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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 135
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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 136

TOTGM - Chris Nakazaki - The Kind King
Keywords male 1196950, female 1087578, pokemon 192117, rabbit 139469, bunny 112678, human 108544, girl 93601, boy 80990, horse 59601, males 43298, woman 29227, females 24930, man 19060, snake 18489, the 16948, humanoid 15732, story 13996, stallion 12526, snow 11616, boys 11347, girls 9808, city 7219, of 6291, lopunny 4821, series 4643, master 4353, men 3898, gardevoir 3536, snivy 2790, women 2740, serpent 2388, kirlia 1316, serperior 1224, buneary 1188, guardian 1082, tale 875, cabin 701, ralts 539, chapter 502, servine 448, rapidash 409, tale of the guardian master 304, totgm 258
Chapter 136 - Taking A Stand

Watching the Pokemon approach, Chris's eyes widened before quickly standing, the medics and officers around him jolting and trying to coax him to sit and relax. Watching everybody placing their hands on Chris, this caused Serenity to freeze for a split moment before approaching once more, a look of seething rage in her eyes as he panicked, making the group around him back away. "N-Now calm down! It looks bad but trust me, everything's fine!" he assured with his hands out, Serenity stopping before him and looking at the bandage around his hand before snatching his wrist and jerking him toward her. "Hey, easy!!" officer Tibb's snapped, the Pokemon glaring the man down with a grunt before looking Chris's arms over, grabbing his cheeks in her hand making Chris hiss and let out a groan as she looked at his bandaged cheek before looking the rest of his butchered and bandaged body over. "We warn you..." she suddenly growled. "WE WARN YOU!!" she snapped, making Chris jolt. "You go out by self, look what happen!! Cut, cut cut cut!! ALL OVER CUT!!" she added, pointing out the areas yet to be treated by the medics, his injuries bleeding slightly. "And YOU...!!" Serenity seethed, looking at Tibb's and the other officers. "USELESS!! Stupid, USELESS humans!! All you humans they call police, stupid and useless!! Weak, slow, USELESS!!" she screamed. "HEY!! I'll not have some Pokemon talking down to me and my men!!" Tibb's snapped back. "What you do about it human?!" Serenity replied, the two getting in each others face. "Settle down!!" Chris ordered, placing a hand on Serenity's shoulder only for the Pokemon to jerk away. "Not this time!! You bring this on self!! All get what you deserve!!" she snapped.

"I tell you bad thing happen!! We tell you humans surround you! And what worse, human POLICE around you! I hate them, HATE and here they are! Putting hand all over you..." she snarled, looking at the officers and Tibb's again. "You human police, PATHETIC!!" she lectured, pointing at Tibb's in his face. "You NEVER do job right!! You NEVER protect right!! Why you even needed when always do BAD at job?!!" she asked, Tibb's showing countless pulses of anger on his face as his eye twitched. "You hurt wrong people!! Lock up WRONG people!! NEVER get where needed on time!! HE always doing job YOU supposed to do!! EVERYBODY do your job BETTER than you!!" she lectured, the other officers beginning to show the same looks of insulted rage. "Serenity!! That's enough!!" Chris ordered once more. "YOU QUIET!!" she snapped, causing Chris to jolt back in surprise. "S-Serenity..." he muttered. "You police... Let OTHER humans do dirty work for you. If not for HIM, little human girl be gone, be dead because you too SLOW to do job right! He get hurt because you fail! No matter where go, always doing work for you! Police not different no matter where go! Not even need!" she continued to lecture, Chris noticing the officers readying themselves to take out their guns as their hands hovered over their holsters. "Shit...!!" he muttered through his teeth. "I'm warning you, being Nakazaki's Pokemon has gotten you off the hook this far, you keep it up..." Tibb's replied with a growl. "YOU warn ME?!! You not know where you stand human!!" Serenity snapped back. "I SAID ENOUGH!!" Chris interrupted, pushing himself between the two and pointing at her. "When I tell you to stop, you STOP!!" he instructed.

Gritting her teeth, Serenity twitched an eye in frustration. "Why you always do this?! Why you always protect bad people?!" she asked. "No matter how bad human is, you NEVER do what need to be done!! You give them easy treatment!! Police bad at job, you still protect police too!!" she added. "They do the best they can Serenity!! They're only human!! Nobody can be everywhere at once, it takes time!!" Chris tried to explain. "Take time long enough for who need help to get hurt!! Get killed!!" Serenity argued. "What do you mean I never do what needs to be done?" Chris asked, causing Serenity to get in his face. "KILL!! You never KILL!! Human do bad thing? You let off hook!! Think thing you call LAW take care of them!! That not enough for what these humans do!!" Serenity point out. "I'm not a killer!! That's not how I work and you know that!!" Chris affirmed. "...And that part of you being human I hate most... WEAK!!" Serenity growled while facing away, the statement causing Chris to freeze. "Wh-Wha...?" he asked, taken back by the statement as the officers remained on guard, Tibb's letting him handle the situation out of respect yet still itching to confine Serenity himself as well. "You... YOU cause this by being slow." Serenity sneered at the officers before looking at Chris and facing away again. "All because you have to go out on own when we KNOW this happen. You stupid for doing it." she added, looking at his butchered body again. "We prevent this!! Not happen if we here!! You STUPID!!" she went on. Outside, more journalists and even reporters had arrived on scene, writing down and recording what was going on as they wrote down and explained what Serenity was saying.

