Took awhile, but I finally got it done XD
In the six years since returning to her dimension, Blazes life picked up in a whirlwind of events. Her Brother, Varian returned from exile leading an army intent on killing the current royal family. Forming an uneasy alliance with Captain Whiskers, Blaze and her team entered into open war. For 2 years the battle raged, until the enemy stormed the castle, killed the King and Queen, and moved to take Blaze. In that moment Blaze lost all control she had on her rage and unleashed a power yet unheard of upon the opposing army. With his army dead, Varian tapped into his own power (Ice) and began fighting his sister one on one. The ensuing battle leveled the castle, and left a gaping crater, but in the end Blaze triumphed over her brother despite losing an ear to one of his attacks. Collapsing from the intense fight she was found by Johnny, who brought her back to Whisker. Realizing the great power she had inside, and not wanting to be on her bad side, Whisker patched her up, giving her a new ear. Afterwards he retired from Piracy and went off to spend his days in his old fortress. After recovering from the fight Blaze was named the new Queen of the Realm, a role she felt she wasn't ready for. For another four years Blaze ruled her kingdom, secretly honing her powers to unleash their full potential at any time, instead of when she lost control. Her loyal court, consisting of Marine, Gax, Esmeralda, and her cousin Ferra, helped her in this regard. When six years had passed Blaze found herself bored with the royal life, missing the adventures she had on Mobius. So with the power of the Jeweled Scepter, and the Sol Emeralds she opened a portal back and returned to her friends, only to find things not as she remembered them... (For Starters Knuckles had a beard XD)
Six Years of training with the other Chaotix have done wonders for Charmy's flying, becoming even faster in the air, and able to lift even more. He also unlocked the full extent of his royal powers, gaining a third form in addition to his normal and nimble froms. Dubbed Bumble Form by the others, Charmy's entire body gets slightly larger, and covered in fuzz that provides a strong handhold. However this isn't the only thing that happened in Six Years, the natural things also happened, and Charmy's Princely looks started to become more pronounced, boosting his ego greatly.
While she did not train herself at all in the Six Years the others did, Cream wasn't slacking off either. She spent the time studying, doing school work, and raising Cheese. Eventually not only was she getting good grades, she also has reached the point where Cheese is one evolution away from his final form.
Mighty spent his six years training off planet with the other Chaotix, not only because he agreed with Knuckles, but also because he had a personal quest to work towards. Before the Suppression Squad Event, Mighty had discovered his younger sister had not only survived the events that led to him to flee to Echidnopolis, but had also been frozen in time and was now the second in command of the Oil Ocean Refinery, along with The Baron. She had lost all memory of him, and brushed him off. The Baron offered his sympathy and gave him a locket he had found with her, containing a picture of her at a younger age. Mighty wears it around his neck, hoping that one day he'll be strong enough to free her, and the others at the refinery in Eggman's Iron Grip.
After the Suppression Squad's defeat, and Scourge's death after he was overloaded with energy from the Anarchy Beryl, Miles began picking up the pieces his boss had left behind, and tapping into the potential of his own powers. Within a month he had complete control of everything, his own harem, and a squadron of Enforcers thanks to O'Knux and his Orderix. With a new palace in the secure location of the Sunken Island, Miles grew bored. Longing for a challenge he sent spies to Mobius to let him know when it would be prudent to strike back at Sonic. When he was informed of their training he knew he'd have to do the same, and set to work. He had everyone join him in this endeavor, even going so far as to create their worlds own version of Shadow, unoriginally named Light.
The Six years training off planet with Mighty and the others boosted Ray's confidence tremendously. While he still speaks with a stutter, he no longer cares about it, even if someone laughs at it. While he became stronger, Ray also picked up some habits from the others, not all of them good. He has begun listening to music at almost all times, and grown a slight temper like most of the others, though his is still nothing compared to Knuckles.
After being rescued from Moebius, and taken into Amy's care, Rosy accompanied her alternate self to the Order of Mages, where she began her healing journey. For three months she'd sit with Amy and a Master Mage named Ebony, allowing Ebony to use her magic to sort out her head while Amy was there to provide comfort. Once she was healed enough for training, she jumped right in, learning alongside the other young mages the ins and outs of the Mystic arts. After the 6 years were up, Rosy elected to stay a bit longer to finish her training, and become a Master. As you can tell her favorite color is still Green, and she enjoys using... a special set of spells in her free time.
Saffron's six year training session was an interesting one to say the least. Having never been in combat before, usually more of a scout, or support member of the team, she had to start from lesson 1. She did not enjoy the training at first, everyone else seemed leagues beyond her, even Ray, but still she pushed through it. The others were impressed, usually Saffron was gung ho about not fighting, usually wanting to stay behind where she felt safe. As the training continued it became clear that Saffron had a talent for sabotage, knowing what wires did what in most things, almost as if on instinct. Focusing on that, Saffron found her role in the team, and began to open up more, finally letting go of her old plushie for the first time since arriving in the present time. There were some awkward steps though, such as trying to achieve bumble form like Charmy... Let's just say there weren't enough shears to tame the resulting mess.
While not privy to the bet between the others, Sally spent the six years wisely nonetheless. With her fathers condition becoming critical, her brother still in his self imposed exile, and her mother slipping into depression over her husbands state, Sally made the choice to assume the crown of Soleanna. The first daughter of the Acorn family to become the Monarch, Sally swiftly set to work improving the countries defenses, knowing that eventually they would have to fight off any number of villains. Supported by her friends, and the Royal Court Sally also trained herself, becoming a better fighter than she thought she could have. When word arrived that Sonic and Knuckles had returned from their respective Six Year Training voyages, she decided to take a diplomatic trip to South Island to meet with them.
Inspired by the dedication of Sonic and the others Vanilla decided that she had been away from work long enough to get over her husbands unfortunate passing. Not only did she return to nursing, she also began taking courses at a local university, eventually earning her Doctorate, going from a nurse, to a Surgeon, specializing in endocrinology. While this took some of the time she spends with Cream away from her, she still manages to make time for her little girl, doing all the things a mother should do. Though she has noticed that Cream has her own agenda, and that involves setting Vanilla up on blind dates, lots of blind dates, like too many blind dates. Wonder what she's trying to tell Vanilla?
cream the rabbit
blaze the cat
sally acorn
vanilla the rabbit
miles prower
older cream
flying squirrel
charmy bee
lop eared rabbit
mighty the armadillo
ray the flying squirrel
rosy the rascal
saffron bee
7 years, 3 months ago
10 Dec 2017 10:07 CET
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