Mice have gone to space. They've been launched to the skies since the 1950s. There are some mice up there right now. Seriously!
A few years back on the 21st Century Fox webcomic forum, there was a slightly more serious discussion about furries and space suits. The comic had gotten to a sequence where a major character was training for a space mission; one strip involved trying on space suits, and the artist tossed out a few designs as a challenge to the readers. A question came up about suit designs accounting for a tail; someone suggested an elastic tail sleeve which would expand and contract, keeping the suit's pressure constant as the astronaut moved. Of course, that led to fart jokes...
Mice have gone to space. They've been launched to the skies since the 1950s. ( https://en.wikipedia.
>There are some mice up there right now. Seriously!
I cannot help but imagine Gadget up there working alongside the astronauts to complete tiny repairs, and she's so thrilled she can barely contain herself. :)
Also, it's kinda badass to think that going into space may help cure osteoporosis. Whoda thunkitt?
>someone suggested an elastic tail sleeve which would expand and contract, keeping the suit's pressure constant as the astronaut moved. Of course, that led to fart jokes...
Reminds me of a scene in the RR fanfic Under The Bridge, involving a helium-filled rubber suit, and what happens when the gas is vented...
>There are some mice up there right now. Seriously! I cannot help but imagine Gadget up there worki