Girl Power (1)
[At their clubhouse...]
``Girls, I've proposed a competition we could compete in. Plus I think it's something the boys will enjoy too as three of them will be commentators. We're going to test our abilities to do things we don't normally do. Since I'm competing too, I've opted Ms Sheila to join in as referee,'' explained Bright Eyes.
``How exciting,'' remarked Melody.
``It will be truly kind of embarrassing to compete with the boys watching but I suppose that's truly not so bad either because they love us,'' pondered Sweetheart.
``I'd love to compete myself but I'd probably have an unfair advantage,'' added Jasmine.
``To ensure fairness, I've included rules in which you all must follow,'' noted Bright Eyes as she hands out slips of paper with said rules on them.
``Let's see here. No doubt about this, the boys are going to be there,'' concluded Melody. [Later that day...]
``We'd love to be commentators. Wait, what's a commentator?'' asked Lancer.
``It means that you'll highlight what's going on for the fans,'' explained Starlight.
``That we can do with ease,'' concluded Ace.
``This is going to be the absolute greatest!'' declared Patch. [The next day...]
``Everyone, can I have your attention please? The first bout of the Pony Pudge competition is about to begin,'' announced Sheila.
``Here come our competitors, looking as beautiful as ever,'' stated Ace.
``No doubt about that, Ace and we're getting the best view of all,'' added Teddy.
``When I say stretch, these girls will stretch skyward, as if to reach for the sky and when they let go, we see how far their shirts have risen. On your mark, get set, stretch!'' announced Sheila. *The ponies stretch and release*
``Looks close. Teddy, what do you think?'' remarked Lancer.
``It's going to come down to the tiniest fraction of an inch, Lance,'' answered Teddy.
``Even we can't tell from here. It's up to Sheila to decide,'' finished Ace. *Sheila walks around, inspecting them closely*
``By the closest of victories, Melody is declared the winner of the Stretching Round,'' declared Sheila. *The crowd cheers and claps*
``Nicely done, Mel,'' called Starlight.
``Thanks,'' replied Melody tugging at the bottom half of her outfit.
``Now it's time for round number 2. There are mats on the ground and when I say go, you're all to do crunches while wearing these Weight Paralyzing necklaces. Most crunches when time expires wins the round. Ready, set go!'' declared Sheila. *The group gets into position, then begins*
``Phew, this is tougher than the last event,'' thought Melody.
``Oh dear, I don't think my clothing will last this round,'' groaned Sweetheart.
``Here's the drawback to being fat, folks. It's much harder to be athletic and our competitors are sweating it out,'' said Lancer.
``They have to work hard, whether fat or skinny just to win the round,'' added Ace.
``So true,'' replied Lancer.
``What a sight to see six big bellies bouncing, bulging and jiggling,'' remarked Teddy.
``I'll tell you both one thing. Their clothing is having trouble keeping up,'' noted Ace.
``So is Sweetheart,'' said Teddy.
``Sweetheart is down for sure,'' added Ace.
``I'm so out of breath,'' said Sweetheart under her breath.
``Bright Eyes, Melody, Bon Bon and Starlight still going strong but Patch and Clover are struggling but Patch lives for struggle,'' stated Lancer.
``Time's up, everyone stop and catch your breath. Write down the number you did and show them to me,'' called Sheila. *the group sit up, breathing heavily before writing down their total crunches*
``It comes down to the four ponies still working as time ran out but who will it be?'' questioned Ace.
To be continued...