rapidash started pulling the carriage around the plaza. Keeping his face turned, Chris maintained his wary stance as they returned to the gates to the Yule House and made their way past, the guards showing wide smiles before one of the women working inside the guard shack held her phone up to a mic and played the sound of someone passing gas, causing it to echo through the speakers making all the guards burst in collective laughter a second time. Seemingly glowing, Chris lowered his head between his shoulders, groaning in embarrassment while the girls inside the carriage lowered theirs as well, ducking out of sight while Alicia sighed and shook her head as they made their way out of the plaza and away from the mockery. "Geez... So much for ending the visit on a high note..." Chris grumbled, scowling at Rapidash while the stallion carried his head high and proud as he pulled the group along. Letting out a shudder, Chris steered them along the streets while hearing Serenity telling Alicia off repeatedly, the snake unable to resist poking fun at what they'd experienced.

"Alright, that's enough." Chris lectured, looking back. "What have I told you about stirring her up?" he asked, his focus on Alicia making her jolt and glance away. "You've had your fun now let it go." he affirmed, causing Serenity to smirk with her nose up. "Don't act smug, that doesn't make you any better." he added, focusing on Serenity making her let out an "urk!" of sorts and face away. Focusing ahead, Chris shook his head as he steered them along the streets, taking out his Pokedex before pulling up his map of the city. Once he'd picked out his destination, he followed the paths it suggested, the shops and homes around them beginning to light up as the evening further rolled in. Hearing the stallions stomach grumble slightly, Rapidash glanced back with a sly looking grin on his face. "Do it again and I swear I'm shoving this staff RIGHT up your ass..." Chris warned, holding it up making the stallion laugh in a whinnying manner as Chris twitched an eye and grumbled. Continuing through the city, they eventually reached the place he'd wanted to go, stopping the carriage before a sprawling outdoor emporium filled to the brim with more species of holiday themed trees than one could count in all shapes and styles, be it standing tall for the living room or tucked in small pots for outdoor decor, many were plain while others were frosted. Several kinds came in different shades of green while featuring various degrees of thickness depending on whatever's preferred for customers. "This is it girls!" he called out while looking at the options before them, the group curiously looking out the window. "We're going in the woods...?" Rose asked. "Ha! Those aren't woods! Those are for sale, they were all chopped and brought here." Chris clarified.

"They cut down that many and stand them up like that here? Seem like too much work..." Serenity point out. "Hey, it might be a lot of work but you can bet the folks working here rake in the cash." he affirmed with a smirk. Making his way down with his staff in hand, Chris let the girls out of the carriage before gathering at the entrance of the emporium. "Oohh... Some of them are really... BIG..." Rose awed while looking up at several trees. "Isn't everything big to you?" Alicia asked as they made their way inside, the snake suddenly pausing and looking up at a tree that towered over her, blinking in surprise. "...You were saying?" Rose smirked, raising a smug eyebrow causing Alicia to scowl with a "quiet you" remark. Looking at the two, Chris laughed as they looked at various choices, Serenity reaching out and touching several with a "pointy..." mumble. "Yeah, they're great for decorating but getting them in can be a little tricky." he point out. Continuing to browse through their choices, eventually the group made their way into the center of the emporium, featuring a massive opening where a colossal tree that best them all in both shape and size stood towering above, its peak reaching even that of multiple-story buildings. Walking toward it, the group looked up with a collective and drawn out "ohhh!" comment, their eyes widened in surprise. "No way THAT'S fitting in our place..." Chris muttered. "How in the world would you even budge such a thing?" Alicia asked while Rose got on all fours and looked at its base. "This one's cut too... How did they get it here?" she asked, blinking at the holder which bolted it securely to the ground. "For something like this they used a crane, probably..." Chris explained, bringing up pictures of the vehicle on his Pokedex for them to see.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A Dilemma
Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Once they were done looking, the group started walking around the colossal work of nature, looking at the smaller trees which circled them. "We beg of you Mr. Joel!" they suddenly heard a woman's voice speak up. "We'll do what ever we can to compensate!" another voice spoke, feminine yet younger in tone. "Perhaps some form of a payment system in small amounts?" a third asked, also feminine. Pausing in his steps, Chris raised an eyebrow with a curious "eh?" as he continued around the tree, the girls following behind. "I-I'm sorry... I need the money for my family... It has to be now. These trees carry us through the year..." a man's voice replied in a guilty tone. Finally reaching where the voices were coming from, Chris found a group of nun-looking figures gathered before a man with a white Santa-like mustache donning a suit and a somber look on his face while the women held their hands together pleading. "Oh come on. I've got your payment right here! How long are you going to squabble with these people?!" a man standing behind the nun's asked in agitation, dressed somewhat like that of a butler. "Enough of this! Take the payment so I can be off!" the man added, holding his card out over the nun's heads as they looked back nervously. "I have it, they don't, yet here you are bickering with them! Do I need to take my business elsewhere?!" he asked, causing who appeared to be Mr. Joel to panic. "P-Please sir, the sisters have always been good to my family as Ms. Aevna has, I just need a moment." he apologized, the name causing Chris to jolt. "Aevna...?" he muttered, thinking back on the woman and her granddaughter at the pizzeria while listening. "I-I'm sorry sisters... I really have to have the money up front. Some of the bills were hard on us this year. If we'd done better business I might have been able to work something out but... I just can't afford it right now." Mr. Joel affirmed.