Standing before her as they looked at one another, Chris was silent for a moment while back at the cabin Rose and Alicia watched, looking at one another nervously as they heard Serenity speaking in her Pokemon tongue over the air while the reporter translated, explaining how they could hear Serenity's telepathy on their end. Hearing her confess what she felt was loathsome about Chris and insulting the entirety of the police, Alicia and Rose couldn't help but feel only bad could come out of her words and behavior as the two remained silent where they stood, even wondering if the bridge between Chris and Serenity could crumble from the insults. In the pizzeria, as the cooks slowly returned to the kitchen to look everything over with the officers, Chris walked away from Serenity and reached for his shirt, putting it back on causing the medics to let out a "wait!" only for him to respond with an "I'm fine" while heading for his coat that had been tossed aside during the fight, looking it over and letting out a sigh when he found no signs of damage and donned it once more. "Mr. Nakazaki, you really should let us finish tending the remainder of those cuts..." a medic point out. "They're not bleeding much. I'll take care of it at our cabin." he assured with a hand up as he returned to Tibb's and Serenity, the two angrily glaring at one another. "I don't care much for your Pokemon..." he grumbled. "Like I give care, you police worthless." Serenity waved before crossing her arms. "Where human that do this?" she asked. "He's gone, taken off to a hospital." Chris point out, the Pokemon jolting. "H-He live?" she asked. "Yes, he lived. I just knocked him out." he nodded. "Wh-WHY?!! He try to kill you!!" she snapped. "A lot of people do, AND Pokemon, so what?" Chris replied, giving Serenity a stern look as the Pokemon stood in a stuttering manner, her mouth agape.

"He cut all over!! Bleed head to toe!! Try to take human kid!! Try to kill little human AND you!! After he do that, you not finish job?!" Serenity asked. "I finished the job my own way..." Chris affirmed while turning to the officers and bowing. "I apologize for everything she's said and done... Please forgive her. I take full responsibility." he added, the officers looking at one another. "Right..." Tibb's replied, looking at Serenity again as the Pokemon turned away with an agitated "tch" as the officer held his hand out, motioning for the others to lower their defenses. Suddenly, there was a loud "ding!" noise from the kitchen, the cooks taking out several pizza's from the brick oven. "This is..." one of them muttered, looking over one of the order receipts. "Uhh... M-Mr. Nakazaki?" the cook called out, causing him to pause and look toward the register. "Do you... Still want your order?" another cook asked. "Ah... Yeah..." he nodded, walking up as they boxed the pizza's and placed them in a heat sealing bag. Taking out his card, this caused the workers eyes to widen in surprise. "N-No need!" one of them panicked, only for Chris to insert his card into the reader. "Go ahead." he instructed, the receptionist letting out an "uhh..." and nodding while inputting the tally into the register, the machine letting out a noise confirming the payment. Taking his card back, he took the food and his receipt as the workers looked at one another, surprised and bewildered. "Alright... Got dinner at least." Chris muttered, returning to Serenity as the Pokemon looked at him. "You really just pay for that...? Why?" she asked. "It's the right thing. They worked, I pay. Do you have to make something out of that too?" he asked in agitation. "Wh-What with that tone?!" she suddenly snapped.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Timidity Takes Tenacity

"WHAT'S WITH YOUR BEHAVIOR?!!" Chris finally snapped back, the Pokemon jolting in response. "Calling me WEAK?! Saying you hate a part of me because of that?! Who the hell are you to think you've got ANY right to say you hate ANYTHING about me?! After everything I say and do to show I love everything about you, that I support every aspect of who you are, faults and all, here you are trying to judge me for MY faults?!" he point out, subconsciously shoving their food in Tibb's arms catching him off guard as everyone watched. "I'll tell YOU what the hell's weak Serenity!! Wanting to kill all the time!! Do you realize how pathetic that makes YOU look?! REAL strength is having the ability to hold yourself back and value life, no matter who's life that might be!! Even if you hate someone to the core of your heart, to let that person live, to show them mercy, to punish them in a way that doesn't involve taking their life, THAT is the sign of true strength! Of true value! Killing somebody is the easy way out!! And I did NOT raise you to be someone to take the easy way out!! I did NOT give you sight just so you could look down on others!!" he added, getting in her face with his finger pushing against the Pokemon, causing her to stumble back into a chair. "I'm sick of this shit!! I hate humans, I hate humans!! Kill, kill!! If that's all you have on your mind, if you hate humans so much, KILL ME!!" he ordered, Serenity's eyes widened while back at the cabin Rose and Alicia watched with their mouths agape as well. "If you think I'm so weak, killing me would be easy, right?! You hate humans SO much, you hate something about me, so shouldn't you kill ME too?! Why give me any special treatment?!" he asked, looming over the Pokemon.

