Character Sheet for Kurt Nassic
1/2 human, 1/2 theran (canine)
Character Description
Kurt Nassic is a young man with a tragic past, who was forced to grow up much too early. Like you'd expect, he's kind of an angst-bucket, but he's actually trying to pull his life together and keep moving forward. He recently started playing drums in a band with some of his friends from college.
Kurt has a tendency to get depressed pretty easily, and has trouble getting along with most people. He's not really a jerk, but he does prefer to be by himself. However, he's very devoted to the friends that he does have, and holds them very dear. Even with his friends though, Kurt isn't very good at conversation, and seems quiet or withdrawn. He has a bad habit of keeping his problems and worries bottled up, even though his friends would be more than happy to help him work them out.
Kurt loves heavy metal, especially heavy metal drumming. He's got a natural talent for playing the drums, even though he doesn't have much experience with it.
Besides heavy metal, Kurt enjoys skateboarding, watching anime, and drawing.
In terms of dislikes, Kurt hates pop, country and jazz music. One of his biggest pet peeves is when someone won't shut up and leave him alone, even though he's obviously not interested in talking with them. However, the thing he hates most is not having anything to do. If he's left with nothing to do, he starts to get twitchy and irritable, and will eventually just start looking for something to do to occupy himself.
Kurt's been through some pretty nasty stuff in his lifetime. He grew up in the inner city, with a mother who was gone most of the time and a non-existent father. He used to be a pretty friendly and happy-go-lucky guy, but most of his childhood friends are long dead from gang violence or drug abuse.
When he was 16, he fell in love with one of his best friends, a human girl named Krystal who was the same age as him. After three months together, Krystal got pregnant with their baby, but Kurt was overjoyed at the news. For the next nine months, Kurt's life seemed to be looking up. Then, on the night that Krystal went into labor, the roof fell in on Kurt's life. While he was driving Krystal to the hospital, a drunk driver rammed into their car. By the time the paramedics arrived, Krystal and her unborn child had died.
Krystal's parents were extremely bigoted against non-humans and when Krystal died, they told Kurt that they would have him arrested if he showed up at the funeral. Kurt had to wait until after dark and sneak into the cemetery like a thief just to say goodbye to his wife and their unborn child.
The next week nearly killed him. While he was still reeling from losing Krystal, his mother was mugged on her way home from work and died in the hospital ER. Less than four days later, his best friend Jason was caught in the middle of a gunfight between two local street gangs and got shot in the head. He didn't die, but was rendered brain-dead and fell into a coma.
Over the next year, Kurt's life spiraled out of control. He spent his time drinking himself blind, getting into fights with random people on the street, and trying not to sleep for fear of nightmares. More than once, he caught himself with a gun in his mouth.
After a year had passed, he finally came back to the land of the living. But he was completely changed. The always smiling, unfailingly friendly person that Kurt had been had died with his wife and child. He was now moody, depressed, and antisocial, and he had little interest in anything. Then, around the time he turned 18, he discovered Heavy Metal. Over the next year, he found that he had a talent for playing the drums, and saved up enough money to go to college. Now that he's 19, he's joined a band with some of his friends from college, and is trying to put the past behind him and move on with his life.
Kurt is half-human, half-canine, which means that his muzzle is shorter, his fur isn't as thick, and he has hair. He's kind of tall at 6' 1", but he's extremely thin weighing only 118 lbs. His hair is a very dark brown/almost black color, while his fur is a khaki color with black areas at the tips of his tail and ears, the end of his muzzle, and his feet and hands. His eyes are two different colors; his right eye is light blue, but his left eye is hazel-colored.
Kurt doesn't like heavy clothing at all, so he usually wears clothes that are loose-fitting or just don't cover that much. He has a bad habit of going around in his underwear when he thinks he's alone, which can lead to some pretty embarrassing situations.
Accessories aren't really Kurt's thing. The only accessory he wears is a pendant that was a present from one of his childhood friends, who died a couple of years ago.