Blast From The Past
Undercom Story Part 1
Chapter 1: First Day
“This is Menace 1-5, ready for landing. Hanger block 3.” The pilot reported over the radio. I held my breath for a moment, remembering what I was getting into. Ever since Advent first took over 3 years ago, it was time to get back in action. Xcom has been in need of new troopers for about a couple of months after a series of retaliation strikes left most of the North American regions defenceless. And things were getting desperate, the remainder of the Xcom project, mainly just the Spokesmen, has decided to go into the projects “fail safe”. What does that even mean? It means that Xcom went deep into the heart of where it all started, the ruins of the old Xcom HQ, to unfreeze and retrain those who fought in the original invasion. Yes, the pre-unification veterans, as Bradford and the Commander has been calling us. Of course, there are some new guys, but this batch was special.
Also, I can’t really say “Commander” as in just one. Recently, as an effort to build the resistance faster, Bradford has given the green light to build new “HQ” like bases in every main country. The one I just touched down on was in Northern Canada, part training facility and part central command for the country. There's 2 separate buildings that handle each. The one I’m at, cleary, is the training facility. Apparently, the Commander of this whole base is one Jet Sunstrider, one of the few high ranking soldiers when Xcom first got on it’s feet. He was chosen for is high rank, expert leadership skills, blah blah blah. What you’d expect from a commander, no offence.
“Roger that Menace 1-5, you are clear for landing.” Sunstrider replied. The Skyranger laned with a soft thump and the loading ramp hissed open. The light of the base blinded me for a moment, but I quickly adjusted.
“Alright everyone, you know what you signed up for.” The Commander started. “This is one of Xcom’s newest training/command centers of the Canadian region. This base was built to give us more room, and time to train soldiers, develop weapons, and launch operations in this country. You men and women have been chosen, or in some cases, un frozen to help fight of Advent and reveal the truth! Now, everyone line up on just in front of us and we’ll begin sorting through all of you. There are 5 squads operating in the training facility. Foxtrot 2-7, Alpha 2-2, Bravo 9-4, Tango 4-4 and lastly, the top squad of the whole base, Menace 6-8. When we call you up, we’ll assign you to a squad. You well then processed to the barracks and meat your squad, and time will go from there. Understood?” He finished.
“Sir, yes Sir!” You all replied. The hanger boomed with 15 different voices. Soon after, Sunstrider started listing off the other rookies. A few, long minutes later, the list came to me.
“Kayla Taylor, step forward.” Sunstrider called out. I stepped out of the line, a straight, determined look on my face. Looking the Commander straight in the eye, I respond.
“Ready and waiting, Sir!” You say. Suddenly, a smile of approval grew on the Commander’s face. I guess that he already new that I were one of the Pre-Unification veterans.
“Your squad is Menace 6-8. Room 208.” He told me. Looks like I’m top squad material. Because of my past experience. “Get there on the double.” He adds.
“Who’s the squad leader?” I ask.
“Your looking at him, go meet my 2ed in command, Terran, he will introduce you to the rest of the squad.” He replies.
“Right.” I say. It’s all I can say after I realize that my Commander is also my squad leader. Sunstrider is always known for being on the field with his squad rather than staying in the situation room. Regardless, I start making my way down to the barracks.
Chapter 2: Meet and Greet
After almost getting lost, I finally arrive at the barracks. It’s a large subsection of the main training facility, but to me it just looked like a long hallway with doors on either side, like a school layout. Regardless, I made my way down the hall watching for my squad. Some where in the middle, I see a door with the label “Menace 6-8”. I knock and the door echoes a hollow clank clank clank following. The door creaks open and there's tall, buff Ranger staring at me. I see what looks like a Fusion Blade on his back, but I notice it's not glowing. The Ranger cracks a smile.
“So, you must be the squad’s new rookie, eh?” He asks in a gruff, redneck-ish voice. “Welcome to our one little corner of peace and quiet!” he replied, inviting me in.
“Looks...cozy” I said nervously. I mean, I’m used to the army life, but all these high ranking, battle hardened soldiers in one room… and the attraction is all on me… made me crack a little bit. Just a little, though.
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” The Ranger said. “As soon as you get to know everyone, you’ll be fine!” He added, holding out his hand, I shook it. “I’m Terran. But my nickname is “AXX”, that's with 2 X’s by the way. Got it from my time in the Terran Murder Squad, when the normal World Wars were still a thing.” He explained with a grim look on his face, I decided I did not need to know more.
“Well,” I started. “I’m Kayla. I don’t remember my callsign though… you see, I’m one of the Pre-Unification veterans so I fought in the original invasion.” I explain myself. Terran’s expression changes to one of understanding.