"And I will say this... I definitely did NOT give you that sight to look down on ME... Don't you EVER make the mistake of thinking you can just talk crap about me again, that you can get in MY face just because you're pissed off. I don't care what happens, how angry you get... Don't you EVER do that again!!" he warned, his stance over her and tone striking Serenity in a way she'd never felt from him before. "Weak... WHO climbed a cliff late at night, BAREHANDED, a burning torch in his mouth with you strapped to his chest to save you?! Who took a flying leap through the air, falling who knows how many feet, offering up HIS life to save YOURS?! HUH?!" he reminded, causing Serenity to stutter. "And even when he was down, who was the man that STILL gave all he had to wheel himself into a highway to save another? Who, with only his mind alone, saved a man from dying out of the blue using two Pokemon to do so? Who broke into a prison on brains and guts alone to do what needed to be done to save lives?!" he asked. "For you, for Alicia, for Rose, for others... Over and OVER again I have sacrificed EVERYTHING for your sake! And when I was blasted off the Guardian into the ocean, who was the man telling you to go on? To survive? Was I begging to be saved?! Did I tell the ship to turn around for me?! NO!! I was ready to DIE so everybody ELSE could live!! Who the hell is weak Serenity?! WHO IS WEAK?!!" he added, pushing his face into hers. "All you do is complain about what I do, about why I do it... It's because I'm stronger, THAT'S why! Because I have the strength, the determination to do everything YOU'RE too weak and self centered to do, to CARE about!!" he affirmed, finally backing away from the Pokemon.

"After all this time, I have done nothing but TRY and change your outlook on others, I have TRIED to make you care about life more than you have, and instead all you do is focus on hating more and more... On killing, just to solve problems as simple as possible. And now here you are, after EVERYTHING that I've done, that you've SEEN me do, having the GALL to start looking down on ME of all people, the one who did more for you than anyone could ever do, than anyone would ever CARE enough to do... How DARE you Serenity?!" he asked, now looking down on the Pokemon he'd tried so hard to raise and impress as she looked up at him wide eyed and frozen. "Whether a man or Pokemon is good or evil, it is NOT my right, nor' anyone's to take their life away. There is always a way to punish bad people that doesn't involve murder, and to resort to that is NOTHING but a remnant of a part of us from a time best left forgotten if you ask me." he affirmed before taking his food back from Tibb's, giving another apology and bowing to the man and his officers as they looked at Chris with wide eyed expressions of their own, those outside equally silenced as journalists paused their writing and cameramen and women lowered their lenses before quickly resuming their tasks. Turning back to Serenity, he looked at the Pokemon as she glanced away, unsure if it was hurt, intimidation, awe, or a strange mixture of such emotion that was making her feel the way she was. "Are you coming or am I too weak for you to follow now?" Chris asked before heading out the exit, Serenity watching his back as the officers, medics and crew of the pizzeria did the same. "Well then..." Tibb's nodded, tipping his hat before he and his officers returned their attention to Serenity.

Looking back at the men, she dug her nails into the chair, her emotions and thoughts in so many directions the Pokemon didn't know if she was furious, frustrated, frightened... All she knew for certain was that she'd been left behind after having Chris finally go off on her in a way she'd never expected, a sentiment shared by Chris as well as he thought about the way she'd come in an down-talked him in front of so many, making his way past the crowd as they part to let him through. "M-Mr. Nakazaki!" a reporter finally called out, causing him to pause and turn making those in his line of sight jolt and point at who called him. "A-Anything to say about the man you fought with?" the person asked, turning out to be a woman. "...Not really, other than the whole thing was stupid." Chris replied before heading off again, making his way up to Rapidash as the horse looked down at him. "You brought her here, huh?" he asked, the stallion glancing away. "For some reason I appreciate it... I think we both got something out that needed to be said." Chris nodded before asking if the horse could hold onto the bag, holding the straps up to Rapidash's mouth. However, as the horse lowered his head to take the bag, there was a loud "wait!!" behind them, making both jolt and pause before looking to see Serenity behind Chris, looking away with her hand out. "I take..." she added. "You sure followed awfully quick. You're not gonna go somewhere and vent about how much you hate everyone and how weak I am?" he asked. "Just give!!" she snapped, causing him to scowl and let out a "fine" before allowing the Pokemon to carry their food instead. As he handed the bag over, Chris winced and nearly dropped it, letting out a hiss and clutching his side while Serenity caught the bag.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A Rift Between...?
Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"I hate guns, and knives..." he muttered, straightening himself with a sigh. Looking at him as he started walking along with Rapidash trotting by his side, Serenity followed as the officers from the pizzeria came out, ordering the crowd to go about their way and making sure none tried to follow after the group as they made their way along the shops. After passing several blocks, Serenity finally spoke up, asking if Chris was alright only to get a "fine" in response as he looked around, preoccupied by trying to find a place selling what he needed. "I haven't forgotten what I promised you." he assured, giving the horse a pat as the stallion glanced back at Serenity, the Pokemon noticing and facing away in an agitated manner. "Lets see..." Chris muttered, suddenly letting out an "ah!" when looking at a sign ahead. "There's a good place." he nodded, heading up to the display window beneath the sign and looking in at groceries lining the displays. Walking up, Serenity glanced inside. "What here for...?" she asked. "I told Rapidash he deserved something for bringing us all the way here... I don't wanna risk anything so wait here." he instructed, expecting resistance only for Serenity to nod while keeping her focus on the displays, avoiding eye contact. Nodding, he went inside while the two wait at the window, watching him together as he grabbed several large bags near the entrance and made his way through the store, people noticing him and watching curiously before he had to pause and wince again, this time rubbing his arm. Unlike how people had acted before however, some actually went up in concern, pointing at a TV showing the news and talking around him. Showing a smile, Chris waved at the group, his mouth moving in a manner to say "I'm alright" as Serenity looked down.

