Woo for more esoteric characters! Yeah, so initially this was meant to all be part of a much larger thing. Something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but tried to actually execute last year, when I did my countdown around evil twins I wanted to do comparing countdowns for November and December of the sidekicks/foils and heroes of most of the series I show cased that year for October which is why I redid Klogg for this exact picture here... unfortunately doing three full month long countdowns is too insane even for me and it never came to fruition even though I drew the picture for Klaymen, which I of course post earlier this year when I realized I just couldn't pull it off anymore. However, after making too many attempts and failing, I was determined to finally do this damn thing and, even if it wasn't at the same scale as previously desired. So, here lies some of the remnants of that massive scheme and while many had to be cut for my own sanity to finish this project, Willie Trombone stayed in as he's always been one of my favorite stooges of all time!
Again, The Neverhood series has always been a favorite of mine due to it's overall tone and humor and while Willie plays a very small role in them, what little time he gets is magical. He's so delightfully stupid yet somehow sage-like. I think if anything he deserves an award for being the most supportive bit role in a game, as despite his glaring lack of IQ, he somehow assists you all the time and is the person who explains the entire story of the Neverhood to you and then DIES and is brought back to life. The SAME character who is also scene ready to eat a piece of an engine... who'd a thunk. Sure, he may be less known then some of the others here, and play a smaller role in his respective titles but Willie just has such a place in my heart that I have to give him as close to top billing as I could. Others deserve the final three spots much more, and they got it, but this stupid loop head deserves a shout out!