“Ah, that's why you look so young.” He gave me a wink. “Well, the Heavy in the back is known as Meme.” he points to a Indian guy in the back.
“Wait… Meme?” I try not to laugh.
“Ha, ha very funny.” Meme replies.
“Anyway, the other Ranger to my left is Sky “Kickass” Banchsee. Although, he’s more our scout then blademaster.” Kickass waves at me. “The two specialists on the bunks are Black Devil and Martha Sl..slu…” He stutters.
“Jesus Christ, it’s Schulz!” Maratha bellowed. “Anyway, hey newbie.”
“Yes, hello!” Black replied… you think a moment on his name… “Don’t worry, my real name is David Blackburn.” He added.
“Last but not least, the Psi Op… wait where did Mich go?” Terran asked.
“Last time I saw her, she was in the Psi Lab trying to learn Null Spear… or whatever it's called.” Meme said.
“It’s LANCE.” I correct him. Everyone looks at me.
“How do you know that?” A English accent booms behind me. I turn around and decide that it is Mich, the Psi Op.
“I used to be a Psi Assault.” I reply. “I know a thing or two.”
Chapter 3: Operation First Blood
“So, a Psi Assault, eh?” Mich said. She still had psi energy pulsating from her head from recent Psi Training. “I’ve always wondered how Psionics worked back then, I’m pretty sure they never had fancy labs like us back then.” Mich was about to go on, but she was interrupted by the intercom.
“Menace 6-8 to the bridge, looks like we got another V.I.P extraction mission, requested by the Spokesman himself, so it must be important.” The rest of the squad started loading up, grabbing their weapons and utility items. Terran sharpened his Fusion-Dark blade thing.
“Well, rookie, don’t just stand there! Come on!” He tossed me a Mag Rifle with what looks like a scope and a forward grip on it. I followed the rest of the squad down the the bridge. The Commander was waiting there for us.
“Come on guys, lets go! Everyone in the Skyranger, Bradford will brief us on the way!” We all filed into the Skyranger, the Commander following us inside. We took off and before I knew it, a large screen flashed on behind us. The name Operation First Blood was on the top, with a picture of what looks like downtown Calgary. The mission objectives where in a list on the right side, but before I could read them Bradford came up on radio.
“Alright, looks like the Spokesman has identified a Resistance distress beacon in the area, but we're gonna have to provide extraction. Find the V.I.P, rescue them from Advent custody, and processed to evac. Expect hostile resistance, good luck people. Central out.” Everyone was cheeking coms and ammo, we were ready to go. Just then the Skyranger hovered, the cargo door opened, and we were given the green light. The Commander threw some ropes to rappel down. When we were grounded, it was show time.
“Ok, squad concealment ative, stay low and stick to the shadows. Kickass, AXX, go up the right, Mich, Meme, Warden, go up the left. Devil, Rookie, you're with me. Keep an eye out for hostiles and the V.I.P.” He said, whispering. Everyone nodded and we started moving. I finally was out in the field, I just couldn't wait to shoot a Advent Trooper in the face. As if on cue, one of the Rangers spotted something.
“Ok, got a group of Advent here, 2 troopers, an officer, and a Shieldbearer.” AXX reported.
“Ok, everyone call your targets, I got the Trooper on the right of the officer.” Sunstrider said.
“The Shieldbearer is all mine…” Mich said.
“Me and Kickass well get the officer.” AXX said.
“I got the other trooper, I guess.” I said.
“Right. Meme, Warden, Black, keep an eye out.” Sunstrider said. “Everyone on three… one...two...three!” Sunstrider opened fire on his target, it died instantly. You see a blast of Psi energy get thrown at the Shieldbearer, he struggles, but then relaxes, and points his weapon at the other trooper, Mich whispers something psychopathic. The officer get’s hit with one blast, but the other misses. Soon after, a barrage of plasma finishes him off. Now it’s my turn to fire. I felt like everything was happening in slow motion. Regardless, I took aim, held my breath, and fired. The recoil made me stagger but for the most part I was pretty accurate. I gathered myself, and looked at what would of been the Advent squad. Now it was just a pile of bodies. Finally, my first kill in over 20 years, it felt good. I felt adrenaline surging through my body. I was where I belonged… In the field, the front lines, whatever. But we were far from done. We still had to find the V.I.P.
“Alright, all targets down.” Sunstrider reported. “Let's keep moving.” He looked back at me. “Nice shooting, kid.” He says and keeps moving forward. I feel proud, getting complimented by the commander. I collect myself and follow suit. After clearing an old convenience store, we see flashing red lights in the distance. We quickly take positions and find the Advent convoy. Sunstrider was about to give some more orders, but he was caught off by a loud, single gunshot. Before I even realize that there was a sniper, I feel a strong, stinging pain in my side. I got shot, by a sniper off all things. The pain made me fall to the ground, I dragged myself behind a large armored car. Sunstrider was barking orders, everyone was firing blindly. I could barely see, my vision was blurring. But before I could blackout from pain, a large shiny… thing was floating near me. Soon after, Devil was crouching beside me, looking at my wound.