Sulking, the sisters looked at one another before hanging their heads from the rejection. "Alright, alright. There you have it, now move aside!" the man behind the nun's ordered, pushing his way through causing them to stumble with his card out. "To think you'd bother debating the issue... Ridiculous." he grumbled. "I-I'm sorry sir... I couldn't just..." Mr. Joel tried to reply, only to have the card shoved toward his face as he sweat slightly, glancing at the nun's with all the more guilt in his eyes. "I'll tell you once more, take it before I go elsewhere!!" the man ordered. "Not a very likeable man..." Alicia muttered. "Wonder what his problem is...?" Rose asked. "His problem is he another human. It really surprise you?" Serenity asked, expecting it as she glanced away with a scowl. "That just how they are." she added. Looking at the girls, Chris jolt when he heard a frustrated "Come on then!" from the man, further pushing Mr. Joel to take his payment. About to do so, the moment was interrupted when Chris raised his hand with an "excuse me" while walking up, injecting himself into the scene making the group jolt and look his way. "Y-Yes sir? Can I help you?" Mr. Joel smiled nervously. "I was wondering about the tree here... What's the issue?" Chris asked, looking at the worried nuns and the agitated man. "W-Well, uh..." Mr. Joel muttered, sweating slightly. "Oh dear, oh dear..." he added. "The issue is this tree belongs to my family! Each year we reserve one for my niece and the Pokemon within our manor. These women are trying to take it without having a penny to their names!" the man argued, looking at the nun's causing them to inch together warily. "I-I'm afraid I have such a limited number of this species. I can only sell two each year, with one going to the Aevna family and one to the sisters of our temple..." Mr. Joel explained, taking out a handkerchief and wiping his forehead.

"Then what's the big deal? That means there's another one, right? Just take that." Chris point out, causing the nun's to look at one another. "Th-That's the problem..." one of them spoke up. "We spend all year taking donations from partners and locals, plus tourists to cover the expenses of the temple and the festivities we host. We have a tight budget and can only set aside so much for certain things. We'd recently bought the other tree as we do every year but..." she paused. "In the west wing, there was an accident. Fire destroyed the chamber we usually host our festivities in..." a second nun explained. "The authorities think it was vandals, there are some in this city who... Don't quite agree with one of our servants." a third point out as they looked at one another and sulked. "We don't have the money to buy a second tree up-front so we were hoping to make some agreement to pay over-time. These trees are key in attracting people to the temple. Without it..." the first point out. "...It will be a major blow to our donations, and with the damage to the temple we need it more than ever..." the third finished. "Well maybe you should listen to the people complaining and get rid of the one causing trouble. You were warned in the first place if I remember right." the man lectured. "That's what we get for having that WOMAN in office... She'll let anything slide." he added before insisting Mr. Joel take payment once more. "...You know, I don't like your attitude." Chris point out. "And I don't even know who you are, so butt out of things that don't involve you." the man warned. "What you say?!!" Serenity suddenly snapped, walking up to the man and pushing him back. "Knock people out of way and talk big, you type of human I hate most!" she affirmed as he caught his balance with both a surprised and furious look.

