Rarity and the Three Sizes
[In the center of Pudgyville…]
“I’m bored,” said Rarity. Maybe I can look around and find something to do.*she walks around* Three empty houses with their doors open? I can do some exploring! *she heads into Sunny-Daze’s house* There’s an outfit here. I wonder if I can fit into it. *she tries to get it on* Nope, not even close. Let’s try upstairs. *she heads upstairs* Nope, nothing here either. *she heads back downstairs and out of the house. Maybe the next house has something better. *she heads into Rainbow Dash’s house* Another outfit and this one looks better too. *she tries it on* Oops, too big. *she giggles and takes it off, then heads back outside* How about the third house? *she heads inside, finds another outfit and puts it on* This fits me perfectly, at least as close to perfectly as possible with me being fat and all. *she giggles again and takes the clothing off, then heads back outside* [Back at her house…]
“Rarity?” said Cheerilee. (This is the original one with the horn on her head, not the Core 7 one.) Rarity, where are you? Oh no, I should’ve watched her as I know the trouble she can get herself into. *she heads out the door* I sure hope she’s alright. [Back in Pudgyville’s center…]
“That was fun, let’s do it again,” said Rarity. Whoa, what’s that? *she heads over to the rollercoaster* Now this looks fun. *she giggles and gets on board* *the rollercoaster cars begin moving* [Later that day…]
“Anyone seen Rarity?” asked Cheerilee.
“Rarity’s gone, dahling?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“She probably got herself in to trouble again,” said Pinkie Pie. We have to find her. *they race off*
“Rarity,” called Pinkie Pie.
“Where are you, Rarity, dahling?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“Rarity, come out, please,” said Cheerilee.
“I think we need to split up and look for her that way,” suggested Pinkie Pie. We’ll cover more ground and it’ll be faster.
“Splendid, idea, dear,” said Rainbow Dash.
“I agree,” said Cheerilee.
“Alright, Rainbow Dash and I will look down this side of town and Cheerilee, you look down the other side.
“Got it,” replied Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee together. *they split up* [With Cheerilee…]
“She just has to be around here somewhere,” said Cheerilee. I just wish I knew where. Rarity, are you out here? *no answer follows* Rarity, it’s me, Cheerilee. *again no answer* Oh dear, I hope the others are having better luck. *With Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie…]
“We should look in all the places Rarity loves to go, dahling,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Great idea,” replied Pinkie Pie. Now let me think. Where does Rarity like to go?
“Problem is, dahling she likes to explore so she could be anywhere,” said Rainbow Dash.
“We should try the places we like to go and see if she’s there,” suggested Pinkie Pie. What about the rollercoaster?
“Stupendous, dahling, everyone in Pudgyville loves the rollercoasters,” said Rainbow Dash. *they head over*
“Rarity, are you here?” asked Pinkie Pie. Your mom Cheerilee misses you.
“Rarity, dahling, there you are,” said Rainbow Dash. [Meanwhile…]
“This is the last place I haven’t checked yet,” said Cheerilee. She must be here. Only one way to find out. *she enters* Rarity, I’ve found you at last.
“Hi mom,” giggled Rarity. I just went out exploring the town and I came to this rollercoaster to have some fun.
“Thank goodness you’re safe but I’m going to keep a better watch on you,” said Cheerilee. Now come on, we’re going straight home. *they leave*
“Bye, Rarity,” said Pinkie Pie.
“Later, dahling, glad you’re safe,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Well, I guess that about wraps it up,” said Pinkie Pie. Now let’s go home too. *they head home*
“Even though I made my mom worry, I think what I did today was the best I’ve ever had,” thought Rarity. *she giggles*