Jiggles and Giggles
[At her house...]
``I think it's time I have fun around here. I may just have to take Melody's list of ideas from two years ago and try them for myself,'' thought Patch. *The doorbell rings and Patch answers it*
``Why hello, Patch. I happened to be passing by and wanted to see what you were up to,'' greeted Jasmine.
``Well I was thinking of having some fun putting myself into situations that could get me stuck, you know like an adventure,'' explained Patch.
``You're looking at a pony that was born for this kind of stuff,'' stated Jasmine before slapping her belly a few times.
``I don't doubt it, given your size,'' agreed Patch.
``So what's first?'' asked Jasmine.
``I thought I could get myself stuck between the back of this chair and the wall,'' replied Patch.
``The back of the chair is just the perfect height to fit under your belly and let it hang beautifully,'' explained Jasmine excitedly before aligning the chair into position.
``I feel pretty snug right now,'' declared Patch.
``No wonder, just look at your belly overtaking the chair's top edge,'' added Jasmine.
``Alright, here goes,'' declared Patch before attempting to slide out.
``I'll hold the chair to keep the challenge in place,'' stated Jasmine before doing so.
``Thanks,'' responded Patch under her straining.
``Come on, you can do it,'' cheered Jasmine. *Patch continues inching to one side*
``This is what I've been looking for,'' said Patch under her own breath.
``Certainly no shortage of fun,'' finished Jasmine as Patch finally slides out.
``Phew, I did it,'' said Patch.
``You certainly did, Patch. What's next?'' replied Jasmine.
``How about that table over there? Maybe I can squeeze under it and back out again?'' suggested Patch.
``Good thing this isn't a glass table or I'd be advising another idea,'' assured Jasmine.
``I wouldn't have chosen the table if it did,'' added Patch slowly sliding under the table.
``Even your belly is getting some jiggles in there as you slide,'' remarked Jasmine.
``It's going to be close,'' noted Patch as her belly approaches.
``Oddly enough, it'll be close at your hips, not your belly,'' stated Jasmine. *Patch gets stuck at her hips*
``Might be more fun this way,'' shrugged Patch as she starts back out.
``Safer too,'' added Jasmine. *Patch slides out and sits up*
``Two challenges down,'' declared Patch.
``That's not all that's down. Check your shorts,'' giggled Jasmine.
``Guess they couldn't handle the adventure,'' giggled Patch in return before pulling her shorts up in vain.
``I don't think they can handle you to be honest,'' noted Jasmine.
``Well of course, I'd rather have them give me some struggle,'' explained Patch.
``Life certainly isn't without its struggles and this town loves to bring them in,'' stated Jasmine.
``It's what we live for though it didn't take long for me to get worn out,'' responded Patch.
``You look worn out. Was it worth it?'' replied Jasmine.
``Sure was. I'm lucky you came or I'd have no one to get me out if something went wrong,'' agreed Patch.
``Maybe next time I can be in the hot seat?'' asked Jasmine.
``Yeah, we could do that,'' answered Patch.
``I'm not so sure your furniture could handle me though,'' warned Jasmine.
``Good point,'' realized Patch.
``We gave new meaning to the term battle of the bulge,'' laughed Jasmine.
``Totally and that was what this day was all about,'' agreed Patch.
``Patch sure makes adventures fun. I only hope I can one day learn how she does it,'' thought Jasmine.