So I finally drew Kirana in Forces style, by sort of request from RedPonyGC~!
As you may or may not tell, this pose was basically from one of the concept art pieces from Forces... original, I know x3; but anyway here's Kira-chan!
In terms of Kira's design, I based her clothing off the customisable character clothing options in the game, which I'm hoping to be able to recolour as well, hence why it may look a bit odd... I just threw items together and hoped it would look ok for now ^^;
As for the weapon, I played the Forces demo at EuroGamer about a week ago and noticed that I REALLY enjoyed using the Lightning Wispon, which should be called a whip, but meh... x3 so that shall be her weapon of choice unless the others are any cooler ;3
Anyway, I've blabbed on for a while so please enjoy the pic :3
Sonic Forces Logo (c) SEGA
Kira (c) Me!
7 years, 4 months ago
29 Sep 2017 23:24 CEST
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