“It’s alright, not as bad as it probably feels, I’ll get the bullet out… this may sting a little…” He tells me. “Gremlin, Medical detail.” He talks to a floating robot beside him. The robot flies closer to me, opens a compartment and sprays me some sorta medical msit. I feel better, but I do lose some feeling in my side. I then feel a strong tug, Devil holds up his hand, in it, tweezers holding a bloody copper bullet.
“I..I always thought Advent uses Mag weapons, why was there a bullet?” I ask between coughs.
“Because Advent stole a lot of our guns beforehand. They must be using it against us.” Devil responds. “Now, take it easy. Just take a few minutes to rest, get back in the fight when you can” Devil rested my Mag rifle beside me and went to join the others. Of course, I want to get back into the fight now, but my wound restricted me, instead of moving up, I took my Mag Rifle and started shooting from afar, sure I was probably not hitting anything, but we were all firing blindly anyway.
From out of nowhere, a person in bulky white armor crouched beside me, his armor had Advent symbols on his helmet and shoulderpads, and he had an Advent Mag Rifle. Then I remembered, Mich’s Psi attack against the Shieldbearer earlier must of mind controlled him. Good thing too, we could use the extra shielding. As if on cue, The Shieldbearer activated his shielding ability, slamming his hand to the ground. A loud pulsating sound rang in my ears as myself the rest of the squad was encased in a red shell. Then the Shieldbearer moved up and started fighting. I knew I was of no use back here, I looked over and saw that kickass was already hacking into one of the Advent Transport Vans, freeing the V.I.P.
“V.I.P in tow, let’s get outta here!” Kickass shouted over coms. That was our guy, time to leave. With all my might, I pushed through the pain and got up. Running toward the squad, I almost tripped but Sunstrider caught me.
“Easy there, Rookie. You're still wounded.” he said.
“W-where are the others?” I asked.
“I sent them to secure the evac point and wait there while I come get you. Never leave a soldier behind, ya know.” Sunstrider replied. “Just be glad it’s not on a roof this time.” He laughed.
A few minutes later, with Sunstrider supporting me, we were all in the Skyranger. I sat down, holding my side. It felt like it was on fire, I did get shot once before in the back, but that was so long ago I forgot how it felt. Being frozen did not help with remembering, either. Before long, we were back at the base. The squad walked out of the Skyranger. Sunstrider sent the V.I.P down to the situation room for debriefing. Apparently, the V.I.P was a engi for Advent. I think he’d be put to use for our team soon enough. Before he went back to the barracks, Sunstrider stopped me.
“Hey, Tayler. You're gonna need to get that wound treated before you go on another mission.” he said.
“Do you guys have a doctor or something?” I asked.
“Even better, we have the AWC. A couple days in there are you’ll be fine. Follow me, I’ll show ya where it is.” Sunstrider started walking down toward the research center. I was gonna question why it was down there, but I decided not to waste time and follow him down.
Chapter 4: The New Ranger in Town
After my 2 day AWC treatment, I woke up with Sunstrider and AXX standing beside my bed. They both had their casual attire on, so I guess there has not been a mission for a while.
“Come on Taylor, get up.” Sunstrider said. I stoop up, with surprisingly no pain. I felt my side, nothing hurt.
“Don’t worry, you made a complete recovery.” AXX said. “But now, it’s time for the fun part of whenever we bring new Rookies with us.” He smiled. I was a little confused, I just got up and it feels like I have to take some sorta test.
“Kayla Taylor, oh behalf of Xcom and the resistance, and your past experience 25 years ago, I, Commander Jet Sunstrider, am proud to promote you the Rank of Squaddie and desenate you to the class and role of Blademaster Ranger.” Sunstrider said. I was happy to get promoted, finally be able to show my true skills.
“Terran will take you down to the armory to choose your gear.” Sunstrider said, and then walked out. Terran waved at me to follow him. We started walking down the hall.
“So, you think being a Ranger is right for you?” Terran asked.
“Of course, I was an assault through the original invasion.” I replied. “Maybe, could even re-learn my psi powers I had.” I added. Terran laughed.
“If you want psi powers, then maybe you should rethink your class. Because now we have a more streamlined format for our psionics. Instead of looking for the gift of psionics, we have specially designed facilities to train the mind and unlock a soldier's secrets. Because of this, we can’t just train anyone we feel like. Because if let’s say a lieutenant Sharpshooter wants to become a psi op, so we take them to the psi lab and start training. The lab itself will fail to activate because the soldiers already trained skills blocks the process, so we can only train rookies who show promise in the field.” He explained. I kinda felt disappointed, but it also made a lot of sense after he explain the process. Regardless, we reached the armory. It was packed full or armor, weapons, and assorted utility items.
