Being on the receiving end of Murana's wrath is no picnic. In fact, it might be downright lethal for you. For any criminal who has abused, molested, harmed, raped or tortured any innocent, be it a young cub/fawn/infant or female, you are on Darkflamewolf's target list. This could very well be the last thing you see before she ends your miserable life. Worst thing, she will almost always go for paralyzation before going in for the kill - coating her victim with slow burning oil that produces a dark flame that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Letting you feel the flames burn and destroy you from the outside in as you writhe internally in agony, being unable to do a thing as you become engulfed in her vigilante justice. A cruel way to go, but one she feels is necessary for those who have hurt others. A causality formed by what was done to her in the past.