yes, indeed the humans r studiz,,,,I relly thot Id get a lot moar flack from both athiests and christians but woot woot...ppl have moar a sense o humor than I thot
yes, indeed the humans r studiz,,,,I relly thot Id get a lot moar flack from both athiests and chri
actually the science part of that is what i absolutely believe...big bang and evolution are modern creation mythos PERIOD...not science, cant do 1 single experiment to prove them, LOTSA things wrong with them, and frankly I think any reasonable person would find them impossible...theyre just stories, myths YOU believe in.
case in point. big bang....why is universe not half antimatter (story to explain why NO antimatter) why didnt it just collapse into black holes immediately? (only answer cuz we ignore physics during that 1st couple minutes) to tell me how life formed from chemicals? got an experiment to prove it or just a story? Care to tell me how bacteria turned into eukaryotes (changing from circular DNA to expand DNA x10 and turn into chromosomes, and invent 2 new means of reproduction, mitosis and meiosis, and invent all the mechanisms necessary for both, nucloleus, spindles, tubules, bounded nucleus, etc... also transfer cellular functions from cell membrane to new membrane bounded structures which did jobs more efficiently...and yeah you got stories how that happened...sorry god did it. Not to mention how all life seems to be in symbiosis rather than conflict, except most parasites are mutated forms that lose DNA and force them to be parasites
actually the science part of that is what i absolutely believe...big bang and evolution are modern c