Can’t Keep a Fat Belly Down
[Inside Razzaroo’s room…]
“Today is a special day,” began Razzaroo. It’s someone’s birthday and just whose is it? Mine of course. Yes, yes, yes, I’m another year older but my body hasn’t changed much since last year. As a reminder, I’m wearing my birthday shirt from last year, even though it doesn’t fit as well as it did that year. I can only imagine what my birthday will be like. I have everything planned for the party tonight and I can’t be late. Speaking of not being late, I’m going to be late for school. *she heads out the door and walks into school*
“Good morning, class, today’s lecture is about spelling,” said Hackney. I know that some of you know how to spell but this lecture is more about spelling words properly so that you don’t confuse anyone. For example, look at these two words on the board. Coincidentally, one of them is board and the other is bored. These are what’s called homonyms. They sound exactly the same but are spelled differently. The first one is a board like a chalkboard or like a surfboard. The other is being bored like for some, they might find themselves being bored when a teacher is talking or when there’s nothing to do on a weekend. Homonyms are easier to put into sentences when you are speaking but a little harder when you’re writing them out because when speaking them, they sound the same but on say a piece of paper, you can see the different spelling of both words. Can any of you think of other homonyms? Remember they sound the same but have different spellings. *Patch raises her hoof*
“Piece and peace,” answered Patch.
“Very good, Patch,” replied Hackney. Can you tell the class what both of them mean?
“The first one is like a piece of cake,” said Patch. *the class giggles* No wait, more like part of something and the other is like trying to create it like peace and quiet.
“Excellent, Patch,” said Hackney. *the clock chimes 3PM*
“See you tomorrow, class,” said Hackney. *the class leaves* [Outside school…]
“I can’t wait for Razzaroo’s party tonight,” exclaimed Patch. It’s going to be so much fun.
“Me neither,” replied Melody.
“I’ll bet there will be truly lots of fun and games there,” said Sweetheart.
“That’s my kind of party,” replied Patch. [Later that day, at Razzaroo’s house…]
“I should be getting ready to go, it’s almost party time,” said Razzaroo. First, though, I’ll need to put on my actual birthday outfit, if it still fits. *she tries it on* Well this is going to be harder than I thought. Yes, yes, yes, it’s on! *the pant button pops open* No, no, no it isn’t so let’s try that again. *she re-buttons her pants but the pant button snaps open again* Maybe I’m getting to big for these pants. I can’t be late to my own party. [At the party downstairs…]
“Where’s Razzaroo?” asked Starlight.
“I haven’t truly seen her since class today,” replied Sweetheart. I hope she’s truly okay.
“She’s probably fine,” said Melody.
“I sure hope you’re right,” said Bright Eyes. [Back at Razzaroo’s room…]
“Finally, that’s done, now for my shirt,” said Razzaroo. *she puts it on and pulls it down but her belly pokes out* Well, Razz, looks like you’ve put on a few since last year. Let’s see, how can I cover my belly more? Sucking in of course! *she sucks in her belly and manages to pull her shirt down more* Well, it’s not as far as I wanted but it should be fine. Now off to the party! [Downstairs at the party…]
“Razzaroo, dahling, you made it,” said Rainbow Dash.
“We were getting worried,” added Pinkie Pie.
“Sorry it took so long everyone,” apologized Razzaroo. I had a little trouble with my birthday outfit. It’s a….little snug this year. Now, let’s get this party started with a little music! *Pinkie Pie and Skywishes walk up to the stage and begin singing*
“Wow, they’re pretty good,” remarked Melody.
“They truly can sing,” agreed Sweetheart.
“Well, dahlings, they did have the training,” said Rainbow Dash. *Pinkie Pie and Skywishes finish singing and the rest of the ponies cheer*
“Yes, yes, yes, what great singers, indeed,” said Razzaroo. What a great party, too.
“Want some cake, Razzaroo?” asked Pinkie Pie.
“Yes, yes, yes I would, thank you,” said Razzaroo. *she takes a piece*
“Happy birthday, Razzaroo!” said the rest of the group. *they cheer and Razzaroo eats her cake*