Tannim offering his hand to the viewer. Wanna be me friend? Well, Do ya? Huh Huh HUH?! It's open to anybody.*
*Offer not available where prohibited. Friendship tax requires minimum donation of 1 penny per five years. Money back is NOT guaranteed or possible. Side effects may include bad things too bad to list here. For full list of side effects please read the inside of your eye lids as reflected by a mirror during a solar eclipse of the tree outside your back door. If irritation occurs, discontinue use and wash brain with mixture of 3 parts bleach and 0.00000000037 parts cherry lime soda. Additional fees may occur, which buyer agrees to pay without complaint no matter how many millions of dimes involved. In case of dispute, legal recourse is waved in favor of arbitration between a groundhog and a hedgehog via deathbattle.