Well, this one made a complete 180, from a prompt that I was dreading to one that I am really proud of o3o I didn't think I could pull off the Chowder look, and I managed to pull it off :3 for the most part, so yay me. That orange isn't actually from the show, had to make it up for the sake of the prompt.
The thanks to this one goes to Mikeyfan93 who suggested to do chowder characters for today's prompt. So glad I went with it ^w^
This is my twenty third entry for Inktober from the official Inktober promps, I'll be trying to follow the theme of uncommon characters that I've never drawn before, today was Chowder, Mung Daal and Schnitzel's turn.
Maybe it'll turn sweet :3
All characters belong to C. H. Greenblatt Art belongs to me