The picture tubes in the old tube type televisions had a vacuum in them. When one of them would get busted, it sounded off louder than a shotgun blast. Years ago, on my rural 10 acres, I target practiced with a 30-30 rifle on a few of those old TV sets that had quit working. I knew when I had hit one by that loud >FOOM< it would make as it imploded...Sometimes you could hear the noise echo off of the trees and nearby mountain slopes.
The picture tubes in the old tube type televisions had a vacuum in them. When one of them would get
Actually, we get a lot of these that ship through UPS, and every so often someone drops a box of them, and they slam hard with an almost deafening noise because of how many go at once, it's great fun, makes the supervisors mad though
Actually, we get a lot of these that ship through UPS, and every so often someone drops a box of the