TV Troubles
[Outside school…]
“Have any of you noticed that lately there have been many weight loss ads?” asked Starlight. I don’t know whether it’s because fat is in or it just happens to be that they’re showing more weight loss ads for ponies in need of losing weight.
“I vote for the first one,” replied Bright Eyes. It makes more sense if they’re trying to make skinny be back in by showing weight loss ads to get ponies to lose weight.
“Well we’re not going to follow up on that,” said Melody. I’m staying fat.
“Me too,” agreed Bon Bon.
“Me three,” said Patch.
“We should see if it was just truly the channels we were watching that were airing them,” suggested Sweetheart.
“It seems unlikely that they were only airing weight loss ads on the channels we happened to be watching, Sweetheart,” said Bright Eyes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s possible but it doesn’t seem that likely.
“Could they be after us as a whole?” asked Starlight. After all, this town is dedicated to fat ponies in general.
“That’s possible too, but I think we need to do some research and find out more about this,” suggested Bright Eyes. *they head home and research*[The next day…]
“Well I for one am shocked that they chose to show us in their commercials,” said Starlight.
“Are you a pony that is made fun of for being fat?” asked the announcer. Introducing Weight Be Gone, the only formula guaranteed to help you lose weight the fast and easy way. Other brands may give you the weight loss but it takes weeks or even months and you could end up looking like these ponies.
“Something must be done,” thought Starlight. They shouldn’t be allowed to insult us like that on TV.
“It seemed like all of their commercials used us as an example of what not to look like,” said Bright Eyes. We’ll need to talk to them about this because we’re all upset. Let’s go talk to them at their company. *the ponies walk to the Weight Be Gone company* [At the company…]
“Hello and welcome to Weight Be Gone, I’m the manager Alfred, what can I do for you all?” asked Alfred.
“We want you to remove us from your commercial, you’re upsetting us,” said Bright Eyes.
“Well, dear pony, we need the money to sell the product,” said Alfred. You all are the best example we have.
“Sell the product without us being part of the commercial,” said Starlight.
“You’re insulting us by having everyone see who we are and saying we’re a bad example,” said Melody.
“Alright, alright, I’ll see what I can do,” said Alfred. *the ponies walk to the Ice Cream Shop* [At the Ice Cream Shop…]
“Look, there’s the new commercial,” said Starlight.
“Introducing Weight Be Gone, an all new formula guaranteed to help those pounds come off quickly,” said the announcer. Other brands say they too help get the weight off fast but it takes weeks or months to take effect. Order now and we’ll send you a bottle of our Weight Be Gone formula for only $10, that’s right $10! Call in the next 10 minutes and we’ll double your order so you’ll get 2 bottles of Weight Be Gone formula for only $10, just pay shipping and handling! Don’t delay, this offer is not available in stores so order now.
“That was truly much better,” said Sweetheart. We weren’t in that one at all.
“I hope that’s the way they continue doing,” replied Starlight. After all, no one likes being made fun of, especially if it’s in a TV commercial.
“I’m sure any of us like being on TV but not if it’s to be made fun of and aired to thousands of other ponies all over the world,” said Bright Eyes.
“You said it,” said Patch.
“That commercial is much better without us,” agreed Clover. I felt very uneasy seeing it and would often change the channel but now that it’s gone, I can stay on the same channel.
“I can happily eat candy without having to worry about that commercial making me feel bad for doing so,” said Bon Bon. Plus it’s something I enjoy doing from time to time.