We all have our bad patches... During my depression, which was nearly fatal, only a comic that I had been watching at the time on DeviantArt, had kept me from completely giving up. I was verbally kicked when at my lowest point, and I just laid there for 4 days, not going anywhere, no food, no drink... I barely lifted the glass when I finally got up and went for fluids... I was like a weight trainer trying to lift beyond his max in dead lift.
We all have our bad patches... During my depression, which was nearly fatal, only a comic that I had
What I'm going through is more mental though. I don't know how to cope with situations like this without my usual coping method. Some people shut off completely to recharge. Others have more physical methods such as drinking. I had a crutch I could always lean on, but that crutch is broken beyond repair. It's hard to walk without a crutch when you rely so heavily on it. For now, I'm like one of my characters. It takes him some time to adjust to his new life circumstances, it's a long and difficult path to rehabilitation, but everyone gets there when they work on it long enough. To keep from having a full mental break, I need to put my mind into creative outlets. I need to make sense of things visually, and learn to accept them. It's hard, but anything worth doing is. I just need time to find my feet, and learn to walk again without my crutch. I'm down, but still alive. I know I'm alive because I hurt. Pain is how you know you're truly alive, otherwise you feel nothing worth feeling.
What I'm going through is more mental though. I don't know how to cope with situations like this wit
I know... I've been there, but without anyone to lean on from the start, and had a full break that I had to pull out of. And nearly didn't. If you feel like you need someone to talk with, we can put the RP completely aside for a while.
I know... I've been there, but without anyone to lean on from the start, and had a full break that I