"Hey, calm down..." Chris insisted, coaxing Serenity back while Rose hid behind him warily, Alicia muttering an "oh dear..." of her own. "P-Please everyone..." Mr. Joel begged nervously. "First off, I'm Chris, Chris Nakazaki... If you care about your niece so much then you should know who I am." he revealed, the man responding with a "wha...?" while showing an agitated look as though he didn't care. "Last night? When she was attacked? You're looking at the one who saved her." Chris affirmed, pointing at himself. Looking at him for a moment, the man's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widening while letting out a "you..." in a quiet tone. For some reason, the way he said it was both expected, yet somehow didn't sit right either as he relaxed and adjusted his tie. "...Well then..." he added, clearing his throat. "I'll look past your Pokemon's outburst as a sign of my thanks... And my apologies for the way I spoke to you... But that doesn't excuse the fact that I'm being held up on a matter that should be easily resolved that you've still got no part in." the man affirmed. "Maybe I didn't but now I do." Chris scowled before turning to Mr. Joel. "I'll buy the tree. Send it to the temple." he instructed, causing the nun's eye's to widen. "Excuse me?!!" the man objected. "You're excused. If you've got a problem go talk to Alexandra, she'll forgive me for taking it, I think. And if she does have a problem, I'll find a way to tell her about how you've acted myself." Chris replied in his own agitation. "It's just like you said, plenty of other places you can go, right?" he asked, the response making Serenity cross her arms with a smug smile from ear to ear and nodding, Rose subtly sticking the tip of her tongue out in secret from behind him while Alicia raised an eyebrow at the man, insisting he try something in her own silent way.

Looking at them for a moment, the man finally put his card away with a grunt of sorts. "Very well...." he surrendered, looking at the nun's and Mr. Joel before turning his back and leaving. "...Not very appreciative, is he?" Chris muttered, letting out a grunt of his own as though they were two dogs that had just stared one another down with him coming out on top. "Oh... I hope they buy trees from me in the future..." Mr. Joel muttered. "Sorry for pushing away your business like that." Chris apologized. "N-No. I suppose in this case it was justified. I wasn't very keen on how he was behaving either... A bit strange, he's usually so enjoyable in the past years I've served him... Granted the money is needed but..." Mr. Joel sighed. "So, uh... I'm sorry to say this but... Are you certain you can afford this tree?" he asked. "No worries about that... Name your price and it's yours." Chris smiled, the nun's maintaining their looks of surprise. "S-Sir... We couldn't..." one of them interrupted. "Nah, forget about it. I'm glad to. It's for a good cause, right?" he replied as Mr. Joel took out a scanner of sorts. "W-Well then... That's a fifty foot green spruce. The branches are much thicker on this one, nice and full..." he began detailing. "Since the sisters already bought one and lost it through that fire..." he muttered, looking at the women before nodding and working with his figures. "Alright... Is this okay?" he asked, holding out the device. Looking at it, Chris let out a whistle from the numbers. "P-Please sir, it's..." a nun reached out as he let Mr. Joel scan his card, letting off a chime to signal it was approved. "All yours!" he grinned happily, the women speechless while Serenity pat his shoulder, Rose giving his hips a hug while Alicia sighed and shook her head.

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Blinking in his own surprise at his device, Mr. Joel printed a receipt. "Well, there uh... There you go then!" he nodded as Chris took it and tucked it away in his coat pocket. "It's a little late to ask but... You can get it to the temple, right?" he asked, the nun's continuing to look at him in silence. "U-Um..." he muttered, sweating slightly before the women suddenly rushed him, causing Chris to jolt and drop his staff as the nun's shook his hands and bowed their heads, causing him to stumble back while thanking him repeatedly making Serenity and Rose back away from their excitement. Showing a nervous smile, the tried to coax the women away, assuring it wasn't necessary only for their eyes to continue showing a burst of excitement with the widest smiles on their faces. While the nun's and Chris were distracted with one another, Mr. Joel motioned for some of the workers to approach, pointing at him and murmuring instructions before they hurried off. While they were caught off guard at first, the more the nun's swarmed Chris and praised him the more jealous the girls became, with even Rose fidgeting impatiently as he showed a smile, responding to their thanks with repeated "no worries" and "forget it" statements. Once they'd finally backed away, he repeated his question as to whether or not they could have the tree moved to the temple, offering to help set that up as well if needed. Stricken by his deeds, they continued giving thanks as their shoulders lightened, having regained their confidence while behind the workers arrived with a smaller tree over their shoulders, placing it behind Chris with a thud of sorts making him jump in surprise before turning. "Its on the house!" Mr. Joel smiled, the workers doing the same and nodding.