“Take your pick.” Terran said. I walked around for a minute until I found a powerful looking Mag Scatter. It looked like it had a laser sight, autoloader and extend mags. I picked it up and gave it a feel, it fit like a glove in my hands. I holstered it on my side and went looking for a sword. Then I saw something that looked like Terran’s weapon. A fusion blade that does not glow. I took it and walked over to him.
“So, is this like a modified fusion blade?” I asked, showing him the blade.
“Why, yes it is. That is a Dark Blade, it still has a chance to burn targets, but it does not glow like a flashlight so it is better for covert ops.” He replied. I nodded and sheathed it.
“I’m good to go.” I told Terran. Just then another mission announcement appeared over the radio.
“Covert Operation available for Menace 6-8, all squad members so to the suicition room ASAP” Sunstrider said over the intercom. We did not hesitate to report.
Chapter 5: Spooky Scary Skeletons
So, apparently this Covert Op is to head down into a remote town just outside Advent city limits. There has been some strange signals coming from the area, and because Sunstrider does not want to spook any possible civilians in the area, only a 2 man squad is being deployed. And because I was recently promoted to the Ranger class, I was picked to be the boots on the ground. And my overwatch is gonna be a Sharpshooter from Tango 4-4, Ryan “Ogre” Kelly. We also had to in by ground transport, because the Skyranger would just attract to much attention.
Ogre stopped the car a couple of miles away to drop me off. He told me to hold until he got to his advantage point, a billboard across the road from the main entrance we saw on our first drive past. It gave me time to plan my infiltration.
“Kayla, I’m in position. Ready to go?” Ogre asked over comms. I already found a way in.
“Yes sir, there's a break in the building’s on the west side. It looks like it further from the main section of the town, so I shouldn't be spotted.” I replied, eyes on my point of entry.
“10-4, I got a clear shot of you, and I see what your talking about. Remember, stay quiet and stick to the shadows. This is only a scout mission, so see if there's anything interesting going on, and get back here ASAP!” Ogre said. I started my advance.
As I got closer, I heard what seemed like a couple of people talking about some sorta plan. I told Ogre to keep an eye out as I move to eavesdrop.
“Sans! What are you doing! You just took a nap you lazy bag of bones! Get up!” One of them was saying.
*“Calm down, Papyrus. Nothing has happened in months since we escaped the Underworld.” The one called Sans replied. I was totally lost already. Underworld? Is it some sorta nickname for a Advent prison camp? Because it does not sound like a pretty vacation spot.
“You never know when those Advent guys will show up! Or worse, that terror group, Xcom or whatever they're called could attack!” The first one, Papyrus said. So they are civilians, but I guess there not with one side or the other. Just just trying to survive.
“Hey, Ogre, I think I know what's going on here.” I reported.
“How? You were there for barely 5 minutes!” Ogre replied.
“Well, there just civilians, but I guess there refugees of some sort. A couple of them were just talking about escaping something called the Underworld and there worried that either Advent or Xcom could show up.” I explained what I heard.
“Underworld, is that like a prison camp?” Orge asked.
“I was thinking the same thing.” I replied. But then one of the civilians might of heard me.
“What was that….?” Papyrus asked.
* “ It was probably nothing.” Sans replied. I was dead silent. Ogre tried asking why I went silent, but I whispered under my breath for him to shut up.
“M-maybe I should go cheek? Someone could be spying on us!” Papyrus shouted. I started to hear footsteps getting louder… I unholstered my Shard Gun. Soon, I’d be out of options… I could either try to sneak away or face them, and try to get some more info. I decided to try and get some answers. I jumped out of cover, holding my Shard Gun up, but finger off the trigger, cause I just wanted to make sure they weren't armed. I was about to start shouting threats, but I was caught off guard. These guys did not even look like they had skin.
“AGH! See, I told you Sans! Someone was spying on us!” Papyrus looks downright spooked.
*“Let me handle this.” Sans walked up. *“Listen pal, I don’t know who you are, or what army you are with, but me and my brother here are just trying to survive out here. The reason why where outside city limits is because well, you could guess. Humans don’t really see walking and talking Skeletons in their normal day.
I was completely dumbfounded. I lowered my weapon, but I was still a little on edge. Because… well… living skeletons? I thought I’ve seen it all, but well looks like the world just slapped me in the face. But with aliens ruling the world, I guess I was not really as scared and confused as I should of been.