Taking notice, the horse let out a "hey..." kind of grunt, only for Serenity to face away with an agitated "What?" in response. Losing sight of Chris as he went further toward the back of the store, it wasn't long before he finally returned with his bags full, stepping behind a couple in line at the register only for them to take notice of Chris and step back, the man turning to show an infant in his arms as both smiled. Appearing to offer her help, the woman aided in lifting Chris's bags onto the counter, the cashier looking within and tallying things on the machine as he appeared to speak with the couple, offering his finger to the infant allowing it to grab hold making him laugh. Continuing to watch, Serenity saw the woman take a small notebook out of her purse, holding it out to Chris causing him to blink curiously before nodding with a smile, taking it and writing something on a page. By the time he handed it back, the cashier was ready for him to pay, allowing him to cover his fee and make his way out with a wave to the couple behind him, the man holding the infant's to make it wave as well. Stepping back out, he let out a sigh before turning toward the two. "Alright then, we're good to go." he nodded. "...What you get?" Serenity asked. "Something our friend here will love." he smirked, walking up and showing the bags were filled to bursting with carrots. "We're ALL gonna eat well tonight!" he added, the stallion's eyes widening as Chris set the bags down and took one out, holding it up. "Go ahead, the first of many." he offered, Rapidash looking at the vegetable with a sudden spark in his eyes, taking it out of Chris's hand and chomping away, the taste causing his mane to shoot up for a split second before showing a smirk.

"Figured you'd enjoy em'." Chris nodded, about to pick the bags up only to wince again. "G-Guy got me pretty good..." he muttered, feeling his arms stinging. Looking down, Rapidash lowered his head and took one of the bags using his teeth before raising up and motioning with his head for Chris to climb on. "You sure?" he asked, the stallion nodding as Serenity took the other bag. "I can hold it." he point out, only for the Pokemon to ignore him and respond with a "get on" response. Scowling, he let out a sigh and did as offered, taking his place atop Rapidash's back before they continued making their way along the blocks toward the resort. Looking up at Chris several times, Serenity finally asked what he put in the notebook the woman gave him. Facing back, he nodded before focusing ahead. "That kid was a little girl, same as the one I helped but a lot younger. The lady in there wanted my autograph and to put something down for their kid." he explained. "Live a long, happy life. Be strong, be safe." he added, repeating what he wrote. "Your parents love you. Share that love with others. Be supportive, be kind... Be good. Be free... And then I signed my name." he finished, Rapidash glancing back at him while Serenity looked down and nodded. "You okay carrying that stuff?" he asked, looking back at her. "Fine." she assured as they made their way along. Eventually, they finally reached the entrance of the resort where they found several police cars parked, a handful of officers standing guard causing Serenity to show an agitated look. "Nakazaki's here." they heard one of them say into a communicator. "Roger that. Stand by until target has entered the premises. Maintain post until all clear." a woman's voice responded in a slightly static manner.

Making their way up to the gate, Chris climbed down as the officers watched. "Anything wrong?" he asked as Serenity inched her way close to him, watching them in a defensive manner. "Nothing at the moment. We were ordered here by Mayor Tides after the events at the restaurant to stand guard. Orders are to insure you arrived and returned to your residence safely. Others were posted along your path here as well. Though we doubt you noticed them." an officer explained. "She sends her apologies for offering to help you and failing to do so in such a short time span." the man added with a bow. "Nobody could be ready for something like that. I'm not blaming anyone." Chris assured with his hand up. "Tell her I'm sorry for taking matters in my own hands. I'm not supposed to act for the law..." he added. "Are you under an officer named Tibb's too?" he asked. "Yes, he's our chief in this area." another officer walked up with a nod, this time a woman. "Tell him and the others I'm sorry again. He'll know what it means." Chris instructed, looking at Serenity and finding her directly behind him, glancing away. "We were instructed to tell you the Mayor would take care of any charges or issues that may come up from the scene. She wanted to assure you of your safety in the matter and to tell you everything will be fine. She still hopes to see you tomorrow but understands if you can't make it." the woman explained. Looking at her, Chris felt some weight lift from his shoulders, letting out a sigh and nodding. "Tell her she's the best." he smiled nervously. "We'll keep watch after you enter to make sure nobody tries to enter that needn't be here. Once we're certain all's clear we'll be on our way. You won't be disturbed." the first officer assured.

"See? They did work pretty fast." Chris point out, Serenity looking at the officers before facing away, their deeds still not enough in her eyes. Letting out a sigh, he shook his head before thanking the officers and using his card to open the gate, Rapidash trotting by before he and Serenity followed, the entrance closing behind them as officers lined the gates and resumed looking around. "I guess  it's okay then..." Chris muttered, referring to the Mayor taking care of any trouble from him taking things into his own hands. Facing Serenity, the Pokemon was tightly clenching the bag with carrots in it, having a hard time properly holding up the bag with their pizza's inside as well. Suddenly, she found herself slipping on a patch of ice in her frustrated and distracted state, letting out a shout and tossing the pizza up. Jerking himself around, Chris shot his hand out and snatched hers, stopping the Pokemon mid-fall and catching the pizza bag with his other, letting out a sigh of relief while helping her straighten. "You okay?" he asked as she glanced away embarrassed. "I fine." she nodded. "Be more careful, it's slick around here, at night especially." he point out. "I'll carry the pizza the rest of the way, it's not far... Thanks for toting it here for me." he added, the Pokemon nodding again before they continued along. "Actually..." he muttered, looking at Serenity as she faced him with a "what?" in response. "You should've been able to use your psychic to prevent that." he point out, causing her to jolt and face away. "I-I not think of that... Mind busy now." she replied. "Yours and mine both..." Chris agreed. Continuing through the resort, the group finally made it back to their cabin, noticing Alicia and Rose through the window still watching the news in the living room.

