so the first pic here is Kura at a young age (aka 1 year old) and the second pic is her at her teenage years of 18. I will be getting more sexual art of her at her teenage years but not at her cub years. the difference between the pics is, Kura being a female, has a bit of a different growth spurt then the males of her kind. she starts having less of a mane and more longer head hair. the hair becomes a bit thick draping over her shoulders, her cyan stripes go down her back but not over her tail, instead they go down her bum and stop halfway down her bum cheeks. being female though she is quite strong but her hormones at her teen age will be very strong, so she will have to have fun quite often to satisfy her needs.
I got this art because I need more Kura!!! plus shes a cutie so why not? :D this awesome and adorable art is by
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