Resembling cyclopic, imp-like shadows, the calcari is a creature of darkness that covets light and cheer. Their tongues and tails are long, their hips are wide, and the male's genitals are unreasonably large. Their eyes, mouths, and wings glow ethereally: males (calcaron) usually glow blue while females (calcaran) usually glow velvet. If not for their coloration and stark nudity, the genders would otherwise be difficult to tell apart.
Calcarin creep from wherever they come from during times of festivity, causing havoc wherever they visit, and are a particular nuisance to Kinsmend Village every winter during the Kinsmend season. Fortunately, their eyesight is terrible and their ears are sensitive - they are repelled by the sound of jinglebells. In addition, they are not particularly strong as individuals, being only moderately more dangerous than common imps.