A Tale of Two Wishes
[At Pudgyville’s beach…]
“Well this isn’t good at all,” said Starlight. I’ve torn the sleeve of my shirt.
“I don’t think you’re the only one with problems,” said Bright Eyes. I’ve torn one of the legs for my shorts.
“I’ve lost the button on my shorts,” said Clover. I’ve had to switch to my swimsuit because my shorts don’t hold up anymore. [Elsewhere on the beach…]
“Wow, they’re sure having problems,” said Skywishes.
“This is certainly not their day or mine,” said Star Catcher.
“What’s wrong, Star Catcher?” asked Skywishes.
“I’ve injured one of my wings from flying over here,” said Star Catcher. I accidentally backed into the lifeguard tower and it was foggy this morning, which is why I hit the tower in the first place.
“Wow, I wish I could help, you know fix your wing so you could fly and to help my other friends with their problems oh you know what I mean,” replied Skywishes.
“I do,” said Star Catcher. I think first you’ll have to make a wish on me so I can help you with the others’ problems.
“I wish, I wish, I wish I could fix Star Catcher’s wing so she can fly and help me with the others’ problems,” chanted Skywishes. * a kite flies into the sky* Catch a kite, and you catch a wish! *she chases after it and finds it in the sand* I got it!
“Consider it done,” said Star Catcher. My wing still hurts but it looks like I can fly, or at least walk.
“Great, now we need to help the others,” said Skywishes. I wish, I wish, I wish I could help fix the problems my friends are having with their clothing. *another kite flies into the air* Catch a kite, and you catch a wish! *she races after it all over the beach* This kite sure is fast, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to catch it.
“Allow me to help, Skywishes,” said Star Catcher.
“How are you going to do that?” asked Skywishes.
“With a little help from the butterflies,” answered Star Catcher. *the butterflies get underneath Skywishes and lift her up*
“Now I should be able to get that kite and my wish,” said Skywishes. *she races off and finally catches the kite, then is lowered to the ground* [Back at the other end of the beach…]
“My shirt’s been repaired but how?” questioned Starlight.
“My shorts too,” said Bright Eyes.
“Skywishes must’ve made a wish to help you all out,” said Pinkie Pie.
“Who’s Skywishes?” asked Bon Bon. *Star Catcher and Skywishes walk over*
“I’m Skywishes,” said Skywishes. I made an extra special wish to help you all out with your clothing problems. Of course, I couldn’t have done it without my friend Star Catcher.
“Well thank you so much Skywishes,” said Melody.
“Anything for a friend, you know my friends oh you know what I mean,” said Skywishes.
“We do,” said the rest of the group.
“We saw you running earlier, why was that?” asked Starlight.
“Catching a kite,” replied Skywishes. It’s like I always say ‘Catch a kite and you catch a wish.’
“It must truly work because all of our clothing is fixed now,” said Sweetheart.
“It always works,” said Skywishes. Though sometimes you’ll have to make an extra special wish to have Star Catcher grant it for you. After all, she’s very special.
“If she can grant wishes, it’s no wonder,” said Bright Eyes.
“She helped the extra special dance in the clouds at Twinkle Twirl’s Dance Studio a few years ago,” said Skywishes.
“Dance……..in the clouds?” questioned the Tales Ponies together.
“We can show you what happened back at my house,” said Skywishes. Come on, I’ll show you. *she and the others race home* [At Skywishes’ house…]
“That is quite a show,” said Bright Eyes.
“Looks like everyone had fun too,” said Starlight.
“Can you teach us how to do that?” asked Bon Bon.
“Of course,” replied Skywishes. Here’s what you do. *she begins teaching the ponies*