"O--oy!!" Chris shout in a drawn out manner, waving his free hand as Rose jolt inside and twitched her ear, looking out the window before quickly nudging Alicia and pointing them out. Hurrying to the door, the two made their way out to greet them as they made their way up the driveway. "Are you okay?!" Rose panicked, rushing up and giving Chris a tight hug around the waist. "You scared me!!" she added, looking up at him teary eyed. "I'm sorry..." he apologized with a nervous smile. "Aren't you the showoff?" Alicia added, slithering up with a scowl before rubbing her cheek against his. "I agree though... You had me worried too." she added. "I didn't plan that." he laughed with slight sweat on his face. "Saw everything huh?" he asked. "Every second... I'd praise your abilities if not for the fact I'm still recovering a tad from thinking you'd been stabbed to death..." Alicia replied. "Don't bring that part up!!" Rose panicked, squeezing Chris's waist all the tighter. "Ah... This one passed out during that moment near the end." Alicia explained. "Aww..." he replied while squatting down. "Don't you worry, everything's a-ok now." he smiled, rubbing the rabbit on the head as she teared up all the more and whimpered before giving him a hug around the neck, Alicia lowering her head and rubbing her cheek against his again as well. "Try not to frighten us like that again. The heart of a lady can only take so much." she sighed in relief. "You won't go anywhere else tonight, right...?" Rose asked, pulling back slightly and looking at him with a sniffle. "No... I'm home for the night." he assured with a nod before she hugged him tightly again. "Ack..." Chris groaned from her grip before laughing nervously and patting her back.

"I love you..." she sniffled. "As do I, you reckless thing." Alicia added as Chris rubbed her cheek. "Just glad I get to see your faces again. That's all I care about." he affirmed before raising up, Rose not wanting to let go making him hold her in his arm while carrying the pizza bag at the same time. This time having Alicia hold the pizza bag with her vines, he dug in his pocket and opened the garage door with his card, allowing Rapidash to enter before setting the bag in his mouth on the floor and nudging it open with his snout, taking a mouthful of carrots. "Don't make yourself sick now." Chris warned as Serenity set the other bag down as well. "I'm gonna head in with the girls and eat... You okay out here?" he asked, the stallion busy getting another mouthful of carrots. "Guess uh, that's a yes..." he smiled with slight sweat on his face. Making their way out and toward the front porch, Chris suddenly had another bout of pain causing him to hiss and freeze up, Rose letting out an "eh?" and pulling back before panicking and climbing down off him. "You okay?! I'm sorry!!" she apologized. "N-No, it's not your fault. Just a few cuts is all." Chris waved. "You did take quite a few hits..." Alicia point out as he straightened and made his way inside. Following along, Rose held his hand before jolting when she felt the bandages around it, looking his palm over as Alicia took notice as well. "Got you pretty good." the snake muttered. "Oh, this wasn't from that guy. I really don't even need this bandage." Chris point out before taking it off, showing the remnants of the bite mark. "How did you get that?" Rose asked, blinking in surprised. "It was a little Pokemon called Mawile, it was the same one that bit that guys hand during our fight. You saw that part, right?" he asked.

"I do remember a moment on TV where some creature dropped out of that humans hands along with the child... A rather nasty one, isn't it?" Alicia replied. "Nah, it's okay... Just protective over the kid. Mawile reminded me a lot of Serenity actually..." Chris point out, looking at her as she set the pizza bag down on the table and sat on the couch. "And uh... How are you?" Alicia asked. "You not care." Serenity scoffed before facing away, resting her chin on her hand while leaning on the arm of the couch. "Well excuse me." the snake grumbled. "We saw the fight you had..." Rose explained, looking at Serenity nervously while Chris opened the bag with an "ah" in response. "It wasn't our best moment..." he admit while pulling out the boxes of pizza, Rose and Alicia watching curiously. "We're kind of giving each other space right now." he added, the statement sounding strange to the two as they looked between Chris and Serenity, noticing the Pokemon glancing at him silently before looking out the window. "I suppose that's the best choice." Alicia nodded. "You shouldn't do it for too long though... You should find a way to fix stuff." Rose affirmed. Looking at Serenity himself, Chris let out a sigh and nodded before opening up one of the boxes. "Ah, this is one of the things I ordered for you two... Give it a try." he smiled, offering Rose a piece as the cheese stretched as he pulled it and handed it her way. "It looks weird..." she point out while sniffing it. "Smells good though..." she admit while taking the slice. "It'd be a little hard for you to hold I think, so I'll give you a hand. Try some!" he smiled, holding a slice up toward Alicia as the snake blinked at the oozing toppings. "It looks... Interesting..." she replied warily.

