"Got my music, my base stick, and my hand cannon... I think we're good here."
*An anthro Fennec in a trench coat flashing a gun from his pants as he holds a guitar and shotgun on his back. The words “With a pistol at my side...” is the caption making reference to an old country song. *
Made this one during my college years for fun. A little nod to an old country song. Luckily I've come across the original sketches leading up to this version of the picture. Both sketches were hand drawn and I did an old artist trick where ya flip the picture your working on to get a better look at what other people see.
I'd say it's a "i'm cute and want to be friends.... but if you try and eat me i'll slaughter your sorry ass and leave you to the scavengers. he looks curt but he ain't no ones prey.
absolutely. I'd say it's a "i'm cute and want to be friends.... but if you try and eat me i'll slau
Just about, you were the first person/furson I knew! So it's quite possible... 😸 We were in touch even before I hung out in AGNPH. I'd say that had to be 1998 or 96 at the earliest.
Just about, you were the first person/furson I knew! So it's quite possible... 😸 We were in touch