I normally like Shadow more but...........KICK HIS SHADOW'S ASS, SONIC. 8D But still, you aren't killing the persons you love for a FREAKIN' WEAPON. Q_Q
I normally like Shadow more but...........KICK HIS SHADOW'S ASS, SONIC. 8D But still, you aren't kil
Well, Sonic is probably going to ask why Shadow did that, and then----- I don't now. >_> Are you sure? I have a lot of scary videos~ I found a comic, that's scary, and no, without those scary noices and cracking sounds. Wanna see it? It's not as scary as the other one. It probably won't scare you.
Well, Sonic is probably going to ask why Shadow did that, and then----- I don't now. >_> Are you sur
I think he killed himself...Because Sonic would have shoutted...So I think Shadow made suicide...wait...no there could be another way...he doesn't want him to kill the weapon so maybe Shadow did it.....GAAAAAHHH! So confused!!!!
I think he killed himself...Because Sonic would have shoutted...So I think Shadow made suicide...wai
Eres una...!!! Mimy!!!!! pero bueno!!! uqe pasa contigo!! xD otra vez me dejas en ascuas si va a morir sonic o no?? esto lo haces por vengarte de algo no? clarooooo.... como a mi me gusta sonic uke te quieres vengar... es eso.... pobrecito sonic qe acaba pagando siempre el pato por nuestra culpa!
Eres una...!!! Mimy!!!!! pero bueno!!! uqe pasa contigo!! xD otra vez me dejas en ascuas si va a mor
Oh...... my god....... I was ecpecting shadow chao control and leave sonic be but I was totall wrong. you Shadow are evi you better not have killed my Sonikku or I won't forgive you for this..... Mimy you always leave us with suspense don't you. ;D
Oh...... my god....... I was ecpecting shadow chao control and leave sonic be but I was totall wrong
It just getting harder to wait. This story is soo awesome I would give it an award for being great. I aways wondered where Shadow kept his gun?his quills? hmm one one f the many questions to never to be solved
It just getting harder to wait. This story is soo awesome I would give it an award for being great.
If Sonic got shot, he'd be dead if Shadow wanted to kill him. And also, I don't know if Shadow would shoot Sonic if he loves him. lol I think Shadow killed himself. D: And the blood just splattered on Sonic's hand or something. Either that or Shadow shot Sonic's hand. lolol XD
If Sonic got shot, he'd be dead if Shadow wanted to kill him. And also, I don't know if Shadow would
nunca pense en decir esto..... OMFG!!!!!! O_____________OU MIMYYYYYYYYYYYYY ERES MUY MALA NO ME DEJES CON LA INTRIGA!!!!! x3 que le has hecho a sonic!!?? T/////T nooooooooo shadow tu amas a sonikku T///////////T mas te vale que lo sigas estare pendiente tooooooooda al noche si es necesario XDDDDD lo olvide soy un murcielago °w° XDDDDDDDDDDDD
nunca pense en decir esto..... OMFG!!!!!! O_____________OU MIMYYYYYYYYYYYYY ERES MUY MALA NO ME DEJE