Looking at Rose, she watched the rabbit try some for herself, nibbling at the slice before pulling some of the cheese into her mouth causing it to stretch before snapping off and vanishing into her tiny mouth, Rose's eyes widening and lighting up as she shuddered. "It's good then?" Alicia asked, only for Rose to start eating more eagerly. "Go on!" Chris coaxed with a chuckle. Nodding, the snake opened her mouth and took a bite for herself, pulling her head back as she chewed before her eyes widened as well. "Oh my... That is good." she muttered in surprise. "Never know what you're missing in life until you give it a chance." Chris winked, allowing Alicia to take another bite. "These are tropical style pizzas. Stuff like pineapple on it... You wouldn't think some of this stuff would go together too well, but it really does." he smirked as Alicia continued eating the slice, Rose already on her second. "I bought plenty for all of us so have as much as you want." he assured as the snake finished her piece. "I got these for Serenity and me..." he point out, holding some of the boxes as Serenity glanced at them. Opening one, he offered a slice to the silent Pokemon, getting no response at first only for her stomach to growl. "I take..." she muttered, holding her hand out. Nodding, he handed it over, Serenity warily looking at the slice before taking a bite like the others, pausing for a moment as she looked at it again before glancing away. "It good... Like." she nodded. "Alright then." Chris nodded back, taking one for himself as Alicia and Rose looked at the two again before facing each other warily. "MM!!" Chris suddenly shout with his mouth full of pizza, causing the girls to jolt as he stood. "Waundwy." he point out, trying to say laundry as he made his way to the closet where the machines were. Blinking curiously, the girls heard him opening and shutting the doors as he transferred the contents and loaded the washer with more blankets.

"I better was my shirt too..." they heard him mutter as he returned to where they were, removing his coat and looking the inside over. "Good... Guess the shirt caught everything. If some seeped through it would never come outta this color." he said to himself, Rose and Alicia tilting their heads as he rest the coat over the back of the recliner. "Hey uh, Rose? Do me a favor and help Alicia eat a few pieces?" he asked, the rabbit jolting with a "sure" in response, offering the snake more food. Taking a bite, Alicia responded with a "thank you" before looking back at Chris, the two watching him return to the machines in the other room. "Seep through...?" Rose asked. "No idea." Alicia shook her head, Serenity looking at the two as they curiously followed Chris, poking their heads around the corner as she stood and followed. Watching as he stripped off his shirt, their eyes widened from seeing all the bandages up close, noticing the untreated injuries which left red smears along his body from brushing all over his shirt. Noticing the girls watching, Chris let out a quiet "agh..." while tossing his shirt in the washer with the second load of blankets before starting it and the dryer. "I'm sorry I made you hold me..." Rose apologized with a guilty and teary look. "No worries, really." he assured with a nervous smile. "You really endured a lot in that fight..." Alicia point out. "I had to. It was win or be killed. During a tussle like that, if you let a few cuts stop you, that's game over. Gotta deal with it and keep going." he affirmed while punching the air in a boxer manner. "I think I did pretty good." he smirked. "I think you need to wash up." Alicia affirmed. "A-Ah, yeah... True." he laughed nervously. "Sorry about you havin' to see this when you need to eat." he apologized.

Walking around them, Chris stumbled when he nearly walked into Serenity, pulling himself back and blinking at the Pokemon as she looked at his injuries and bandages. "...You go out on own because ashamed?" she asked, causing him to let out an "eh?" from the statement. "Reason you go out by self. You not want to be seen with us?" she added. "Say what?" Chris asked. "You go out by self. Then way you talk to me at human place, way you walk off. You not want us close now?" she clarified, causing him to respond with a "huh?" in a more annoyed tone, looking at the others making Rose shake her head and shrug while Alicia glanced away nervously. "I talked to you the way I did because I was annoyed by the way you were acting, and getting in my face is what really sealed the deal..." he affirmed with a scowl. "Where did this "ashamed" mess come from all of a sudden?" he asked, causing Alicia to jolt wide eyed behind him, looking at Chris's back warily as Serenity glanced in her direction. "Hear it from snake." Serenity point out, causing Alicia to freeze up as he turned the snakes way. "You said something about me being ashamed of you?" he asked, causing her to sweat and stutter while Rose inched back, rubbing her arm with an "uh oh..." from what was about to come. "What do you mean I'm ashamed? What's that about?" he asked, Alicia backing away as well while responding with a nervous "I-I uh..." kind of stutter. "You what? If you're going to talk about me, do it when I'm here. What is it?" he asked, the snake biting her lip and glancing away. "She say you ashamed to be with us after human kids we see in village outside of city. She say they make you not feel right being with us, so you rush us here where nobody see and leave us, you go out alone and that why." Serenity explained, causing him to look at her before facing the snake again. "Are you serious...?" he asked.

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"Why?" he added, looking up at the snake. "I-I was only speculating..." she answered nervously. "Why?" he asked more sternly. "I-I said...!!" she tried to repeat, cut off when she saw the frustration and fury sparking back into Chris's eyes. "WHY?!!" he shout, making the snake jolt back, Rose jumping from the sudden tone while Serenity looked away. "What's wrong with you girls?! One's calling me weak, the other's trying to call me ashamed... WHY?!!" he repeat. "I-I'm sorry!!" Alicia panicked. "I have to put up with Serenity putting me down in front of the media, then I come home to a family that thinks I'm ashamed of it?! What's the deal?!" he asked. "Because of valuing life, because I refuse to kill as the answer, I'm somehow weak?! Because I rush you girls to a place I think you'd be comfortable... Because I hurry you away from the crowds and leave you behind to TRY and give you a moment of peace, I'm ashamed all of a sudden?!" he went on. "Everything I've said , everything I've done... And still you girls think I'm weak?! STILL you're so quick to think I care so little about you?!" he shout. "All you've done is made it clear how much you hate it here! THAT'S why I left you behind! To keep you out of the cold and let you enjoy having a place to stretch and move around! I left you here because I knew it'd take Serenity time to get used to being around so many people again! And because I knew places with crowds like these can get to Rose too! I wanted to EASE you girls into life here! I wanted you to relax and take your time! How could you think it was because of being ashamed?!" he lectured, the snake looking away as the facts stung her within. "I've CRIED for you girls! Risked my LIFE for you girls! Gave you speech after speech about how much I love and care for you!!" he reminded.

