Worth Your Weight in Cookies
[At the Ice Cream Shop…]
“Did you guys hear about the new contest being held here?” asked Bon Bon.
“What contest?” asked Starlight.
“The contest where if you find a yellow wrapper inside bags of Softies candy, you’ll get a sneak peak at the new cookie factory that just opened up,” replied Bon Bon.
“Has anyone found any?” asked Bright Eyes.
“Not yet,” said Bon Bon. I’ve heard they’re really hard to find. Like one in 100 bags or something.
“Well that means there’s little chance of any of us getting one,” said Clover sadly.
“We should see if one of us can find one,” said Melody. *they head off to the store and buy some* [Back at the Ice Cream Shop…]
“Alright, let’s open them up and see,” said Starlight. *they open them*
“I got one!” said Bon Bon
“Me too,” said Melody.
“So did I,” said Patch.
“Not me,” said Clover.
“Me either,” said Sweetheart. *Rainbow Dash and her friends enter*
“Did any of you dahlings manage to get those yellow wrappers inside Softies bags?” asked Rainbow Dash.
“Bon Bon, Melody and Patch all got one,” said Starlight.
“Congratulations, dahlings,” said Rainbow Dash.
“Rainbow Dash, Minty and I all got one ourselves,” said Pinkie Pie. Says here to meet at the new cookie factory at this address tomorrow. I absolutely positively can’t wait. We’ll see you all tomorrow. *they leave* [The next day, at the Cookie Factory…]
“Congratulations to the 6 of you that are my winners,” said Willie. I am Wacko Willie and I’ll be taking you for the tour. Come along now we haven’t any time to waste. *they enter*
“So this is how cookies are made,” said Bon Bon.
“This is where the chips are put onto the cookies,” said Willie. Don’t touch anything or you’ll ruin that batch of cookies. Shall we move on? *the group moves into another room* Here is the starting process with the dough being flattened and cut into the exact size.
“Who are all of those ponies?” asked Melody.
“Those are the Pony Loompas,” said Willie. They work in this factory. We have one more stop before the room I think you’ll most definitely enjoy so come along. *they move into yet another room* The cookies are getting all the proper ingredients that make it so tasty.
“Smells great,” remarked Bon Bon.
“I’ll say,” said Patch licking her lips.
“Now let us move on to the final part of our tour,” said Willie. I present to you the Cookie Room! Anything and everything in this room except for the building itself can be eaten so as they say “Bon Appétit!”. *the ponies dig into the cookies*
“What if you run out?” asked Melody as she takes a bite.
“Oh not a problem, we just make more,” said Willie. Our back room is filled with everything we need for years to come.
“These are great,” said Bon Bon.
“I’m glad you enjoy them, young pony, but it is time for us to close for the day,” said Willie. I hope you’ve enjoyed your tour. *the ponies leave*
“Wow, that was totally worth it,” said Melody.
“I’d love to work there someday,” said Bon Bon. It’d fit right in with my cooking career.
“Maybe one day there will be an open spot for you, Bon Bon,” said Starlight.
“I hope so,” said Bon Bon. [At Bon Bon’s house…] *she writes in her diary* Dear diary, what a day I’ve had at the new Cookie Factory. I hope that one day I can work there making the delicious cookies I’ve loved ever since I can remember. What could be better than following my cooking career by doing something else I love? *she puts down her pencil and goes to sleep*