We're excited to announce the launch of our new website PIXarmor (www.Pixarmor.com) A new secure and powerful server! For all members of the previous server, your accounts have been migrated and new files are being uploaded! For securities sake, your account has been uploaded to the new server but your password has been reset, simply enter your old details and your new password will be sent to your email address. Whilst there have been very few issues with this process so far, if you are having trouble receiving the email we ask that you write us about the problem to our mailing address at catastrophecomics@gmail.com
We are still set up a new direct payment method via cypto-currency. Swaggerdile users can also switch their pledges to Patreon by lettings us know the email and other details they used on Swaggerdile when they sign up. https://www.patreon.com/catastrophe
Official patrons of the comic receive higher resolution pages before anyone else! In fact, right now you'll get to see over TWICE the comic, a whole chapter ahead (over 200 pages!) with more coming soon and extra sketch previews! Every month, about 14 pages are released to the club (less if they're multi-panel), and at nearly twice the resolution! 21 cents a page?! Not enough? Well a few dollars more ($5/Mo) will get you triple the resolution! Want an extra treat? $15 each additional month puts you in line for a raffle draw for a colored picture from us, on top of highest tier resolution (x5 this!).
We are sorry to announce a slow-down on our FREE pages in response to recent content theft. I once again encourage those interested in seeing the comic to consider pledging your support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/catastrophe. As announced before, we will be forced to consider closing our server to new membership/supporters in the face of any more attacks on staff or leaks to share sites and with it we will more than likely close off the free site advertising (besides raffle prizes) in lieu of selling physical or digital copies of the comic when chapters are done.
Paid, trusted members of our Patreon receive around 2-3 pages a week and all of Milo's story so far in high definition for free! Remember that signing up before the end of the month means your pledge will be processed quickly to get you signed up for all the extra content! There is a small processing period of 10 days due to payment authentication. Supporters in the higher categories also get entered into a raffle to win free art each month!
We distribute our content via a private server, remember to check your email if you are a Patreon supporter for a link to our secure distribution server! If you DON'T have this server link and don't know why, please contact us via message on the pledge site!
A reminder that all NEW supporters are subject to a support threshold to maintain our distribution server, an additional fee on the first month of membership, or simply a delay until you reach the threshold for server membership. Patrons since before 2016 have nothing to worry about on this, your support already exceeds this threshold! See Patreon for more details!
This comic is a real labor of love for us all and your support is what makes it possible for us to produce it.
If you'd like to receive pages early or just help support the comic, you can visit our Patreon account at https://www.patreon.com/catastrophe
Sorry for the delay on these pages, with migrating our new server at PIXarmor there was a small wait for our server subscribers as we tested everything was okay! Expect more pages in the coming days! Direct payment options coming soon, and updates for our Patreon supporters continue as normal!
Sorry for the delay on these pages, with migrating our new server at PIXarmor there was a small wait
I think the issue most people are having, free content or not, is the pacing.The pacing itself is not well spread out, certain aspects of the story itself are drawn out to the point it becomes seeing a page as a continuation of prior internal dialog. Now I am not saying its bad because it could be RedRusker, whose entire comic basis is: Gangbang central.
Just my arbitrary criticism, take it how you will guys. I do want to see how this goes, but so far I don't see much.
I think the issue most people are having, free content or not, is the pacing.The pacing itself is no
the pace is somewhat a subjective thing, though we do recognize that the current pace of support for the comic (especially the free content's speed) does not fit as well for the narrative style we've chosen.
the pace is somewhat a subjective thing, though we do recognize that the current pace of support for
I'm digging the pace of things so far. It feels a lazy, comfy little story being drawled out during a summer afternoon on a porch somewhere, but unlike a few other comics I follow, this one is using its time to tell the story, instead of just a buffer between pieces. Sure, you could plow ahead and just show the cat being banged by the horses, but theres plenty of other comics out there for that if you're wanting a quick, porn filled ending. Theres comics that are literally nothing 'but' porn. This ones trying to do something a little different, and I can appreciate that. Especially when the story itself is pretty interesting, and the characters feel like they're more than just "generic porn horse #23455" and "slutty cat poof #9545745". I'm really liking this so far.
I'm digging the pace of things so far. It feels a lazy, comfy little story being drawled out durin
Thank you very much for the compliment! Exactly what we're trying to do here, we've always had a story-first attitude, not that we don't pare things down to get to the entertaining bits sooner, but I appreciate the comment very much!
Thank you very much for the compliment! Exactly what we're trying to do here, we've always had a sto