Woooow ke contenta estoy!! la verdad es ke siempre es bueno innovar, asike me he puesto a probar con el pincel y el pincel al agua y a salido a sí de xulo ahaaha!! tengo ke hacer más dibujos así XP aaay Shadow... te lo crees muuuchooo... y no me extrañaaa... HAHAHAA!!! XDDD
I laughed my ass off when I saw this. Yes out of all the people you choose Mimy it had to be Shadow ;D. I'm glade about that I mean Shadow is such a good model ;D when it comes to pictures. I bet Sonic is just jealous cause of how many fangirls Shadow has ;D and want to rape him and stuff not Sonic.Sonic shouldn't be jealous I mean you make him soo sexy looking it just happens that Shadow is sexier than him XD. I always knew Shadow is the sexier version of Sonic;D. Shadow: I'm too sexy for my clothes TOO SEXY FOR MY CLOTHES. IT HURTS Sonic: ooooooooooooh come ON what about me I sexy tooo DX. Me: Sonic you Should be happy you got Shadow to yourself. I mean you can do WHATEVER you want to the sexy body of his O.O!? Sonic: ooh yeahh..... Shadow dear COME HERE Shadow: NEVER I'm too sexy for you Sonic: NOOOO the Sonadow fan would be sad it we don't do it DAMN IT AND ANOTHER THING I am the seme >:( Shadow: well.... maybe I want to be the seme for ONCE. Sonic:: oooh crappp *runs away* Shadow GET BACK HERE I WANT YOU!!!!!*runs after him*
I laughed my ass off when I saw this. Yes out of all the people you choose Mimy it had to be Shadow
VER MIMY??!!!!! el water color mola y no mola! a mi lo qe me mola es la cara de sonic x3 con el water color los colores se mezclan muy bien y el volumen sale practicamente solo!!! x3 te a qedado genial!!! xDDDD shadow eres to rodent!!!!
VER MIMY??!!!!! el water color mola y no mola! a mi lo qe me mola es la cara de sonic x3 con el wat