"Yet after everything I've done, after everything I've said, I'm still weak to you? I'm somehow ashamed of you?! Are you trying to tell me I'm ashamed of everything I've done for your sake? Are you telling me I'm ashamed of the family I worked so hard to give better lives to?!" he asked. "I've sacrificed all I could for you girls, again and AGAIN!!" he reminded, showing his back. "My body..." he point, facing Serenity and showing his eye. "My senses..." he added. "By giving everything I had, I did my best to give you everything you NEVER had! All the love someone can give, all the happiness someone can feel... All the rights any living being deserves!! And in return, I go out one my own ONCE and get told how weak and STUPID I am for doing it?! How incapable I am of anything?! I come home to find out you think I'm ashamed just because some KIDS talked shit?!" he shout, seething from how insulted he was feeling. "It's REAL nice to know how you girls see me as such a pathetic person... You saw Ninetales power so much you completely forgot about everything I did without her, didn't you? And sure, some things I did on my own, maybe she did step in, but I took action BEFORE she did EVERY TIME!!" he reminded, pointing out how it takes him having the strength to put himself in situations that require her help in the first place. "...Or maybe it's because deep down you STILL look at me as no better than who you were with before..." he added, causing Alicia to jolt wide eyed. "Th-That's not it!!" she panicked. "I leave you alone for once and you resort to thinking it's out of shame off the bat...? I wonder." Chris grumbled while facing away. "Damn it all..." he growled with a "tch" as he looked at the TV, the news replaying the fight as the reporter went over everything in greater detail.

"I save a kids life, risked everything to do it the same as I do for you, and I have someone who's SUPPOSED to love and support me showing up, telling me how weak and stupid I am after doing it... I come home, expecting to be thought of as a hero, brave and strong, only to find out I'm supposedly ashamed of my life instead... By thinking I'm ashamed of you, that's no different than telling me I'm ashamed of every sacrifice and accomplishment I've ever made, for my sake AND yours!" he added, clutching his fists with his teeth grit, Rose looking at him teary eyed while Serenity and Alicia looked down in guilt. "No matter WHAT the hell I do, no matter how much I sacrifice, I guess I'll never be anything more than a human to you who's barely a step above the people you were with before, isn't that right?" he asked, looking at Serenity and Alicia as the two hesitated to even glance at him. "I'll give you this much, as least you finally had the guts to come out with how you really felt and thought when it comes to me... Why the hell did you girls even bother saving my life if you're still THIS quick to think the worst of me?" he asked, causing all three to jolt wide eyed and look at him as he suddenly walked off. "Enjoy your food!!" he shout, heading down the hall by the entrance and shutting the door to the bathroom with a profane "shit!!" of frustration. Suddenly hearing him shout "EVERYBODY OUT!!" on TV, they turned to the screen and watched as everybody escaped the pizzeria, the little girl escaping into her grandmothers arms while Chris remained alone to tackle the kidnapper as the reporter went on revolving the details of the fight. As they watched everything unfold once more, Serenity seeing the fight first-hand for the first time, she and Alicia couldn't help but tremble from everything that had occurred and been said between them.

Eventually reaching the part where Serenity arrived, the Pokemon suddenly fell on her knees and held herself tightly, listening to herself blasting Chris while watching how she'd been screaming in his face first-hand before having to endure the same speech about values and life he'd given her a second time, hearing him shouting for her to kill him making the Pokemon cover her ears. With both girls having been rattled, the two continued to tremble as tears started streaming from their eyes, both hicking as Chris's speech on TV rang through their ears as the one he just gave also ran through their minds. Looking at the two, Rose had tears of her own streaming as well. Although she knew his frustration wasn't directed at her, the rabbit felt the same impact the others were feeling from his words and actions, clutching her chest and trying to wipe her eyes as the news went on, showing Chris and Rapidash leaving the scene with Serenity silently following behind as reporters started turning the the crowd for feedback before officers came out to break up the scene...
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 135
Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 144
Some time ago, a young man named Chris, now 23, discovered he was chosen to carry a curse passed onto him through his bloodline by a Ninetales his grandfather saved long ago, having grabbed its sacred tails to save it from falling to its demise. Burdened with this fate, which the young man now calls a blessing, Chris accepts the life chosen for him and allows the curse to guide him freely in life, destined to forever put others before himself, to forever follow the path the curse guides him along towards those in need most...

Along his journey thus far, Chris has come across a Ralts who was abandoned by her former trainer for being blind, hurled off the edge of a cliff and left to die that has since evolved into a full fledged Gardevoir by his side, swearing her life to the young man with the mysterious and terrifying ability to use the power of a Shadow Pokemon, granting her the title of a mysterious new Shadow Hybrid... Also traveling by his side is a Snivy who has since become a Servine, abandoned by her former trainer for refusing to evolve after a terrifying battle she had with a Serperior that left her mentally scarred, resulting in her former trainer neglecting and starving her in an attempt to persuade her to evolve, until he finally left her to die as well followed by a Buneary who has since evolved into Lopunny, who's former trainer became enraged due to her refusal to battle and tried to kill her off when he discovered she could only evolve via friendship...

