Rise of the New Republic
The Vanu grows Week
June 21, 4845
2000 years after the birth of The Great War, the Vanu Sovereignty has started to grow week, and with numbers and supply thin, there is little time for them. The Vanu leader, Chairman Willis Scott, is growing worried, and with it, getting reckless. With window of opportunity opened up for them, the New Conglomerate have been pushing the Vanu out of the Kaorr desert region on Indar. It's only a matter of time before they're wiped of the face of Auraxis, and the New Conglomerate would like nothing more.
The Alliance of the New Republic
June 25, 4845, 5:55 P.M
The Terran Republic are hearing about ongoing murder of the Vanu Sovereignty, and are anxious to gather information. They send in a Galaxy loaded scouting squad to an outpost behind the lines of fighting: Indar Mining Co. But along they way, they are shot down by some “extra” AA fire that didn't hit its first target, and go down in a small pond just 100 miles north of their intended landing zone, with limited supply and ammo, they won't last long if the Vanu or the Conglomerate show up.
6:10 P.M
The Terran crash survivors are growing weak, and their limited supply is almost out, just when all seems lost, a small New Conglomerate Lighting squad is blocked by the crash, and noticing the Terran Survivors, the captain of the tank squad orders the rest to hold fire, as he wishes to help them. RECORDED AUDIO:
NC Captain: “Hay, you guys seem to be a little mess here, what happened?”
TR Captain: “I don't know why you're asking, or not killing us on sight, but we were shot down by VS AA guns, if you want to help where open to a alliance, as most of you know, we what to restore the peace of Auraxis”
NC Captain: “Well, if you truly mean it, i guess we can make an agreement”
*NC and TR captain's shake hands*
NC tank driver: “Whoa, whoa! are you kidding me? team up with THE?”
NC Captain: “If you don't agree with peace boy, you can go join the bloodey Vanu’s plot to destroy the human rase!”
NC Tank driver: “Oh, well i that case, welcome aboard TR, what should we be called? we can't be called by our empires anymore… because we're a team now”
TR trooper: “How about the ‘New Republic?’ Like, ‘New’ from you guys, and ‘Republic’ from us.”
NC Captain: “Sounds good to me!”
TR: Captain: “Alright, gentlemen, welcome to the New Republic!”
The Treaty is signed
July 1, 4845
7 days after the first agreement between the Republic and the Conglomerate, the first treaty in over 2000 years is going to take plane on this day. Both factions leaders will sign a wager saying that the Republic and the Conglomerate well lay down their arms towards each other and unite under the banner of “The New Republic”, with the goal of riding the Vanu aliens off of Auraxis.
With the new alliance set in place, both the old once empires fighting each other are now trading weapon systems, tactics, vehicles and more. Auraxis may finally now see peace within its atmosphere. But before true peace is made, they must first rid of the Vanu, either by capturing them and persuade them into joining the NR, or killing those who decline.
The Fall of Vanu
July 4, 4845, 2:00 AM
With the combined forces of the NR, they have over one million troopers, tanks, and aircraft combined surrounding each of the remaining VS warp gates, today well mark the day of the great Vanu massacre. As the NR advance ever slowly to the warp gates, the VS scramble to get defence, but with only a mere 350,000 some troops, 200 tanks, and 250 aircraft, they don't stand agenant the united empire.
3:30 AM
The battle has been progressing in the NR’s favour over the course of only 1h 30min, and the Vanu only have a mere 100,000 troops, 10 tanks and no aircraft, but as Vanu, they think that “it's their propose to serve the Vanu Gods” so they go willingly, which is really strange to the NR but it's just another reason to add to the list of their reasons why the Vanu should fall.
4:00 PM
Finally, after almost 2 hours of fighting, the NR have managed to get overcharged gatebuster sundurrers through the shield of the warp gates, and one by one, the Vanu are held up, captured, or slain if they refuse or still show resistance. With Auraxis under the protection of the NR, they vow to prevent another great war from breaking out, and wrecking the great society once again.