"E-Eh?" Chris blinked. "R-Really?" he asked, looking at Mr. Joel curiously "Hey, a fella showed up out of nowhere and bought my most expensive tree for a group of troubled nun's he doesn't even know... How can an old man not reward that?" he replied with a nod. "Go on, it's no major loss! It's a token of thanks." he affirmed. "If you're here, it means you were looking for a tree of your own anyway, right?" he asked. "Y-Yeah! I mean... Thanks?" Chris nodded before circling the tree, looking over the branches. "It's pretty nice... You sure?" he asked. "Go on, it's yours! Take it home and make it look good!" Mr. Joel insisted, the nun's also nodding in approval. Approaching the tree themselves, the girls looked it over just as curiously. "Well then... I accept!" Chris grinned, looking at the nun's as they approached. "Would you come to the temple while you're here? We've never seen you before, so that means you're a tourist, right?" one of them asked. "Ah, yeah... We're here for the festival." Chris nodded. "We'd love to have you! It would give you an opportunity to see it fully decorated!" another point out. "It'll be a lovely sight! All of you should come!" added another. With the group collectively pushing for him to visit, Chris couldn't help but accept the invitation, assuring them he'd stop by while they enjoyed the festival. Once they'd finally given their final thanks and went off to arrange having the tree moved with Mr. Joel, Chris and the girls turned to their tree and looked it over once more. "Now we just gotta get our own outta here." he point out before it suddenly jumped into the air, causing him and the girls to jolt back while Serenity stood with a smirk, holding her finger up as her psychic held up the tree.

"W-Well then... Problem solved?" he laughed nervously. "Say, you could move that tree to the temple!" he point out, causing Serenity to look at it towering above before facing Chris with a scowl. "You know how bad doing that would hurt head? I have migraine for weeks! Temple place long way from here too!" she replied, tapping her forehead. "It take lot of work to use that much power. Sometimes still think have headache from what happen on ship..." she slumped. "Ah... Guess you have a point there." Chris nodded with slight sweat showing. "Why not make Ninetales do work?" she asked, causing him to show a wary look. "Y-Yeah... I don't think she'd be very thrilled to lug a giant piece of wood around..." he replied. "This tree not problem though." Serenity smirked, hovering it around and twirling it like a toy. "E-Easy! You'll shake all the needles off!" Chris panicked, coaxing her into holding it steady. "You no fun." she scowled as the others approached. "So... You bought a massive tree and got a small one as a reward... That's fair?" Alicia asked. "We don't need more than this. Being honest it's a little bigger than I was going for anyway so it's really a bonus to me." Chris point out. "I'd say something but like you said, to me everything is big." Rose smiled with slight sweat of her own showing.

Returning to the carriage, Chris went to work tying the tree down atop its roof while Serenity helped hold it in place, Rapidash looking back with a grunt from the added load yet deciding to remain silent for the most part after what he'd done earlier, feeling their reactions were worth having to lug around a few extra pounds...
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 144
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 146
Some time ago, a young man named Chris, now 23, discovered he was chosen to carry a curse passed onto him through his bloodline by a Ninetales his grandfather saved long ago, having grabbed its sacred tails to save it from falling to its demise. Burdened with this fate, which the young man now calls a blessing, Chris accepts the life chosen for him and allows the curse to guide him freely in life, destined to forever put others before himself, to forever follow the path the curse guides him along towards those in need most...

Along his journey thus far, Chris has come across a Ralts who was abandoned by her former trainer for being blind, hurled off the edge of a cliff and left to die that has since evolved into a full fledged Gardevoir by his side, swearing her life to the young man with the mysterious and terrifying ability to use the power of a Shadow Pokemon, granting her the title of a mysterious new Shadow Hybrid... Also traveling by his side is a Snivy who has since become a Servine, abandoned by her former trainer for refusing to evolve after a terrifying battle she had with a Serperior that left her mentally scarred, resulting in her former trainer neglecting and starving her in an attempt to persuade her to evolve, until he finally left her to die as well followed by a Buneary who has since evolved into Lopunny, who's former trainer became enraged due to her refusal to battle and tried to kill her off when he discovered she could only evolve via friendship...