Chapter 6: I Thought I Saw it All…
Sans explained his and his brother’s history, with a world below where monsters rule and when humans would fall down, they would take their very souls to try and break some magical barrier holding them in. But the weird thing was not the fact that this is sounds like some old fairy tale, is the fact that I’m believing it. Ever since Advent took over and aliens started showing themselves again, everyone has gotten used to seeing weird stuff.
“So, you're telling me, that a bunch of monsters where stuck in some underground system, and you recently found a way to escape… so you mean that there are more of you? I asked.
*“Oh sure, there was a lot of us that wanted to leave and just see sunlight again. But others were afraid that the humans would try hunting us down again. But most of us did leave, but when we reached the surface, we came up at random spots. Me and Papyrus were lucky we found each other alive.” Sans replied. It was clear that these guys, monsters or not, we're not doing any harm. I asked them if they wanted to come back to Xcom HQ, but regardless of how good they were doing outside the cities, they were still afraid that the other humans would not take so kindly to them visiting.
*“We are just glad that not every human is murderous.” Sans said. *“Now, I suppose you should be leaving.” He added. Then I just noticed that I’ve spend a little over an hour sitting here. I’ve gotten so used to talking to the skelton brothers that I forgot that I was actually on a mission. Ogre was probably sleeping by now.
“Right, well you guys can be rest assured that Xcom will not be attacking this town you're living in. Just be sure you don’t attack any other Xcom squads that might roll through here. And watch out for Advent, ya hear?” I told the brothers as I left the town. “Hey, Ogre, I’m all done down here. These guys are not gonna be a problem. Let’s head back to base.” I told Ogre over comms.
“About time! Alright, I’ll head down and meet you back at our transport.” Ogre replied.
Chapter 7: Blacksite Pitstop
We were on our way back, as we spotted a building, Ogre slowed down so we would not get insta spotted. As as we rolled up, we noticed it was an Advent base, most likely one of the new Blacksite facilities we got word of about a week ago. Then I had an idea.
“Hey Ogre, pull up to the back to the Blacksite for a moment.” I told Ogre, he looked at me funny.
“Why on earth would be do that? Where just two people!” Ogre replied. I took out a small data pad that had a virus implanted in it.
“Maybe we could interrupt Advent’s plan. What I’m thinking is that you stay out here and provide cover as I go in and implant this virus into their system, this will cause the whole facility to go haywire and leave them vulnerable for a few weeks, then we can bring a full squad back here and finish them off. Don’t worry, I’m a master of stealth!” I explained my plan, Ogre looked worried, but he pulled up behind the facility regardless. “I’ll only be a few minutes.” I told him as I moved in on the facility.
I was looking for a way in, then I saw it, looks like some sorta grenade or other explosive burned a hole into the back side of the Blacksite, It looked under control, but no patrols where there. Maybe they were changing shifts. I walked through, and apparently I was in some sorta garage full of Sectopods. About a dozen of the massive metal monsters sitting there, lifeless. I hope they stay that way. Regardless, I moved in closer and heard a couple of Advent soldiers in the next room.
“Oh shut up you giant metal ball, just because you're the only Gatekeeper that can mind control, null lance, and use other basic psi abilities, that does not change your survival rate if an entire Xcom squad focus fire you.” One of them was saying. Then I noticed, that soldier was actually speaking ENGLISH. Why don’t they speak it in the city and in the field? It would make more sense, more so around civilians
“Again, it is ALLOY not METAL. And if I can do my normal Gatekeeper abilities, as well as the extra ones, I’ll be better able to defend myself!” The other, most likely a Gatekeeper replied. So, a more advanced Gatekeeper… I’m gonna have to keep that in mind. But for now I’m gonna have to find out how to get past them so I can reach their central data server. I was about to move but apparently, another person entered the room.
“Ah, Sans, here to give us our payment for not turning your town into dust?” the trooper said. Wait… Sans? What was he doing here? I decided to stick around.
*“Listen Shields, we need to talk. Last night, a Xcom scout came by. She was just wondering what was going on, but that got me thinking, she offered me and my brother to join Xcom, when you guys just oppressed us.” Sans was saying.
“So, you're planning to backstab us eh? Thank god you came here so we can lock you up!” the trooper… I’m guessing Shields replied, giving the vibe that he's a Shieldbearer.
*“Well, no. The deal is, if you stop threatening us monsters then me and my brother will join you guys.” Sans replied. I could not believe what I was hearing. I spare them, and ask if they wanna join Xcom, then they just stab me in the back and try to join Advent! I wanted to jump out there and beat the shift outta him, but I knew I’d be either captured or gunned down before I could even raise my weapon. My thought process was cut of by Shields and the Gatekeeper bursting out laughing.
