Character Sheet for Kachi Usagi
Character Description
Kachi is a rabbit who lives out in a traditional Japanese countryside. He has a natural talent for performance (and acting, in particular), however his style tends to be closer to melodramatic than nuanced. When there's a job to be done, he'll often assume the role of a character better suited to it, and improvise the part from there.
Physically non-imposing and effectively incapable of violence, Kachi is good-natured and loyal to people who show kindness around him. However, he's not above delivering punishments through trickery when it's deemed kharmically appropriate to do so.
In terms of mannerisms, Kachi tends slightly towards the theatrical or feminine as a result of his vibrant approach to life.
Kachi is typically a friendly and considerate sort. He exudes confidence in his skills and can't pass up an opportunity to 'use them for good'. Other times, he feigns confidence as a defence mechanism when things don't go as expected.
He has an ingrained belief that good and evil are separate, distinguishable qualities, and is easily shaken when faced with something that challenges that assumption. In these times, he'll double down on not 'breaking character' simply for lack of knowing what else to do.
For Kachi, there's no greater insecurity than being faced with something that manages to be both good and evil at the same time; there's no greater thrill than pulling off a meaningful performance, and there's nothing as enchanting as sharing heartfelt stories with the people he cares about.
Kachi's home is a traditional Japanese town by mountainside. Although not living in the town itself, he is as civilized as a forest-creature in such places can be, and is treated as such. Stage performances and ceremonies are still fairly commonplace, with Kachi as a frequent participant, or even lead actor where appropriate.
There are, of course, plenty of other forest-creatures in the area (as typical in Japanese folklore), but Kachi favours the human company, given its outlet for his interests.
Kachi's ears, slightly larger than his head, run almost parallel to each-other and come to a fairly sharp tip. The patterning between his large eyes gives a similar appearance to wearing glasses (a slightly curved connection half-way between the eyes).
From chest to belly is a teardrop-shaped pattern of white fur, narrower at the top.
He stands at about 1 meter in height.
Typically, he wears white gloves and long white boots. He can additionally be seen wearing casual Japanese country attire, including a 'kasa' style straw hat that hangs by the back of his head.
(In this classic colour palette, clothing beyond the boots and gloves would be done in grey.)