“The banner flows! our people once again proud of our might, our peace, and our loyalty! Once more our united world shall stand up as one! We lay down our arms so we can rid of this galaxy wide conflict, and we shall keep the peace forever more! ALL HAIL THE NEW REPUBLIC, AS WE HAVE BROUGHT PEACE TO YOU ONCE MORE!” ~Jet Sunstrider, leader of the New Republic Peacekeeping Fighting Force.
Trouble Beneath the Surface
November 1, 4845
4 months after the Vanu massacre, daily life has once again returned to the people of Auraxis. New towns and settlements have been formed over the ruins of the destroyed outposts. the Bio-labs, Teh-plants, and Amp stations are now military checkpoints, keeping watch over air and ground traffic. Any outpost that remains becomes a law enforcement office, keeping track of citizen files, and they also house the few remaining Vanu who surrendered after the great massacre. All has been good, in till now. There has been strange signs of large cracks in the surface of the uninhabited region of Auraxis, but it's “not just an earthquake” the researchers say, as the cracks have a dark purple glow to them, the exact colour of the Vanu alien legends.
Nobody knows for sure, but scientists say that the Vanu aliens are returning to Auraxis to avenge their fallen flowers, and because of this, come of the Citizens of the NR are starting to get worried, locking their doors and never coming outside. and Jet Sunstrider, the leader of the NR, is getting annoyed at the science team for scaring his people into hiding, so he steps up and releases a broadcast to what he hopes will give courage back to his nation:
“People of the New Republic, the Vanu are not to return, the science team is just doing their thing, making guesses with the info they gathered, but i assure you, the aliens are not coming back, please, return your lives, we still have a government to rebuild!” ~ Jet Sunstrider, in attempt to remove the fear from his people.
Aliens among Men
December 5, 4845
About a month after the first sightings, NR scouts have noticed strange figures almost digging themselves up from the ground on Amersh, they have a purple like skin color and glowing armor, Jet Sunstrider was shocked by this news, and noted the checkpoints to be on high alert for any strange figures roaming around. Moets of the citizens thought it was the Vanu returning from the afterlife, the science team with back to their thoughts about the aliens. And Jet had no clue on who to believe, but he started to look into the science team about the aliens returning.
Jet Sunstrider, based on the info he gathered from science team, now knew they were right. At midnight the same day of the sightings, the same looking figures appeared in the capital, using the same weapons what the Vanu used, but looking like aliens, because they were!They were murdering anyone they found in the streets, luckey the NR troopers managed to push them back before too many people were lost, but there's still the fact of where they came from, and why they did.
The People Protest
November 2, 4846
With the attack on the capital leaving so many questions, some of the citizens are starting to question the NR and their ability to lead .So, a group of them have banded together to protest against the NR, Jet takes the action of sending unarmed Troopers, not even melee weapons, to stand in the way of the 100 some odd protesters, but all the protesters do is throw rocks and try to fight the troopers, but Jet still doesn't order the troops to hurt them. The protesters take this as an opportunity to showcase the alliance as a week, scared group of people. Jet is now getting over frustrated, dealing with the aliens, the protesters, and the science team bugging him 24-7.
Civil War
November 5, 4846
With the protesters lack of trust with the NR, they make an inside attack of the weapons depot, taking assault rifles, shotguns, and MAX suits. Now there's 150,000 armed protesters running a campaign to recruit more to their cause, Jet fears a repeat of “The rise of the New Conglomerate” and sends in riot troopers with stun weapons to capture the protesters, but with the protesters using weapons, the 200,000 riot troopers becomes 100,00 dead and the rest wounded. Now, as bad as it hurts him, Jet has no choice but to send in troopers with real weapons to go to Civil War with the protesters who now call themselves “The Rebels of Auraxis”. Now having to deal with the Rebels and the Aliens, Jet is now fearing another Great War.
Great War 2: War Harder
With the Rebels of Auraxis, the New Republic, and the Aliens of Vanu now finding themselves mixed up in a new conflict, Jet Sunstrider knows neither team will slow down now, and he how feels the next Great War beginning.
November 5, 4846 makes the rise of the second Great War, now is time to choose and stand up for your belief!
P.S I’m with the New Republic :P