“Wh- what on earth would be get outta you two boneheads?” Shields replied, barely able to speak.
*“Don’t underestimate us, human. If you have a practice range, we would be delighted to show you what we can do.” I peeked around the corner, and saw one of Sans’s eyes was glowing bright blue.
“Well, I wanna see this. We have a range just outside the facility.” The Gatekeeper replied. Soon after, the three of them left the building and started walking north. I watched them from the window to make sure they fully left. Then, I went back to working my way through the facility.
Chapter 7: Just a Few Minutes She Said…
I went bobbing and weaving through hallways, peaking around corners and barely avoiding detection until I finally found the main server room. It was quite large for one facility, but I remembered Advent’s whole psionic network connecting all of the troopers. I was looking for the main terminal and I saw a Stun Lancer was messing with it. I drew my sword and closed the distance. But before I could go in for the kill, he turned around, noticed I was not an Advent, and drew his lance. Sparks pulsating, emitting an almost relaxing humm. The Lancer grinded his teeth and charged me.
I easily dodged to the side and the Lancer almost ran into a wall of server boxes. He turned around and took a swing at me. I parried just in time, sparks flew from where our swords connected. The Lancer took a step in, our weapons were locked together, we were in a battle of strength but also endurance and patience. We had to make sure we would not slip up but also not waste our own energy trying to fight back. I could tell the Lancer was getting weak. I took my own step in, pushed the lance out of the way, and slashed the Lancer right across the chest. His armor took the most of it and he was not burning, but I did see blood oozing from the gash. I did some damage, at least. The Lancer stumbled back, opened a compartment in the wall that revealed a lever. An alarm… I charged and pushed him to the ground, knocking him out. I went back to the terminal and plugged the virus data pad in and started the download. Of course, it was going slowly. But I heard movement behind me, turned around just in time to see the Lancer pull the alarm, but I did not hear anything. But I looked out the window and saw emergency lights flashing… a silent alarm! Soon, a couple dozen of troops would swarm this room. Perfect timing, because the download was complete. I unpluged the data pad and watched the magic happen. All the server boxes went crazy, lighting up and making not so good sounds. The virus was in play, Advent’s systems would be down for a few weeks. Then I heard the radio crackle to life.
“Taylor! WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?? The whole base just lit up like a Christmas tree! I see multiple hostile contacts moving in on your position! If the job is done, get the hell outta there NOW!” Ogre shouted over comms. I wanted to leave so bad, but I had no time. The door to the server room was bashed open and before I could even get my sword back, I was surrounded by at least a dozen troopers. One of them, the Shieldbearer walked up to me.
“Well, well well… what do we have here, eh? An Xcom op sneaking into our base. What are the odds?” Shields laughed at me. I had no choice, I raised up my hands in surrender.
“Where’s your skeleton buddy at?” I asked, remembering Sans.
“Oh, him and his brother are with the Gatekeeper, seeing what they can do. I responded to the alarm.” Shields replied. And in the distance I could hear the sounds of large lazer rifles being fired. I looked out the window and saw a bright light and what almost looked like dragon heads in the distance.
“Regardless of our newfound friends, we gotta find somewhere to hold you before we set up an integration.” Shields said, a creepy smile growing on his face.
“You won't get anything outta me!” I spat at the Advent squad.
“We will see about that.” Shields replied, gesturing to one of the Advent Troopers. He approached me, and all I could remember was a Advent rifle in my face, and Ogre on the radio.
“Aww crap! Don’t worry Taylor! I’ll get back to HQ and tell them what happened! Stay strong, squaddie!”
Chapter 8: It’s a Punnyful Day Outside…
I woke up in a dark room. Hands and legs tied behind a cold metal chair. My body armor and weapons were taken away. I laughed at myself, captured. How could I let myself be captured! I let my want to impress my other squadmates get the better of me, and I paid the price. I just hope Ogre was able to escape and tell the Commander what happened. But for now, I need to find a way outta here. I was looking around, and I saw a vent system on the wall in front of me. Now I just need to get out of this chair…. but before I could try, the door hissed open. I was blinded by the light. Two figures entered the room. I recognized them as the skeleton brothers.
*“Oh boy! We're gonna have a rattling good time together!” Sans entered the room, laughing. Great, there gonna torture me with bad puns.
“So, decided to join Advent huh? Even after I gave you the option to join Xcom first.” I said with bone chilling hatred… no pun intended.
*“Well, these guys are alien as well as us, in a way. They accept monsters as equals, unlike HUMANS.” Sans replied, his eye doing the glowing thing again, like it is his warning for when he is pissed.
“Well, you did not give us a change.” I told Sans.
*“Yeah but this was easier, because all we had to do was AD-VENT and go!” Sans joked again. I rolled my eyes.