Chris has met many people and Pokemon alike along his journey, each left as inspired by his presence as the last... He's nearly sacrificed himself to save Gardevoir and Servine from a deadly attack by a pack of Houndoom, lead by a Mega formed leader by hurling himself off a cliff to catch the two and nearly dying... Resulting in his lengthy stay in a location called Millennium City where he provided a hospital full of children an awe inspiring play room full of wonders any child would adore... Saved thousands of Pokemon eggs from dying out when their colossal incubation system malfunctioned in one of the cities many centers, and it's the location he saved Lopunny when she was a Buneary from being struck by a massive truck after being hurled into the highway by her former trainer... He's met and inspired a kindhearted old butler named Gerald who served the group during their stay in the city, and even came across the mysterious N from the Pokemon series, inspiring even this strange person during his stay in the city resulting in Chris being deemed a man worthy of keeping an eye on...

Most recently, Chris had become a criminal during his efforts to free Lopunny from her former trainer altogether, having forced his way into the city's top prison the man was held within and taking not only the Pokeball belonging to Lopunny, but taking all of his other Pokeballs to free the Pokemon within them as well only to discover the mans father was the Warden of that very prison in the process. Finding himself intrigued by Chris, the Warden gave him a chance to avoid prison time by revealing he was also the city's Gym Leader, striking a deal that if he won he would be pardoned of all crimes and allowed to leave the city.

Before the day of the match arrived, Chris found himself becoming close friends with the city's top scientist, Professor Rose, and together along with her staff they managed to complete Project Celebi, a device that could transplant sight between two people without surgery! The project turned out to be a success after Chris offered the sight in his left eye to give Gardevoir the ability to see the world for the first time via her right!

After this, the time for his showdown with the Warden arrived, and after a lengthy two part battle, Chris turned out the victor with the support of all those attending the event and beyond... To thank them for fighting for his sake, Chris gave Gardevoir, Servine, and Lopunny their own unique names, gaining the titles Serenity, Alicia, and Rose respectively, with Lopunny being named after the professor who had done so much for the group during their stay in the city...

After regaining his freedom, Chris and the girls spent a week at Arthur and Angela's massive manor on the outskirts of the city, followed by a first class cruise aboard the brand new S.S. Guardian, the first pollutant free ship in the world relying solely on solar power reservoirs! With its maiden voyage celebrating the 100th anniversary of the loss of the R.M.S. Arceanic, fate played its hand along their way to Arcticu Valley and led the Guardian to the exact location of the ships wreckage. Attacked by a massive Gyarados swarm, the Guardian was sank to the bottom of the sea, protected by a barrier crafted by Serenity which resulted in the discovery of the remains of the legendary ship.

In turn, many truths came to light in the dark depths, and after garnering the aid of the souls aboard the remains of the vessel, the Guardian managed to return to the surface of the sea once more and the Gyarados were defeated! Criminals were justly punished, a company was repossessed, and Chris was given total ownership of the entirety of the Arceanic wreck site! And now, they've finally arrived at their destination, and many more adventures are about to unfold...

male 1,197,488, female 1,087,978, pokemon 192,213, rabbit 139,529, bunny 112,713, human 108,569, girl 93,656, boy 81,032, horse 59,612, males 43,312, woman 29,240, females 24,935, christmas 21,834, man 19,067, snake 18,503, the 16,950, humanoid 15,752, story 14,005, stallion 12,520, snow 11,610, boys 11,353, girls 9,816, city 7,220, of 6,291, lopunny 4,822, series 4,641, master 4,355, men 3,899, gardevoir 3,538, snivy 2,793, women 2,740, serpent 2,393, kirlia 1,317, serperior 1,224, buneary 1,188, nun 1,104, guardian 1,082, tale 875, ralts 540, chapter 502, servine 448, rapidash 409, tale of the guardian master 304, totgm 258
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 6 years, 12 months ago
Rating: General

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6 years, 12 months ago
:D new chapter
6 years, 12 months ago
Yes indeed. Enjoy.
6 years, 12 months ago
Well done on this chapter, I look forward to the next one! :)
6 years, 12 months ago
Thanks much. I try to have one up each week for the most part.
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