Down to the wire now, so it's time for the obligatory, "no shit" entrees with some of the most well known second fiddles in gaming history. While admittedly I'm not the biggest Tails fan and I like Knuckles enough to give him his own entry I just knew that a countdown for sidekicks wouldn't be complete without Tails as he's one of the most quintessential "Player 2's" of all time! Primarily built off of the Sonic Boom designs, as I feel that they did a lot right in that department (they had to do SOMETHING right, I suppose) but there's also a lot I didn't like there so I took my liberties, primarily with Knuckles. Also edited his shoes because I've always hated Knuckles' shoes, which can only be described as mechanical clown shoes... but I digress.
Again, totally a no brainer here, but sometimes you just gotta go with what's expected if only just to get it out of the way! Despite it's up and downs, I still like Sonic a lot... but more so Knuckles. I really like Knuckles... it's the dreds. Again, this entree is mainly for him, Tails has always kind of been an after thought for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily dislike Tails, he's just never been a first choice for me, which is of course the entire point of this thing isn't it? I think it's due to the series making Tails just an annoying tag along in it's early years. It took awhile for Tails to grow into his own, meanwhile Knuckles started out as the bad ass red rival to Sonic... and you know how I feel about parallel characters and YES that DOES count as Knuckles was deliberately made to be in opposition of Sonic; but the Blue Blur has enough evil twins on his plate nowadays so it's good that Knuckles got put onto the good guy roster pretty quickly.
Honestly, I've drawn these guys so much I really don't know where else to go with this. I think I've given my opinion on these two and the series as a whole enough that I don't need to. This was just something that needed to be done for this countdown, especially if I never do one of these again. So enjoy a little more Sonic art from yours truly!