“Really, with the jokes?” I groaned.
*“You really tickle my funny bone!” Sans laughed at himself again.
“It’s really Sans-sational!” Papyrus added, putting on sunglasses.
*“Really, bro?” Sans looked at his brother.
“Just call me Pa-pun-rus!” Papyrus winked.
*“Bloody hell…” Sans Facepalmed. *”Enough of this, where just a welcoming committee!” Sans added, his glowing eye staring into my very soul.
“Oh boy, I’m so excited for what would possibly happen next…” I rolled my eyes again, not impressed.
*“I’m sure that Shields guy and his Gatekeeper buddy are gonna swing on by.” Sans told me.
“Oh good, maybe he can shield all your puns.” I chuckled a bit.
“Ok, really guys? Enough with the bad jokes.” Shields walked in the door, and I noticed he was carrying a stun lance. “Time to get answers!” His evil smile returned. Then I noticed something… his helmet, looked different than the other troopers. Almost like it was for a human.,. Because I’ve seen what Advent troopers really looked like… even his skin did not look pale and wrinkled like Advent soldiers…
Chapter 9: A Shocking Good Time!
Shields activated the stun lance. Strange how he is the one with the lance, as most Advent troopers never stray from their class/role. I’m telling ya, this guy must be human! Regardless, he drew the lance inches from my face, I could see the sparks trying to jump out at me.
“Well, let’s get started. I’ll start easy. Who is your commander?” Shields asked. I smiled.
“Well let me think… ah! His name is ummm…. Commander Pissoff if I recall correctly.” Sans chucked in the back. Shields grinded his teeth and took a swing at me, my left leg burned in pain. Let me tell you, a t-shirt and shorts does not defend well against lightning. I held my scream back, not wanted to give them the satisfaction.
“Enough of the stupid jokes!” Shields spat in my face. Sans muttered something to Papyrus.
“As much fun as this is, we have to go set up our new living quarters” Papyrus said. Sans snapped his fingers and a potted plant appears out of thin air. But it looked like it had a face on it.
*“This is gonna be fun” The flower winked at me. My jaw dropped. *“What never seen a talking flower before? I’m Flowey! Flowey the flower!” Flowey winked again. Shields looked at it funny.
“A bloody flower? What is it gonna do? Stare at her to death?” Shields asked. Flowey’s expression changed into something from a horror movie.
*“Do not underestimate me human!” His voice echoed throughout the rest of the room. Who knew a flower could be so intimidating.
“Oh really? Cause I could just step on you and you’d be gone.” Shields taunted him. Flowey’s face changed back to normal.
*“Thats RUDE!” Flowey responded.
“Got you to shut up, did it not?” Shields snapped back. This is getting good.
“BURNED.” I shouted. They both looked at me.
“Shut up, prisoner!” Shields yelled at me. The two went back to bantering back and forth. In this wreckage I did not notice a loud ringing in my ear.
“Hey, Taylor… you there? It’s Sunstrider!” The commander whispered in a earpiece the Advent soldiers did not notice before. I have no idea how they missed it though.
“Ugh… yes I hear you… did Ogre tell you I was here?” I whispered back. Flowey and Shields were still distracted by their argument.
“Good! Listen, I got the squad all loaded up and I have a tracer in the earpiece itself so as long as you still have it on, we can know where you are. Just say when it is clear and we will be at the tracer mark ASAP!” Sunstrider explained the plan, but clearly I was not ready.
“Ok I read you, but I’m not ready yet. I need to break from their custody first.” I replied.
“10-4. Just call us when you're ready. Where waiting.” Sunstrider replied back. Now, just to find how to get out of these binds.
Chapter 10: On the Road Again.
I was struggling with the binds as Shields got a message on his radio. He told Flowey to shut up and responded to the message, talking in whatever Advent’s language is. He ended the call and turned to look at me.
“Well, looks like we are clear to take you to the nearby production Blacksite for you to be made useful” Shields told me. The way he said useful like that sent a shiver down my spine.
“What, you can’t just do whatever here?” I asked.
“Are you blind? This is a training/storage facility, not a production facility.” Shields replied. Regardless, he called outside to a couple of other troopers. They walked in and untied me from the chair, but put me in handcuffs before I could react in time.
“Take her to one of the transports outside, I’ll call a few others and we’ll convoy down to the production facility.” Shields told the other troopers who had me and walked off. The troopers dragged me to one of the transport vans, shoved me inside, and locked the doors. A familiar ringing returned to my ear.
“Taylor! Your traser moved, are you still ok?” Sunstrider whispered.
“Yeah, I’m still here. Apparently there taking me down to a nearby production facility.” I responded.