Chris has met many people and Pokemon alike along his journey, each left as inspired by his presence as the last... He's nearly sacrificed himself to save Gardevoir and Servine from a deadly attack by a pack of Houndoom, lead by a Mega formed leader by hurling himself off a cliff to catch the two and nearly dying... Resulting in his lengthy stay in a location called Millennium City where he provided a hospital full of children an awe inspiring play room full of wonders any child would adore... Saved thousands of Pokemon eggs from dying out when their colossal incubation system malfunctioned in one of the cities many centers, and it's the location he saved Lopunny when she was a Buneary from being struck by a massive truck after being hurled into the highway by her former trainer... He's met and inspired a kindhearted old butler named Gerald who served the group during their stay in the city, and even came across the mysterious N from the Pokemon series, inspiring even this strange person during his stay in the city resulting in Chris being deemed a man worthy of keeping an eye on...

Most recently, Chris had become a criminal during his efforts to free Lopunny from her former trainer altogether, having forced his way into the city's top prison the man was held within and taking not only the Pokeball belonging to Lopunny, but taking all of his other Pokeballs to free the Pokemon within them as well only to discover the mans father was the Warden of that very prison in the process. Finding himself intrigued by Chris, the Warden gave him a chance to avoid prison time by revealing he was also the city's Gym Leader, striking a deal that if he won he would be pardoned of all crimes and allowed to leave the city.

Before the day of the match arrived, Chris found himself becoming close friends with the city's top scientist, Professor Rose, and together along with her staff they managed to complete Project Celebi, a device that could transplant sight between two people without surgery! The project turned out to be a success after Chris offered the sight in his left eye to give Gardevoir the ability to see the world for the first time via her right!

After this, the time for his showdown with the Warden arrived, and after a lengthy two part battle, Chris turned out the victor with the support of all those attending the event and beyond... To thank them for fighting for his sake, Chris gave Gardevoir, Servine, and Lopunny their own unique names, gaining the titles Serenity, Alicia, and Rose respectively, with Lopunny being named after the professor who had done so much for the group during their stay in the city...

After regaining his freedom, Chris and the girls spent a week at Arthur and Angela's massive manor on the outskirts of the city, followed by a first class cruise aboard the brand new S.S. Guardian, the first pollutant free ship in the world relying solely on solar power reservoirs! With its maiden voyage celebrating the 100th anniversary of the loss of the R.M.S. Arceanic, fate played its hand along their way to Arcticu Valley and led the Guardian to the exact location of the ships wreckage. Attacked by a massive Gyarados swarm, the Guardian was sank to the bottom of the sea, protected by a barrier crafted by Serenity which resulted in the discovery of the remains of the legendary ship.

In turn, many truths came to light in the dark depths, and after garnering the aid of the souls aboard the remains of the vessel, the Guardian managed to return to the surface of the sea once more and the Gyarados were defeated! Criminals were justly punished, a company was repossessed, and Chris was given total ownership of the entirety of the Arceanic wreck site! And now, they've finally arrived at their destination, and many more adventures are about to unfold...

male 1,196,950, female 1,087,578, pokemon 192,117, rabbit 139,469, bunny 112,678, human 108,544, girl 93,601, boy 80,990, horse 59,601, males 43,298, woman 29,227, females 24,930, man 19,060, snake 18,489, the 16,948, humanoid 15,732, story 13,996, stallion 12,526, snow 11,616, boys 11,347, girls 9,808, city 7,219, of 6,291, lopunny 4,821, series 4,643, master 4,353, men 3,898, gardevoir 3,536, snivy 2,790, women 2,740, serpent 2,388, kirlia 1,316, serperior 1,224, buneary 1,188, guardian 1,082, tale 875, cabin 701, ralts 539, chapter 502, servine 448, rapidash 409, tale of the guardian master 304, totgm 258
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 7 years, 6 months ago
Rating: General

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7 years, 6 months ago
Well... shit about covers it. Keep it coming can't wait to see how this ends
7 years, 5 months ago
When the snap finally happens, and is real, fucking hell this is a good chapter, talk about an emotional roller coaster good job modest
7 years, 4 months ago
Wow this chapter was emotionally charged! Serenity’s and Chris outbursts, than with Alicia and finally to round it up and reflect again during the news coverage… it was only two chapters ago where everything seemed cozy and perfect. But this chapter also made a lot of character development. Serenity said what she hates about Chris right into his face and in public. I think it was the first time she was so direct about it and also the first time Chris bursting out on her. In this emotionally charged atmosphere we got a good look at their confronting personalities. Chris who doesn’t want to hurt or kill anybody and Serenity who wants to hurt and kill anyone in her way. I’m glad Serenity didn’t flew away to vent her emotions. Showing us that she understood what Chris had to say, and not just flying away to venting her emotions without anything to block or counter them.
"We're kind of giving each other space right now." he added
Watch out Chris, don’t let this space grow too big… space can get a hurdle between the real problem.

About Alicia “distrust” (and basically the other two too) about Chris he could be ashamed about them. Yes he did a lot (!) for them, but I think time is an important factor too. Not even a year has passed, and even though Chris did a lot for them (that probably already would be enough for a life time) it is still a relative short time frame to cure a psychotrauma. At the moment the life with Chris could be just a dream. Especially Alicia knows how a good friend you thought you know, can change his character in a matter of days. I think Chris still has to do some work on this part. Not with bigger and bigger heroic deeds, or sacrificing himself more and more for them… continuous little steps would probably be enough.

While Serenity was crying in front of the TV, replaying the news. Poor Rose started crying too, not knowing how to fix this situation even though she's not to blame. This sort of cliffhanger is worse than the cliffhanger from last chapter.
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