“Crap… ok let us know when you maybe stop and we will move in.” Sunstrider replied as I heard the sound of the engine come to life. Before I knew it, I was thrown off balance and thrown to the floor of the transport by the force of the transport moving. I got back up and waited for what seemed like hours.
Chapter 11: Failed Escape
I woke up with a thump. The convoy made a sudden stop I got up and started busting my way through the door. I already managed to escape the handcuffs before I fell asleep. Advent is so full of themselves, they think no one would dare escape their custody, so they did not even activate the cuffs electric field so I was able to wiggle my way out of them. I kicked open the door and saw the convoy stopped in a Advent refueling outpost. AKA, a gas station they took over. The fortified the gas station itself while also building a checkpoint across the road. I sneaked my way to the front of the convoy and noticed that the lead car flew the engine. They would be stuck there for a few hours… If I could just escape the area I could call in the Skyranger. I turned around and saw the one and only Shields standing in front of me with a couple of Stun Lancers at his side.
“Well, well, well, trying to esca-” He was caught off my me punching his helmet off. It flew and hit the group with a hard thump against the road. He looked up and stared at me with a devilish look of hatred on his face. But they were not Advent eyes… they where human eyes! Shields was not gene modded when he went into processing. I already put the pieces together before hand, the translucent face mask, modern helmet design, and normal human looking skin, but this just sealed the deal.
“Wait… so you are hum-” I was cut off by Shield gun butting me in the forehead. I hit the ground, The side of my head hitting a rock that caused me to blackout… again.
Chapter 12: The Grand Escape
I stood up in a big, empty room. They were large vats of weird looking acid like material lining the far back wall. I scanned around, and saw a observatory room near the main entrance. Shields and a Trooper were sitting in the room. Shields had his broken helmet on the desk, the visor cracked. He had a nasty scar on his cheek what was still bleeding a bit. The look in his eyes was absolutely hellish, for a moment, it almost felt like they were glowing red with anger.
“Well, looks like we reached the end.” Shields voice echoed over the mic system. “Soon, the vats behind you are gonna open, and well, you’ll be having a bad time.” He added.
“Why not just kill me and be done with it?” I spat back… but regretting a little, as I was facing doom in the eye right now.
“Because, you’d be more use to us murdering Xcom terroristes.” Shielded snapped back, and slammed a red switch so hard even the trooper beside him jumped. The vats roared to life as green ooze started to flow towards me. I panicked, running to walls, looking for something. Then I remembered my earpiece, I reached up to both ears, but nothing was there. Laughter rang through the room.
“Looking for this, sweetheart?” Shields held up my earpiece… and crushed it to bits. He scattered the bits over the floor, as if he was spreading my ashes. My mind went blank, my body became weak, I fell to the floor. The acid just inches from my left leg. Just as all hope was lost, there was a loud bang on the door. A mist f psy energy created through the door, and shot itself at the trooper. The trooper struggled, but ended up gun butting Shields in the chest, causing him to fall. Then, the doors got blasted open in a fiery explosion. One side of the door fell on top of the trooper, breaking his spine and 9/10 killing him instantly. While the other one almost took the head off Shields. What looks like Sunstrider and Mich walks through the smoke. Mich forces the lever back down and Sunstrider knocks Shields out again. Mich was waving at me.
“Come on!” She was shouting, I stood up but the acid just touched my left leg, it was burning like hell, I screamed in pain. Sunstrider and Mich covered their ears. But just then, Mich slapped her hands together, and I was encased in a purple shell… stasis shield! The fire on my leg went out, and my wound was burned shut by the heat so I was not bleeding, but it still stung like hell. Regardless of the pain, I got up and ran towards the exit. My shield faded, and we ran out of the room, Sunstrider running a head to cover us and Mich helping out, We decided to keep the door open and not turn off the acid… oops.
We were running towards the Skyranger. Dodging Sectopods, Gatekeepers, and magnetic weapons fire. We quickly climbed up a tower and tried jumping in the Skyranger as the rest fo the squad covered us. I almost fell down to my death, but Mich caught me and with her Psi strength, lifted me up. The rest fo the squad jumped on and we were outta there in a instant. I could hear Shields screaming in anger as we left range of the Production Blackside. So, now they have a out of order Training Blackside and an overflowing, probably menting, production Blacksite. Regardless of getting captured and almost turned into a Muton or something, I call that a successful operation. Sunstrider dropped his been cannon and sat down hard on one of the seats.
“Bloody hell Tayler, regardless of almost getting killed, you where one badass soldier. I’m gonna have to reward you personally when we get back. Someone give this girl a medal and a promotion!” Sunstrider shouted, the rest of the squad cheering. Even the Skyranger polit was celebrating, turning on the Radio and jamming out.
This may of been a historical day for Xcom, and myself, but I knew this was only the beginning.